Chihuo also broke through, and ye Youran promised that his things had been done.

Ye Youran has also searched a lot of genius land treasures in 100000 mountains.

These medicinal Qi are enough for ye Youran to refine many medicines.

So ye Youran is ready to return.

Although the best Taisui thing let ye Youran miss an opportunity.

This makes ye Youran deeply regret.

But now that it's over, ye Youran won't hold on to it all the time.

Ye Youran may not be able to get such an opportunity if he continues to stay in 100000 mountains.

After all, such things as chance are not available.

If you continue to stay in 100000 mountains, ye Youran may not be able to get it.

And ye Youran doesn't have more time to continue searching in 100000 mountains.

Therefore, ye Youran soon returned to the mountain city.

After returning to the mountain city.

Alice has already prepared everything.

She used almost all her possessions to open an online shop.

It also used most of the funds of the sun moon gang and the red fire gang.

For publicity.

The propaganda of elixir has long been overwhelming on Krypton.

Alice really has a business mind.

Her advertisement for the elixir revealed only the extreme.

One is to ensure that the elixir has no sequelae.

The second is to ensure that it is effective after taking it. Taking it according to the course of treatment is bound to break through.

However, the ingredients of the elixir and the price of the elixir were not disclosed.

Now the Internet is full of discussions on miraculous drugs.

Of course, many discussions are attacks.

After all, the worry about the three poisons of medicine has already gone deep into the hearts of the people.

This kind of publicity to ensure that there are no sequelae is despised by the world.

A clown who is considered a sensationalist.

But this is also a publicity effect.

At least now the whole planet of krypton knows.

There is a shop that specializes in selling so-called miraculous drugs.

It has the effect of strengthening the body and ensuring no sequelae.

"Ye Youran, do you know I've been scolded miserably. If your so-called magic medicine is not as good as you said, it depends on how I deal with you."

See ye leisurely and they return.

Alice said wrongfully,

Because in less than a month.

She took all the scolding of her life.

Now countless people on the Internet are publicly cursing her.

Although Alice didn't disclose her identity.

It also closes all ways to contact yourself.

But the shop she opened online has already been set foot by countless people.

And left tens of millions of messages.

Ninety nine percent of them were swearing that the shopkeeper was crazy about money.

And in these tens of millions of messages.

But no one participated in the pre-sale.

This is a wonderful flower through the ages.

In the past, online stores had more than one million messages during the pre-sale period of new products.

Only some really attractive pre-sale products will have so many messages.

For example, some newly developed scientific and technological magic weapons.

But the pre-sale of this elixir has left more than ten million messages.

But the amount of pre-sale is still 0.

This once became the biggest laughing stock on the Internet.

"I promise I won't let you down."

Ye Youran smiled and said:

"By the way, you can start the official sale tomorrow! Just sell it in the hunger marketing mode. We only sell ten elixirs every day, and the price of each one is temporarily set at one million krypton!"

Ye Youran's words came out.

Alice was stunned.

Is this selling?

This is clearly robbing money.

A panacea costs a million krypton.

The purchasing power of this one million krypton coins on krypton is not low.

After all, millionaires are not roadside cabbages.

Only a few rich people can enjoy such pills.

And how many of the real rich dare to experiment with themselves?

"Ye Youran, you're blocking your own money! One hundred and one thousand pieces, I'm sure I can't sell them."

Alice thinks ye Youran is crazy.

Some powerful scientific and technological magic weapons can easily sell hundreds of thousands or millions.

Not even ten million.

But Alice had never heard that a drug that was only used desperately would sell for a million.

"It doesn't matter whether anyone buys it or not, and you don't need to continue to promote it. You can leave a message directly on the front page of the store. It says that you can rush to buy it only within an hour from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. every day, and close the store when it's time. If it can be sold out every day, add one piece the next day. And so on. If it can't be sold out, keep selling ten pieces every day."

Ye Youran said aggressively.

Because ye Youran is very confident in his pill.

Ye Youran certainly knew that at the beginning, none of his pills could be sold.

But the more it is, the colder the leaves will be.

In the future, ye Youran's pill reputation will be formed.

Naturally, countless people will cry and shout to buy.

At that time, the price of one hundred thousand pills will become history.

No one wants ten million, or even hundreds of millions.

"Ye Youran, are you sure you want this?"

Alice confirmed reluctantly.

"Why not?"

Ye Youran turned his head and looked at the excited red fire in his eyes.

Because red fire is the best example.

Facts have proved that ye Youran's pill is effective for both people on earth and people on Krypton.

Just see the hot eyes of red fire.

Ye Youran thought for a moment and added:

"By the way, I don't just want to rush to buy regularly, I also want to limit the purchase. No one is limited to buying one. No one sells more than one. Only when the daily sales can reach a multiple of ten can I increase the purchase limit."

Ye Youran knows that Chihuo must have tasted the sweetness.

If ye Youran's pill goes on sale.

Red fire will rush to buy at all costs.

Ye Youran doesn't want to make red fire money.

So for the time being, each person is limited to one a day.

When the future sales amount reaches 100, 1000 or even 10000.

Ye Youran will increase the purchase restriction to two, three or four per person per day.

Ye Youran believes that anyone who has tasted the sweetness of his pill.

Will be as addictive as drugs.

But as soon as ye Youran said this, Chihuo's eyes were obviously dim.

"Well, you're the boss. I'll listen to you."

Alice said reluctantly after a long time.

Because she knows ye Youran's character.

Ye Youran has always said the same thing.

Most importantly, ye Youran seems to have made no wrong decision.

So Alice decided to follow ye Youran's plan.

If facts prove that ye Youran's so-called hunger marketing model is wrong.

She'll find another way not to save it!

"By the way, ye Youran, there is a saying in your hometown that my brother will settle accounts. In order to publicize, I advanced 30 million krypton. This is all my possessions. I don't want your shares, but I have 30 million krypton. You must return it to me in the future."

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