You're waiting for him, and I'm waiting for him!

Hear ye Youran's words.

Dean was scared.

It seemed as if a cold air rushed from the bottom of his feet to his celestial cover.

Ye Youran actually knows the existence of that.

You know, that has always been the card of the dark organization.

He was hidden in the dark organization, and no one knew except Dean.

How did ye Youran know?

If ye Youran guessed, he wouldn't believe killing Dean.

Because the place ye Youran sees at this time is the place where he is at this time.

And see Dean's damn expression at this time.

Many people at the scene were at a loss.

What happened to the leader?

How could you be so scared?

You're waiting for him and I'm waiting for him. Who the hell is he?

When all the members of the dark organization at the scene couldn't figure it out.

The answer will soon be revealed.

A dark shadow slowly flew down from the castle that ye leisurely looked at.

When you see this person appear.

Ordinary members of the dark organization do not know who this person is.

Many people are still facing great enemies and think they are ye Youran's helpers.

Only a few old people at the core of the real dark organization will show their expressions of shock, excitement, sadness and joy.

"Old leader, you... You're not dead."

"It's really an old leader. I thought you were old..."

"It turns out that the old leader has been in my dark organization all the time. Unfortunately, we don't know it at all."

Several old people were in tears.

And hear the sad cry of these old people.

All the people on site understand.

The old leader, the leader of the previous generation of the dark organization.

It also really led the dark organization from a third rate force to a first-class force.

Even a huge organization that many kingdoms fear.

It can be said that all the rivers and mountains of the dark organization were fought down by the old leader.

Unfortunately, when the dark organization was the most powerful and prosperous.

The old leader fell.

The new leader Dean ascended the throne.

Many people thought the old leader was dead.

Unexpectedly, the old leader stood in front of everyone alive today.

And after the old man in black appeared.

He ignored the excitement of the crowd.

He stood quietly ten meters away from ye leisurely.

It seemed that at this moment there was only one leaf in his eyes.

No one in the world can enter his eyes.

The loneliness and arrogance in him seemed to be innate.

As if he were the only king in heaven and earth.

This temperament has nothing to do with his strength, but something flowing out of his soul.

"The old man was far more terrible than the strength he said he showed now. Unfortunately, he didn't live much and his stubborn disease was too serious."

When the old man in black looked at Ye leisurely.

Ye Youran is also looking at him.

Now ye Youran knows that he was out of sight before.

Ye Youran thought that the old man was the beginning of a platinum warrior like Dean.

That's because he's hurt.

And it's an old wound.

He needs to use most of his strength to suppress the injury in his body.

That's why he showed the early cultivation of platinum soldiers.

If he's at his peak.

I'm afraid ye Youran is definitely not his opponent even if he plays all his cards, including the use of goblins and monsters.

"Dean, you lost."

After a long time, the old man still stared at ye Youran, but he said to Dean.

Dean's face stagnated and he lowered his head in frustration.

But obviously ye Youran can detect the reluctance in Dean's eyes, even a trace of anger.

"Do you blame me for not doing it?"

The old man turned to Dean, sighed and said:

"The strength of this young man is stronger than I thought. I have been looking for his flaws, but I can't find them. Even if I force my hand, I won't end up much better than you."

The old man said and looked at ye Youran.

In addition to appreciation, there is a trace of fear in the eyes.

In fact, there is one thing the old man didn't say.

If he really forced his hand, he might be killed by Ye Youran.

After all, he is not what he used to be, and ye Youran feels very dangerous to him.

Ye Youran is just weird. He is clearly fighting Dean.

But the old man always felt that ye Youran had an eye staring at him.

The old man is sure that ye Youran's cards are not simple.

Even if ye Youran didn't kill him, he might trigger his old disease and die.

And once he and Dean are dead, the dark organization will collapse completely.

If you don't get a pot of food by Ye Youran, you will also be wiped out by the dead enemies of those kingdoms or old people.

The risk is too big for the old man to gamble.

So the old man didn't do it.

Now he appears and just wants to be a peacemaker.

"What? Father, you..."

Dean blurted out in a hurry.

But then he reacted and shut his mouth.

However, what you say is the water you pour out.

Even ye Youran looked at Dean in surprise.

Is this old man Dean's father?

Breath, looks completely different!

Even the old people in the dark organization were surprised at the moment.

Because they only know that Dean is the successor appointed by the old leader.

Dean was also a genius in the dark organization.

Stand out among many talents.

Finally, he was selected as the successor of the dark organization.

Who would have thought that the old leader was dean's father.

"After many years, there's nothing to hide."

The old man smiled and said faintly:

"It happened that all the old people in the organization were there. Although you were my son, I didn't play favoritism towards you. It was your own efforts to become the leader of the dark organization. It's just that I didn't fulfill my father's responsibility for so many years."

The old man's last words were full of regret and guilt.

Why didn't he want to share the happiness of his family with his children.

But he can't. He's a leader.

Starting from the overall situation, he hid Dean's identity from childhood.

And let him start at the grass-roots level.

Dean did not disappoint the old leader.

He is really talented, resourceful and resourceful.

He is expected to be the leader of the dark organization.

"Father, to be honest, I did resent you in those years, but since I became the leader, I have been able to understand your good intentions for hundreds of years."

Dean said somewhat sensationally.

It's embarrassing for ye Youran at the moment.

He came to trouble the dark organization today.

Even ye Youran wants to subdue the dark organization.

He didn't come to see the play of father and son.

The worst thing is that this drama really hit the soft rib of the Middle East.

What ye Youran valued most in his life was family affection.

In krypton, ye Youran thought there was no family on earth.

Especially after realizing the drama of the supremacy of interests between Alice and Alec.

Ye Youran doesn't believe that there will be warmth on Krypton.

Unexpectedly, in this killer organization whose main business is killing people and stealing goods.

Ye Youran actually saw the truth.

It's like finding pearls in the mud.

This surprised Ye leisurely at the same time.

I can't bear to interrupt their warmth.

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