The medicine developed by Ye Youran is definitely not ordinary.

Want ordinary civilians to have the strength of armored soldiers.

That is to achieve the physical strength of the cultivator during the foundation period.

This is not difficult for ye Youran.

After all, the people of krypton have a strong foundation.

Always bathed in the power of origin, their physical quality is very high.

As long as ye Youran formulates a little medicine with high efficacy.

It's not difficult for ordinary adults to reach the level of armored soldiers.

However, the drugs developed by Ye Youran can only make people reach the level of silver warrior at most.

It's just the cultivation of opening up the valley.

And if you want to achieve the basic accomplishments of silver soldiers, you need to take the drugs developed by Ye Youran for at least three courses of treatment.

These three courses of treatment take at least one year.

In one year, cultivate an ordinary krypton man into a silver warrior.

This is absolutely impossible on earth.

But on Krypton.

Because the people of krypton have a solid foundation.

Second, since no one on Krypton uses drugs.

Many Chinese herbal medicines on Krypton must be older and more effective.

As long as it's not a naturally flawed krypton.

And insist on taking the drugs developed by Ye Youran.

Ye Youran is confident that they can successfully reach the level of silver warrior.

As for the strong at the gold warrior level.

Simply using drugs to cultivate is not enough.

You have to be like Alice and them.

Have this life source stone.

Even the lowest life source stone, as long as the person who can control the power of the source.

And insist on taking the drugs developed by Ye Youran for ten courses of treatment.

That is, at least three years of continuous use of the drugs developed by Ye Youran.

Then you can almost reach the golden warrior.

The golden warrior is equivalent to the strong man in the innate environment of the earth.

There are not many people with strong natural environment on earth.

Although there are many in krypton, compared with the huge population base.

In fact, there are not many strong men at the golden warrior level.

Many krypton people are beyond the reach of the golden warrior.

Especially for ordinary civilians.

The level of golden warrior is what they dream of and even enough for them to worship.

Ye Youran believes that as long as the red fire is publicized according to what ye Youran said.

It will certainly attract countless people.

The people of krypton worship the strong. Ye Youran believes that his drug resources are likely to surpass the source rock vein.

"Ye Youran, do you think things are too simple?"

After listening to ye Youran's ambition, Alice pondered and said:

"Red fire said before that the people of krypton have low credibility in medicine..."

Alice wants to remind ye Youran that the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny.

But ye Youran shook his head and interrupted:

"I don't want to open the market at once, and I don't want all the krypton people to believe the drugs I developed."

"However, as long as the publicity is enough, as long as I give them positive commitments again and again and promise not to disappoint them. I believe they will accept it gradually."


Red fire wants to say something.

But ye Youran raised her hand and stopped:

"Red fire, let me ask you a question. If your father killing enemy is very powerful, you are not his opponent. And my medicine guarantees that you can improve your cultivation. Will you choose to buy and take it?"

Chihuo was stunned. He didn't expect ye Youran to suddenly ask.

But he said with certainty:

"Yes, even if there are sequelae, as long as it can make me strong and defeat my father killing enemy, I am willing to take a risk."

Ye Youran nodded and asked again:

"If the friends around you become stronger and stronger, but your strength has been stagnant, and you are ridiculed and even despised by your friends. You become more and more inferior, will you be willing to buy my medicine?"


Red fire said with certainty.

Krypton people worship the strong. Everyone wants to become stronger and respected.

"Well, these people who choose my medicine finally find that they have become stronger and have no sequelae. Will the people around him slowly believe my medicine?"

Ye Youran asked again.

This time, Chihuo hesitated for a while before saying:

"I think so!"

"This is called word of mouth, word of mouth."

Ye Youran said with a smile:

"Why don't people on Krypton believe in drugs? That's because many people are poisoned by drugs. Slowly they refuse all drugs."

"The first person to eat crabs was stuck, so no one dared to eat crabs anymore."

"But if the first person to eat crabs is not stuck, crabs will become a delicacy."

Ye Youran was stunned by red fire and Alice again.

It seems that what ye Youran said is really reasonable.

Just, is the drug developed by Ye Youran really so magical?

"Guild leader, I dare to ask, is the medicine you said really as good as you said?"

Red fire is a little excited.

Red fire has a life source stone in its body.

Although it is only a very common life source stone.

But it also made him reach the later stage of silver warrior.

He is also very eager for the golden warrior.

If the medicine developed by Ye Youran can really make him reach the cultivation level of golden warrior.

This is also very attractive to him.

"If false, replace it."

Ye Youran smiled, then assigned the task and said:

"Alice, it's up to you to open an online shop and sell drugs. We don't need to expand the territory for the time being. Chihuo, you're responsible for taking me into the 100000 mountains tomorrow. I want to find the treasure that can develop drugs."

Medicine is a way to make money.

Ye Youran is not in a hurry to occupy the ore vein.

Ye Youran's influence is still very small now. Even if he occupies the ore vein, he will easily bear his guilt.

Targeted by other forces.

Instead, it is better to develop the drug market.

As long as ye Youran opens the drug market, ye Youran will no longer lack funds.

Then he was slowly recruiting and had time.

"Well, I hope the medicine you developed is really as good as you said."

Alice said reluctantly.

If ordinary people do this, Alice must disagree.

But ye Youran is a man who often creates miracles.

He may really develop drugs that can make people stronger.

One night speechless, the next morning.

Red fire takes Ye leisurely, ye Leng and black tiger into the mountain.

However, at this time, in a building suspended in mid air in the mountain city.

A man with a scar on his brow and a cold look in his eyes suddenly sneered:

"He's in the mountain? OK! Hurry up. I'm all the gold warriors of viper gang. Let's rob and kill them."

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