Ye Youran also saw King Zhou face to face for the first time.

When ye Youran came to krypton.

For ye Youran at that time.

The king of Zhou was a king above all others.

At that time, ye Youran wanted to see King Zhou, which could only be seen on the TV screen.

Now, King Zhou is standing in front of Ye Youran.

Ye leisurely sits on the throne of the king.

But king Zhou could only stand in front of Ye Youran.

He has lost the dignity of the Lord of a country.

More like a wrong child, standing in front of his parents.

It's really impressive to be respectful.

Alice sat at the head of Ye leisurely. She sat with her eyes on her nose and her heart.

I don't seem to see the king of Zhou.

Seeing Alice's expression, King Zhou sighed in his heart.

Finally, he nodded to Ye leisurely and said:

"King ye, I'm from the feather Kingdom..."

"I know you are the king of the feather kingdom. Go ahead! You're going to assassinate China at night?"

Ye leisurely looked at King Zhou with a sneer.

Poor people must be hated.

Admittedly, he is not the main culprit.

But as the head of a country, he is duty bound to do some things.

Moreover, it has happened for so long, and the state of China has always been against the state of feather.

Ye Youran doesn't believe that King Zhou hasn't made clear the context of the matter.

What's more, it was Prince Alec who made a mistake, but Alec didn't come.

King Zhou made no mistake, but king Zhou came.

The purpose is self-evident. He just wants to catch up with Alice and play family cards to keep Alec.

Although as a father, King Zhou's practice is understandable.

But it is not something Youran can accept.

"No, no, no, there is absolutely no intention of assassinating. Moreover, King Ye is powerful. Although I am a few years old, I am definitely not the opponent of King Ye. How dare I assassinate?"

When Youran buttoned such a big hat, King Zhou was bent in his heart, and his face showed fear.

In fact, King Zhou appeared in China in this way.

It is incompatible with emotion and reason.

If ye Youran insists on buttoning this hat for him.

Ye Youran really killed him for nothing.

The key is that he is really not ye Youran's opponent!

Even the demon king fox fairy has been planted. How dare he really start with ye Youran?

"It's not an assassination, you sneaky, you want to steal?"

Ye Youran asked knowingly.

Anyway, now the king of Zhou wants ye Youran.

Ye Youran is not afraid to provoke him.

And ye Youran is sure that since he is here tonight.

Even if ye Youran rode on his head to shit, he would never dare to get angry.

"King ye, don't make fun of me. I... i... Alice, can you say a word for my uncle in the face of my uncle?"

King Zhou is about to cry.

He knew that ye Youran was deliberately making things difficult for him.

But after all, he is the head of a country!

He really hasn't experienced such a cowardly and humble thing.

If someone had dared to talk to him like this before, he would have destroyed the nine tribes.

At this time, he didn't dare. He could only place his hope on Alice.

"King Zhou, if you have something to say, just say it!"

However, Alice didn't even raise her eyes, or even call him a lifelong uncle. Instead, she said faintly with a business attitude:

"I'm just a traitor of the kingdom of feather. I can't climb the high branch of the niece of the king of the kingdom of feather. And now I'm the Prime Minister of the kingdom of China. Here I only talk about state affairs and official affairs."

Alice clearly wants to break off her relationship with King Zhou.

Of course, Alice has a business attitude.

But in fact, she didn't put it down.

Her words seemed ruthless. In fact, she was able to extricate the king of Zhou.

She told King Zhou in a disguised way. If you have anything to say, take out your sincerity and don't pull a relationship here.

Who is the king of Zhou? Can he not hear Alice's implication.

"King ye and Prime Minister Alice, I apologize for my dog Alec's persecution of you. I have also severely punished Alec. I have deprived him of his status as the crown prince of the feather state, demoted him as a common people and expelled him from the King City."

King Zhou quickly said:

"I really didn't know what happened that year. I'm willing to compensate you..."

King Zhou knew that he must show full sincerity.

Otherwise, he will only embarrass himself.

And his sincerity is really good.

Yuguo's current successors are Alec and Superman.

But Superman is on earth now. After being killed by Ye Youran, he hasn't woke up yet!

Therefore, King Zhou demoted Alec, which is equivalent to breaking the inheritance of Yu state.

The punishment is cruel enough.

Of course, both ye Youran and King Zhou know very well.

If you don't belittle Alec, Yuguo will perish sooner or later.

After being isolated by the whole world, Yuguo can't last long.

Now there are many places in the territory of Yu state where people have begun to raise the banner of uprising.

If the wall falls and the people push, even if the state of China doesn't do it, the interior of the state of feather will collapse.

After the collapse of the state of feather, how can we inherit it?

"Ha ha, it's cruel enough!"

Ye Youran was slightly stunned, then shook his head and said:

"But did king Zhou really know nothing about that year?"

Facing ye Youran's aggressive question, King Zhou's face was a little unnatural.

In fact, how could the king of Zhou know nothing about it?

If he is an ordinary member of the royal family, he just doesn't know!

But Alice is known as the first beauty of feather country.

It enjoys a high reputation in Yuguo and even on this krypton planet.

How many young talents break through their homes and want to see their faces.

It is no secret that Prince Alec likes Alice in the whole feather country.

But king Zhou ignored it all the time.

He believed that Alice would make a wise choice.

When it comes to children, King Zhou is the head of a country. He just lets it go.

Later, Alec demoted Alice as a traitor.

Treason is a felony in Yuguo.

It has aroused great repercussions among the people.

Therefore, the king of Zhou could not be completely unheard of.

Even King Zhou sent someone to investigate in private.

Knowing that Alec was only angry because he failed to pursue, he demoted Alice as a traitor.

It's not that Alice is really treason.

Therefore, King Zhou simply turned a deaf ear.

After all, he valued Alec more than Alice.

Alec is definitely a rare genius in the royal family.

Since you are a genius, if you do something that comes out of the cabinet, as long as you don't hurt Daya and don't move the foundation of the feather country.

The king of Zhou is understandable.

After all, no one was young.

Back ten thousand steps, this is also a kind of cultivation for Alec.

Let him cultivate his prestige in the feather country.

So that Alec can inherit the unification of Yuguo in the future.

But king Zhou never thought of it.

It was a trivial matter that was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Finally, it developed to this point.

Now Alice has changed into the Prime Minister of China.

The kingdom of China is in a tiny place of 100000 mountains, which has not been really valued by King Zhou.

But this small country can threaten the unification of feather country.

This is something that King Zhou never dreamed of.

Unfortunately, it's too late for him to regret now.

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