Zhao Ying knows that ye Youran has many doubts.

She told ye Youran the whole story in a short time and concise language.

In fact, the scientific and technological level of the earth in recent years has developed rapidly thanks to the spaceship left by Alice.

The scientific and technological level of the earth has been ahead for at least 20 or 30 years.

They even set up a technology company.

Specializing in the science and technology of krypton.

So the spaceship Alice left behind no longer has the ability to fly.

But it was transformed into the most advanced submarine.

After Superman woke up.

Tai Chi venerable and others led the strong in the whole ancient martial world to resist Superman.

Bought time for ye Youran's family.

Then ye Youran's family dived into the deep sea in a submarine.

But Zhao Ying is just an ordinary person after all.

She didn't see the scene with her own eyes.

Therefore, she doesn't know whether all ye Youran's family have escaped.

What's more, I don't know the fighting situation of Taiji venerable and their strong ancient martial arts at that time.

It is said that the war was very tragic.

The Tai Chi venerable and their ancient martial arts have suffered countless deaths and injuries.

Finally, many escaped.

Then in the past six months, there has been no news about ye Youran's family and the strong in the ancient martial world.

Then Superman began to burn, kill and loot the earth.

There are even many human bastards following Superman.

Maiming one's own countrymen.

These people deserve to die, which ye Youran can't bear.

These people must die today.

"Run ~ run!"

Ye Youran is so strong and terrible.

He lost Superman's hand without a face-to-face.

Those powers have long been frightened.

I don't know who yelled.

Thousands of people rushed to the scene to escape.

"Hero, you can't let these bastards escape!"

The distant crowd immediately heard a gnashing of teeth.

No one doesn't hate Superman.

But Superman is not an earthman after all.

So now the most hated people in the world are those powers.

Burning, killing and looting, they are the executors.

Many people's relatives died at the hands of these bastard powers.

At this time, ye Youran had no intention of pursuing and killing.

So the crowd in the distance rioted. They begged ye Youran to avenge them.

Fire Phoenix and others see such a scene, they are also ready to make a move.

After all, thousands of powers fled together, and ye Youran certainly couldn't stop them.

They can kill as many as they can!

"No, leave it to ye Youran!"

However, they haven't started yet.

The Tai Chi venerable holds the fire phoenix.

Only the Tai Chi venerable knows how terrible ye Youran is.

Only he knows how angry ye Youran is at this time.

Ye Youran will not allow those people to leave alive, and the Tai Chi venerable firmly believes.


The fire phoenix is in a hurry.

After all, those people are about to run away, and it's too late to chase them for a while.

"Without my permission, whoever runs first will die first."

However, ye Youran finally spoke.

Ye Youran's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly within a hundred miles.

The next moment, a cruel scene appeared.

Ye Youran still stands proudly.

But the heaven and earth where ye Youran is located seems to have a special gas field.

Then, from the damaged ground, countless pieces of metal and glass.

Even dead branches and rotten leaves are like invisible hands.

Throw it at those fleeing powers.

"Ah! Ah!"

A scream kept coming out.

Some powers were dismembered by a small piece of glass.

Some powers are pierced by a small piece of metal.

Some people split their heads by a withered leaf.

Others were barbecued by a branch.

There are all kinds of ways to die.

But every kind of death is strange and painful.

All the fleeing powers were killed.

This kind of one-sided and cruel massacre did not cause discomfort to anyone at the scene.

Because in just six months.

Too many people have witnessed a death that is more cruel and bloody than this.

For half a year, death has been common to them.

From this, we can also imagine how countless these powers have been in the past six months.

More than a dozen other powers were not dead at the scene.

That's because he didn't run away.

Ye Youran said, who runs first, who dies first.

The dozen powers didn't want to run, but they had already been frightened by Ye Youran.

God knows how much they want to escape, but fear makes them unable to move.

"Ye Youran, we don't run. Give us a break! We know we're wrong."

Finally a power collapsed.

He knelt before ye Youran.

Beg for mercy, this is his only way out.

Unfortunately, this road is doomed to be blocked.

"I don't kill you and I'm not interested. Do you know if you're wrong?"

Ye leisurely looked at them condescending, then pointed to the refugee survivors around him and said:

"Repent with them! If they forgive you, you can live."

With that, ye leisurely waved.

The dozen powers were immediately imprisoned for cultivation.

And all flew to the survivors.

"Kill him! Kill him, son of a bitch."

In the crowd, a strong man rushed out first with red eyes.

"I want to avenge my granddaughter! Granddaughter! Grandma avenged you, grandma avenged you."

An old woman with white hair, powerlessly patting the body of a power, wailed.

"They took out my son's heart, and I'm going to eat their heart!"

"Dad and mom, rest in peace! The hero has returned..."

There were cries and shouts in the crowd.

And more people pounce on those powers.

Punch, kick, scratch or scratch, and even bite directly with your teeth.

Tear off the ears and noses of those powers who can't move and can only scream.

See such a scene.

Fire Phoenix and others all turned around and couldn't bear to see it again.

They are used to life and death. They are not afraid of death, but they can't bear to see the most desperate scene of human nature.

Because of despair, they are crazy.

Because they are helpless, they are tragic.

Ye Youran didn't do it again, so she waited quietly.

Waiting for the ordinary people to vent their hatred.

Because some hatred will make people crazy or even possessed.

They must be given a vent.

Superman is sweating.

He was also afraid.

Because ye Youran's previous means were too shocking.

Only the Tai Chi venerable knows that ye Youran used a lot of spiritual power before.

It is spiritual power that forms the boundary. Within the boundary, ye Youran is God.

Heaven and earth should obey ye Youran's orders, and everything will follow ye Youran's will.

So thousands of powers were killed by Ye Youran in an instant.

After a long time, the crowd finally calmed down again.

None of the dozen powers were dead.

They died worse than the previous powers.

"Superman, it's your turn. Where's your weapon? If you don't use it again, you won't have a chance."

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