"Master ye, you... Why are you here?"

Quinn's face was full of unnatural flattering smiles.

My heart is almost crying.

Why is this evil star here.

Now the lives of Quinn and the six generals are firmly in ye Youran's hands.

Hit ye Youran's soul calming charm.

As long as ye Youran has an idea, they will be scared.

The most important thing is that just now, quian also spoke wildly and said rude words to ye Youran.

Say that the leader of the Huaxia Gang is a coward and wants the leader of the Huaxia Gang to get out.

Now Quinn can only look forward to it.

I hope ye Youran is not the leader of Huaxia sect.

He is just a guest of the Huaxia gang or an elder of the Huaxia gang.

As long as ye Youran is not the leader of Huaxia sect, ye Youran's love can be anything.

"As the leader of Huaxia sect, why am I here?"

Ye leisurely looked at Quinn.


Without hesitation, Quinn knelt down quickly and decisively.

The scene made everyone stare.

Because it's so weird.

Quinn is one of the four most powerful gangs in the 100000 mountains.

Behind it is the mountain of feather country.

In the mountain city, Quinn can almost walk sideways.

Even the Baishi Gang supported by Bu Shiguo, the Xianglong Gang supported by Lai Guo, and even the Warcraft Gang supported by the demon Kingdom dare not move quian lightly.

But Quinn suddenly knelt in front of Ye Youran.

Many people of Huaxia gang are stupid.

They thought the Huaxia gang was finished today.

Many people are ready to surrender at any time.

Who would have thought that Quinn knelt down.

And even more incredible.

As Quinn knelt down.

The six generals behind Quinn also knelt down without hesitation.

Because war six will be like Quinn.

Are ye Youran's double agents.

In other words, they are all ye Youran's slaves.

Ye Youran wants them to die. No one can save them.

But the vipers behind the Sixth General were stupid.

They panicked and didn't know what had happened.

So that they don't know whether they should kneel down to ye Youran.

"Elder ye, we didn't know you were the leader of the Huaxia sect. Please forgive me for offending you."

Quinn has dared not have any more illusions.

Because ye Youran is the leader of the Huaxia sect.

They offended ye Youran and could only beg ye Youran for forgiveness.

Now Quinn is so regretful that his intestines are green.

I knew he shouldn't have led the team himself.

Quinn can't think of coming to Liwei while his cultivation has broken through to the level of golden warrior.

Who would have thought that if Li Wei failed, he would lose all his face.

It's even possible to lose your life.

Now he can only wait for ye Youran's trial on the spot.

It's all up to Ye leisurely to say whether he is dead or alive.

"Get up!"

Ye leisurely said faintly.

In fact, ye Youran didn't anger Quinn.

They were really unintentional.

Just as ye Youran has been annexing some small gangs.

Ye Youran's Huaxia sect is now the eyelid of the Viper sect. It is developing vigorously underground.

It's normal to cause Quinn's attack.

And Quinn came just in time.

Ye Youran can just swallow the Viper sect at one fell swoop.

But ye Youran is so talkative.

This makes Quinn and them a little unbelievable.

Because in their impression, ye Youran is not easy to talk.

They are often given a soul charm to control their lives.

How can such a person be a kind person?

"What? Are you used to kneeling?"

Ye leisurely glanced at Quinn.

Quinn and others quickly stood up in danger.

Can stand, who wants to kneel?

"Quinn, you're just in time. In the future, your Viper gang will be incorporated into our Huaxia Gang! You can be the vice leader of our Huaxia gang and the sixth war general. You can be the elder!"

Ye Youran's tone was not that of discussion, but that of direct command.

Ye Youran's command tone.

Ye Youran said this.

Ice, snow and other people of Huaxia gang were immediately excited.

Huaxia gang was only a second rate gang before.

Once the Viper Gang is merged into the Huaxia gang.

Then Huaxia gang will become a first-class gang in 100000 mountains.

It's not so easy to join a first-class gang.

With their previous strength, even if they join a first-class Gang such as Viper Gang, they can only become ordinary minions.

But now they are the core of the Huaxia gang.

Once the Huaxia Gang becomes a first-class gang.

Their status and treatment will also rise.

Most importantly, the Viper gang has several large original ore veins in their hands.

These large original ore veins are money printing machines one by one.

After they go out, their waist can be straight.


However, Quinn hesitated.

See Quinn's hesitation.

The surprise on the faces of the Huaxia Gang suddenly froze.

Ye Youran wants the Viper sect to merge into the Huaxia sect.

This is equivalent to annexation. Since then, there has been no Viper gang in 100000 mountains.

Annexing other people's gangs is like killing parents.

Although ye Youran is powerful, he is the Viper sect, but he is supported by the feather country.

In case you push Quinn and them.

If a fish dies and a net is broken, I'm afraid not many of them will survive.

Of course, these people of Huaxia Gang don't understand the relationship between ye Youran and Quinn.

If they knew that their life and death were in the hands of Ye Youran.

They wouldn't have such thoughts and worries.

"Why? Is it difficult?"

Ye Youran looked at Quinn and asked faintly.

"No, we have no problem."

Quinn quickly denied it.

I'm kidding. He's not qualified to oppose the annexation of the Huaxia gang.

In fact, although Quinn is the leader of the Viper gang.

But he knew he was just a puppet.

Those who really control the Viper sect are the two supreme elders, or Yu state.

He's just in name, so Quinn doesn't have much affection for the vipers.

Ye Youran wants to annex it. Naturally, he has no opinion.

"It's just that there is Yu state behind the Huaxia gang. Yu state has more advanced weapons and more wealth."

Quian explained:

"If we join the Huaxia Gang now, Yuguo will not give up. War is a money burning movement. We don't have money to buy weapons. I'm afraid we can't fight Yuguo."

Quinn knew that ye Youran would swallow the Viper Gang sooner or later.

However, if a gang is strong, it can't resist a kingdom.

Moreover, among the comprehensive strength, Yuguo ranks second.

Quian is worried about Yu Guo's revenge.

"It's all right. Money is not a problem. As long as we have resources, we're not afraid of no money."

Ye Youran said confidently:

"What's more, as long as you take me to the leader of Baishi Gang, I'm sure to let Bu Shiguo support us. What's the fear of a feather country at that time?"

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