The demon king fox fairy is definitely a competent king.

She commands hundreds of millions of monsters in the monster Kingdom, but she can be believed by the people.

It's not just her strength and wisdom.

More importantly, she is a person who really pays for the monster Kingdom and seeks great benefits for the monster kingdom.

She saw the situation very clearly and clearly.

Ye Youran just wants to expand his prestige and cooperate with the monster kingdom.

The demon king fox fairy admitted that ye Youran's conditions were sincere.

The demon king fox fairy supports the Warcraft sect in 100000 mountains for nothing more than resources.

Ye Youran is willing to give her resources. She doesn't mind whether it's China or Warcraft.

However, the comprehensive national strength of the monster kingdom is not the strongest among the four kingdoms.

A monster kingdom can never resist the joint attack of the Three Kingdoms.

Therefore, the demon king fox fairy must not ignore the life and death of hundreds of millions of people for his own life.

"The king who can really ignore his life and death for his own people is admirable."

Facing the refusal of the demon king fox fairy.

Ye Youran was not angry at all.

Even ye Youran is very fond of the demon king fox fairy.

"If I tell you that Bu Shiguo has reached a consensus with China and is willing to cooperate with China, do you have any reason to refuse?"

Ye Youran smiled at the demon king fox fairy and said faintly.

In fact, the concern of the demon king fox fairy is also ye Youran's own concern.

The strength of China is still too weak.

If it weren't for ye Youran's hurry to return to the earth.

Ye Youran is sure to hibernate in 100000 mountains.

Slowly expand their strength before they can establish a country.

Now the country is still in a hurry.

Even if ye Youran uses the identity of the miraculous medicine store and the surrender of the dark organization to convince the kingdom of divination.

However, only one Boshi state and Huaxia state are united.

It is still impossible to resist the joint attack of feather country, Lai country and even the monster kingdom.

Even if they can stop it, the Chinese state and bu Shiguo will pay a very heavy price.

Ye Youran wants a stable and powerful Chinese country.

Instead of years of war, the people are unable to make a living, backward and poor China.

Therefore, ye Youran still needs to find a backing.

The backing is the monster kingdom.

As long as the monster Kingdom and bu Shiguo support China.

Together, the Three Kingdoms can absolutely resist the attacks of Yu state and Lai state.

Even with the support of these two kingdoms, feather country and Lai country are taboos.

May not be willing to fight with China.

Otherwise, world war will break out on Krypton, and the great powers will reshuffle.

It is even possible that there will be folk wonders in Yuguo and Laiguo.

At that time, it may be more than a Chinese country.

And this is definitely not the result that Yuguo and Laiguo want to see.

Therefore, the cooperation between ye Youran and the monster kingdom is very necessary.

"What? You didn't lie to me?"

The demon king fox fairy was shocked.

Also excited.

If Huaxia really reached a consensus with Bu Shiguo.

Then she has no reason not to cooperate with ye Youran.

Cooperating with ye Youran, she has no loss.

We can even get a lot of resources from 100000 mountains.

Also, the monster Kingdom and the human kingdom have not been able to deal with each other.

Just as monsters despise humans, humans also want to kill all monsters.

This is the feud between monsters and humans for thousands of years.

But it is undeniable that human beings are now more powerful than monsters.

The reason why the Three Kingdoms of mankind did not go to war with the monster kingdom.

Because none of them dare to stand out.

Otherwise, after being wildly retaliated by the demon Kingdom, it may be annexed by other kingdoms.

The disunity of the Three Kingdoms of mankind is the reason why the monster kingdom can be inherited to this day.

But no one knows when this situation will be broken.

If we can take the opportunity to cooperate with China and win over the friendship between the kingdom of Bu Shi and the kingdom of monsters.

The monster country can also rest easy.

At least the monster kingdom is no longer alone.

The most important thing is that no one wants to die.

Therefore, if what ye Youran said is true.

In love and reason, the demon Wang Huxian seems to have no reason to refuse.

"This kind of thing can't be fake. I can cheat you for one day, not a year. As long as you withdraw troops today, bu Shiguo will announce an alliance with China tomorrow. Then you will naturally know whether it is true or not."

Ye Youran explains too much every time.

Ye Youran can imagine that once today is over, Yu state and Lai state will declare war on China.

Otherwise, their international reputation will be hit too much.

They will never allow China to grow.

At that time, bu Shiguo will certainly announce his support for Huaxia.


The demon king fox fairy stared at ye Youran's eyes and said firmly:

"As long as the kingdom of Bu Shi announces its alliance with you, our demon kingdom will not fall behind. But if I find out you lied to me, I will be in the city in the future."

Although the demon king fox fairy was seriously injured, her tone was very firm.

This is her position and her bottom line.

"Close your eyes, don't resist, take this pill, and I'll heal you."

Ye Youran said and stuffed a magic medicine No. 2 into the mouth of the demon king fox fairy.

Before the demon king fox fairy reacts.

The pill melts in the mouth.

The surging medicinal Qi is distributed to the whole body.

The burning viscera in the body also improved rapidly.

Then, a gentle energy radiated from ye leisurely's arm.

Then enter the body of the demon king fox fairy.

The internal injury of fox fairy, the demon king of Dun time, was mostly cured.

And skin trauma is also a lot stronger.

At least it's no longer a charred mess.

In less than ten minutes.

The demon king fox fairy felt like a reborn person.

At least 80% of the strength can be brought into play.

As long as she is given another six months, she is sure to fully recover to the peak.

I thought it would take thirty or fifty years to recover from such an injury.

I didn't expect ye Youran to have such an incredible means.

Such a magical means is a miracle.

"Hoo! I'm still seriously injured! There's only so much I can help you. Next, it's up to you to recover."

Ye Youran's face was also terrible white.

Because ye Youran's injury is not the light of the demon king fox fairy.

But ye Youran is still in the state of crazy devil devouring the moon.

Therefore, ye Youran can barely insist.

"You... Thank you."

The demon king and fox fairy don't know what to say.

She worships the strong, but she also hates humans.

It was an instinctive aversion from the bottom of my heart.

But now look at ye Youran, look at ye Youran's white cheeks.

The demon king fox fairy didn't know why, and her heart seemed to throb.

"There's no need to thank, just take what you need!"

Ye Youran reluctantly smiled and then spit out a word:

"Take it!"

The ball formed by the terrible magma in the center of the earth disappeared.

But at Ye leisurely's cuff, there is an imperceptible bug.

Only the demon king fox fairy can see.

"You are different from ordinary human beings."

The demon king fox fairy took a deep look at ye Youran.

Then it rose into the sky:


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