The two fists were opposite and there was a loud bang.

Ye Youran is still motionless.

But red fire, the late strongman of the silver warrior.

But it flew backwards.

After landing, his face turned white and almost spewed a mouthful of blood.

But red fire is also a cruel role.

He swallowed the blood.

But his eyes were filled with horror.

Not just red fire.

Open fire and others are also incredible.

Open fire is the beginning of silver soldiers.

He thinks he is not ye Youran's opponent.

But he didn't expect ye Youran to be so strong.

Unexpectedly, he defeated red fire with overwhelming strength.

Krypton people worship the strong.

Especially the people in the mountain city.

There are many outlaws in the mountain city of 100000 mountains.

For such a belligerent and belligerent person.

The strong are always their heroes.

Ye Youran's strength is so strong, whether it's the gang members of Chihuo gang or the gang members of Riyue gang before.

Their eyes to Ye leisurely are full of respect and awe.

"I lost."

Red fire forced down the Qi and blood in the body and said to Ye leisurely.

The red fire can be clearly felt, and the leaves are leisurely and reserved.

But even if ye Youran has reservations.

But still can easily beat him.

If ye Youran wants to kill him.

I'm afraid it's easy.

"Go ahead! What are your conditions?"

Ye Youran doesn't like things and doesn't care about himself.

Because defeating red fire is not something to be proud of for ye Youran.

But red fire said it before.

If ye Youran can defeat him, he still needs to promise him a condition before he will sincerely surrender.

So ye Youran wants to know what the conditions of red fire are.

If it's not too much, ye Youran doesn't mind agreeing to him.

"It's easy. I'll kill him."

The red fire looked at the open fire.

His eyes were filled with hatred.

"Red fire, what do you mean?"

The open fire suddenly trembled.

He drank loudly at once.

Ye Youran didn't expect Chihuo to make such a request.

It's really hard for ye Youran to agree to this request.

After all, Minghuo has now surrendered to ye Youran.

Although relatively speaking, ye Youran is more fond of red fire.

If you can only choose one, ye Youran's heart is more inclined to red fire.

However, both red fire and open fire are soldiers under Ye Youran's hands.

If Chihuo doesn't have a sufficient reason, ye Youran is afraid it's difficult to convince the public.

As a leader, as the leader of a gang.

In addition to being strong, the most important thing is to convince the people under your hand.

If you lose people's hearts, the team will be difficult to take.

"Master ye, you can't promise him. He's deliberately trying to make things difficult for me."

Seeing ye Youran hesitated, the open fire immediately became nervous.

His strength is not as good as red fire.

If ye Youran agrees.

He will be killed by red fire.

"Master ye, although my red fire strength is not as good as you, I think I'm a man."

Red fire said firmly:

"This bastard and I are martial brothers. I robbed my junior sister, but I didn't treat her well. My junior sister committed suicide."

"If you don't promise me to kill him and clean up the door, I will never surrender to you even if I die."

Although red fire is just a few words.

But ye Youran probably guessed the whole story.

Red fire and open fire are martial brothers.

They all fell in love with their schoolmates at the same time.

But in the end, the younger martial sister chose open fire.

Unfortunately, open fire is a prodigal son.

He likes to flirt, and different women serve him every day.

So you have to commit suicide.

Therefore, red fire has a grudge against open fire.

This kind of plot is very bloody, but it is also very sympathetic and regrettable.

"Since you are the hatred of the same clan, it's up to you to solve it yourself. Although I'm the leader of the gang, I don't participate in the affairs between you."

Ye Youran immediately expressed his attitude.

Ye Youran believes what Chihuo said is true.

Because he is really a man.

So ye Youran chose to stand idly by.

"Master ye, you can't do this. I have submitted to you. As the leader of the gang, you have responsibilities and obligations..."

The open fire shouted nervously.

"I have the responsibility and obligation to protect the people of our Huaxia Gang, but I have no obligation to protect a wolf heart and dog lung."

Ye leisurely interrupted in righteous words.

What ye Youran hates most is the kind of person who always abandons women.

Although ye Youran is fraternal, ye Youran never indulges in love.

Without emotional foundation.

Cai Zhiling sent it to the door, and ye Youran refused to accept it.

Once you have feelings, ye Youran always feels cherished.

It will not play with feelings like open fire, or even kill people.

"Master ye, you..."

What else does open fire want to say.

But the red fire shouted loudly:

"Thank you, elder ye, for your understanding of the great cause, open fire and death."

The sound of red fire fell, and it was already on the open fire.

The open fire was so frightened that he turned and was ready to run away.

But the strength of open fire is obviously not as good as that of red fire.

After all, there are two small differences between the two.

No matter in cultivation or speed, open fire is not the opponent of red fire.

The red fire soon caught up with the open fire.

The two fought together.

Red fire fights ye Youran before, although ye Youran has reservations.

But he still suffered some internal injuries.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

In addition, the open fire itself has fear and no love for war.

Therefore, the open fire soon fell into the downwind.

Seriously injured by red fire.

"Elder martial brother, elder martial brother, I'm wrong. Please let me go."

After the open fire was knocked back by the red fire.

He immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

In 100000 mountains, where people eat and don't spit bones.

Many people don't believe in tears.

But Chihuo is an exception. He is a person who attaches great importance to feelings and brotherhood.

In addition, red fire and open fire themselves grew up together with the disciples and brothers.

They were as close as brothers when they were young.

Only their martial brothers came to the mountain city of 100000 mountains.

The open fire was eroded by the lights in the mountain city and became another person.

So the open fire begged for mercy.

Red fire really hesitated.

The scenes of living together from small to large are replayed in red fire's mind.

Red fire really can't do it.

"Red fire, die."

However, in the moment of red fire Leng God.

Open fire.

The expression of open fire is extremely ferocious.

A dagger appeared in his hand.

Stabbed into the red fire chest.


See the dagger in the open fire's hand is about to pierce the red fire's heart.

Red fire cursed, and his eyes were full of unwilling.

At this time, the red fire is too close to the open fire.

It's too late to avoid.

Red fire doesn't want to die. Most importantly, he doesn't want to die in the hands of villains like open fire.


However, just when red fire thought he would die.

A slight sound suddenly sounded.

Then, the red fire saw a blood hole on the forehead of the open fire.

The ferocious color on the open fire's face has not faded.

He fell straight in front of the red fire.

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