The voice of King Boshi seemed a little vicissitudes.

But with a kind of dignity without anger.

He was obviously stunned when he heard the words "magic medicine store".

The king did not expect that the big boss behind the magic medicine store he had been paying attention to for a long time wanted to talk to him.

King Boshi expressed his willingness to talk to ye Youran.

Bestone immediately handed the phone to ye Youran.

Ye Youran took the phone and looked indifferent.

But what ye Youran said surprised everyone at the scene.

Because ye Youran has no hesitation or euphemism.

Say bluntly:

"Hello, king. My name is ye Youran. I need you to give me the Baishi gang."

Ye Youran is in front of Bestone.

He directly asked the king of the kingdom of Bu Shi to annex the Baishi gang.

This... Is crazy.

This is forcing the palace in front of the leader of BAISHITONG!

If Bestone finds out that's the case.

He should not accept ye Youran's pill and should not connect with King Bu Shi.

It's not just Bestone.

Even Quinn regrets it now.

Ye Youran just tells Quinn that he needs to see BAISHITONG and then connect with the king of the kingdom of Bu through BAISHITONG.

But Quinn didn't know.

Ye Youran didn't say anything.

Call the Baishi Gang directly to the king of the kingdom of Bu Shi.

Quian is also the leader of one of the largest gangs in the mountain city.

Quinn knows the importance of these first-class gangs in mountain city to a kingdom.

A gang that holds a large number of original ore veins.

It can provide a lot of energy and funds for the Kingdom behind it every year.

No king would easily let such a big cake out.

Now Quinn's viper gang has been incorporated into the Huaxia gang.

In other words, they have now torn their face with Yu Guo.

In the near future, it will be subjected to the crazy retaliation and attack of Yuguo.

If ye Youran now blames Bu Shiguo.

In the future, they will face military attacks from the two kingdoms.

These gangs in mountain city can't resist.

So Quinn really regretted bringing Ye leisurely.

Now Quinn can't even breathe out of the atmosphere.

Because he was waiting for the wrath of the king of bosh on the phone.

However, what Quinn and many people at the scene did not expect was.

They are not waiting for the wrath of King Boshi.

It's a light question:

"How do you prove to be the big boss behind your elixir store?"

There was no anger in the magnetic voice of King Boshi.

"I can give you a magic medicine No. 2 right away. It is a magic medicine with better efficacy and has not been released yet. It can make the gold warrior break through to the platinum warrior level."

Ye Youran said.

Elixir No. 3 can only be effective against the strong at the silver warrior level.

It can make the strong of silver soldiers break through the level of gold soldiers.

But after the golden warrior.

If you take the magic medicine No. 3 again, the effect will be minimal.

But the magic medicine No. 2 can make the strong of the gold warrior break through to the level of the platinum warrior.

The platinum warrior is equivalent to the cultivation of the cultivation realm.

The cultivation realm is already the strongest cultivation achievement known on the earth.

Even on Krypton, it has to be treated with courtesy by countless kingdoms.

Of course, I want to break from gold warrior to platinum warrior.

You can't take one or two magic medicine No. 2.

It needs to be taken according to the course of treatment. It takes a certain time to break through.

However, even so, the value of magic medicine No. 2 is definitely not comparable to that of magic medicine No. 3.

"There's No. 2, isn't there No. 1?"

At the other end of the phone, the voice of Bu Shiguo came.

"Of course. No. 1 is only a theoretical elixir and is still in the research stage."

Ye Youran said without hesitation.

Ye Youran didn't lie.

With ye Youran's current cultivation, he has not been able to refine the No. 1 elixir.

Unless ye Youran breaks through the cultivation of truth cultivation.

But it should be fast.

Ye leisurely both inside and outside, has reached the peak of congenital environment.

Once Ye leisurely breaks through, Elixir 1 will be available.

As soon as ye Youran's words came out, the eyes of many people at the scene showed longing and even greed.

Elixir No. 3 is something they can't expect and can't buy with money.

How precious is that elixir No. 2, or even elixir No. 1?

In fact, even the Boshi king on the other end of the phone is not very calm at the moment.

Ye Youran could hear his breathing, some of which turned into tangled catkins.

It's no wonder that King Boshi was so unbearable.

This is definitely a subversive pill!

If ye Youran is really a source of energy, he will continue to develop such pills.

Ye Youran can cultivate a strong army in a very short time.

Once such an army is equipped with advanced weapons.

That's terrible on the battlefield.

If you can hold Ye leisurely in your hand.

Or if ye Youran is willing to serve Bu Shiguo.

There will be few other kingdoms in the future, and it is not impossible to unify krypton.

Of course, King Boshi can be the head of a country.

He is definitely not an ordinary person.

He soon calmed down his excitement.

Asked faintly:

"Why do you think I would be willing to be handed over to you by Baishi Gang?"

The existence of Baishi Gang is of great strategic significance to bu Shiguo.

King Boshi will never hand over the Baishi Gang easily.

"In this world, in addition to family affection, this innate thing can not be exchanged, all other things that can not be exchanged are just because of insufficient interests."

Ye Youran said with great certainty:

"If you give me the Baishi gang and I can give you more back than the Baishi Gang gives you, I don't think you will stick to the Baishi gang."

Ye Youran's words are still very direct.

It's even a little disrespectful.

But the king of Bu Shiguo at the other end of the phone laughed:

"Interesting. No one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time. But I'm interested in you. What can you give me?"

King Bosch is the strongest of krypton.

He is a real crystal warrior.

His kingdom of divination was fought out with his bare hands.

Therefore, King Boshi has always appreciated people who are not afraid of power, straightforward and straightforward.

If ye Youran flatters him, he will despise ye Youran.

Now King Boshi really wants to see ye Youran.

"The Baishi Gang gave it to me. The ore from all the veins of Baishi gang was sold to bu Shiguo at a price 10% lower than the original price."

"Secondly, in the future, all the ores in our Huaxia help will be sold to bu Shiguo at the market price."

"Finally, if King Boshi needs elixir No. 3, he doesn't need to rush to buy it. One million, how much."


Ye leisurely paused and then said:

"I need Bu Shiguo's military support, international solidarity, and weapons support. When necessary, I even want to send troops for our Huaxia gang."

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