Ye leisurely said all the five evils of traditional Chinese medicine in one breath.

He didn't mean to show off.

Only based on their very subtle observation and the diagnostic basis in Qianjin important prescriptions.

The cause of the woman in the hospital bed was determined.

It is precisely because of the concurrence of five evils that her rheumatism is particularly serious.

Even to the point of complete paralysis.

However, what ye Youran doesn't know is.

Every time he pointed out the characteristics of each evil, the hearts of the people on the scene were more shocked.

Youdao is a layman watching the excitement, and an expert watching the doorway.

The patients and their families around the ward did not know whether ye Youran was right.

Even many of them heard of the five evils for the first time.

But there is a very intuitive feeling in everyone's heart - ignorance is fierce.

They didn't understand a word of Ye Youran's words, but they felt very powerful.

If there is a layman, there is an expert.

There are also many real experts on the scene.

Like Lu Lao, a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the affiliated hospital.

Chen Zheng, President of the Affiliated Hospital, and Guan Shien, President of the Medical University.

They are all masters of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is famous in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

But now they have to admit that ye Youran's observation is not only subtle, but also correct.

However, what makes them unbelievable and hard hit is.

Ye Youran just looked at it briefly and patted and pinched it gently.

Can you see so many things without going through four procedures of the traditional Chinese medicine system: looking, smelling, asking and cutting?

Is this... Too scary?

For a moment, Chen Zheng and they looked at each other.

I don't know what to say.


Just when the atmosphere at the scene was a little coagulated.

Master Wang suddenly spoke:

"Chen Zheng, you're the dean. First, let's comment on the diagnosis of lobular just now. Can there be any omissions?"

Master Wang's words immediately stunned Chen Zheng.

Master Li didn't mean to embarrass him!

However, Chen Zheng hesitated for a moment and showed shame, but he still said truthfully:

"Teacher, the students are ashamed."

President Chen Zheng continued with a bitter smile:

"As the Dean, the student is busy with business and doesn't consult for a long time. He is unfamiliar with the way of traditional Chinese medicine. Before, if Xiaoye didn't point out the characteristics of the five evils, the student can only see that the big sister was only affected by cold evil and dampness evil, and the other three evils. I... really didn't see it, let alone leakage."

Chen Zheng was shocked by Ye Youran's subtle observation and the rich heritage of traditional Chinese medicine.

He was even more ashamed.

At first, ye Youran said it was the concurrence of five evils. He still didn't believe it.

I even thought ye Youran would make a fool of herself.

Just because the teacher is in front, ye Youran is the teacher's internal disciple. He doesn't dare to speak casually.

But now he is.

I'm impressed.

I just heard what President Chen Zheng said.

Ye Youran was a little embarrassed.

"Guan Shien, you were the most talented of my many students. Tell me."

Mr. Wang didn't seem too surprised by what Dean Chen Zheng said.

Instead, he turned and asked Guan Shien, President of the Medical University.

"Teacher, don't ask me. I'm almost the same as elder martial brother Chen Zheng. I just see two evils. The difference is that I see wind evil and dampness evil."

The headmaster Guan Shien also said with a ashamed face.

Guan Shien and Chen Zheng are similar.

One of them is the headmaster and the other is the dean.

On weekdays, they need to deal with too many complicated and trivial things.

The research on medical skills and medical books has been put down for many years.

It can also be seen that two of the five evils are already their limit.

"Lupin, you are one of the first students to follow me and the most diligent among the students. How about you!"

Mr. Wang looked at the scene. In addition to Mr. Wang, Mr. Lu, the oldest.

Lu is over 60 years old. He is different from Guan Shien and Chen Zheng.

He is obsessed with medicine and has no official position.

Up to now, Mr. Lu still insists on sitting down every day.

So he is a master and professor of traditional Chinese medicine in the affiliated hospital.

"To be honest with the teacher, the students just saw the wind evil, cold evil and dampness evil before. I'm ashamed."

Old Lu couldn't hang on his face.

But he said honestly.

Of course, this does not mean that Lu's traditional Chinese medicine is not good.

It's not that he has a false reputation.

Just because he didn't go through consultation and pulse taking before.

Just stand and watch.

If you give him a minute to make a good diagnosis, he should be able to see four of the five evils.

He can't do more.

After all, the last dryness evil is very obscure, and Lu Lao never thought that there would be five evil concurrence in a person at the same time from the beginning.

So if ye Youran didn't remind him, and he focused on the textual research of Ye Youran's story.

It is absolutely impossible for him to judge the final dryness.

"Wow! Who is that young man?"

"Lu Laoke is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. My headache was cured by Lu Laoke. His medical skill can't compare with that of a young man?"

"No! He's in his early twenties. The way of traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound. Will he be more powerful than Lu?"

"No, the young people today are really great!"

After hearing what Lu said.

The scene immediately began to stir up.

Although they want to doubt.

However, Lu Laoke is a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is absolutely impossible for him to make fun of his reputation in medicine for thirty years.

However, a young man in his early twenties has reached the peak of traditional Chinese medicine.

How can this be believable?

Of course, in the face of old Lu, they were ashamed and admired.

And the surprised and excited look of the people at the scene.

Ye Youran was a little uncomfortable for a while.

He didn't even know where to put his hand.

"It seems that this" golden prescription "is really a great classic of traditional Chinese medicine! What's more, the decline of traditional Chinese medicine is not a single star. I'd better restrain it as much as possible in the future!"

Ye Youran was embarrassed at the same time.

I thought in my heart.

He didn't think so much before.

What's more, I don't think he just said what he saw, which caused such a big heart shock to everyone.

Ye Youran wants to stand out with a springboard.

But ye Youran knows better that steel is easy to break.

Try to keep a low profile in the future!

At least not too sharp.

God will envy talents.

"Ye Youran, you are so powerful. It seems that your medical skills are far superior than I thought. It seems that only my grandfather can compare with you."

See ye Youran's embarrassed look.

Wang Yan suddenly felt that ye Youran was so cute that she couldn't help laughing.

As for Annie and Lu Xuan behind the crowd.

They are completely stunned now.

It's like knowing ye Youran for the first time.

Today, ye Youran's shock to them can hardly be described in words.

"No, Yan'er, you're wrong."

However, just at this moment, old man Wang shook his head slightly and sighed endlessly:

"In fact, Grandpa, I'm... Ashamed..."

PS: Thank you pster??? Tears reward 388 Book coins, thank brother Hongqi for 100 book coins, and thank Xiangguang for 100 book coins.

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