There were people coming and going outside, and everyone's faces were surprisingly cold. At this time, li ran's face appeared in bai xiaojing's vision. The two of them quickly met, then they found a secluded corner to do it.

At this time, li ran looked at bai xiaojing with great respect. He said to bai xiaojing," sister jing, although you' re younger than me, I still feel that I should address you as jing jie. You' re a very powerful and amazing person. If I didn' t have you last time, and you weren' t as magnanimous as president qin lang, I think I' m already squatting in the police station. I regret what I did in the past, but now I really have corrected it. "

Hearing li ran's words, bai xiaojing smiled and said to li ran," actually, it's not that serious. You did this in a moment of confusion, and it has been so long, no waist to mention. "

The opening ceremony between the two of them was very good.actually, bai xiaojing had been thinking that li ran must have the same story behind her, or else she wouldn' t have become so easygoing. In the end, bai xiaojing said to li ran," actually, I' ve asked you to come here today and have a reunion of our old friends. I still have something very important to tell you. I hope you can help me." "

When li ran heard this, his eyebrows were tightly locked. In fact, li ran could roughly guess what bai xiaojing was looking for her.

Li ran said to bai xiaojing," jing jie, I think you are looking for me because of Ouyang xin." You said I what you want me to do, as long as I can do I will help you. "

Hearing this, bai xiaojing was very happy, so bai xiaojing said," thank you. Actually, this matter is very simple. I heard that although you are currently the financial director of the company, many of the accounts are done by Ouyang xin. I think you and I both know that Ouyang xin is the best at making false accounts and not paying taxes. So I hope you can use your position to help me find evidence and give it to me. By then, I can let him finish what he said." "

After hearing what bai xiaojing said, li ran nodded slightly and said to bai xiaojing," it's not that I can' t do what you said, sister jing, but I need some time. Also, I need to remind you that Ouyang xin isn' t a simple person. I think this person is a little psychologically abnormal. He won' t play according to a person's normal logic. If you plan to threaten him, you must protect your own safety. "

After li ran said that she was worried, she casually chatted with bai xiaojing and left. Bai xiaojing didn' t know why, but she always felt so at ease. It was as if as long as she let li ran do something, it wouldn' t be unsuccessful. It was raining cats and dogs outside, and the sunlight was very good. The warm yellow light shone on bai xiaojing's face. It was the first time that bai xiaojing knew what a good life was.

When li ran returned to the company, she was already busy with this matter. In fact, li ran and Ouyang xin had the best relationship, but this wasn' t the kind of person who put his heart and soul into it. It was because li ran was a very good performer and always liked to act like Ouyang xin liked.

Today, Ouyang xin was drinking with the president of another company.

It turned out that Ouyang xin didn' t trust anyone. As long as the things he did were secret, it was impossible for others to know. All the evidence of tax evasion was in his house. At this time, Ouyang xin was drunk and couldn' t wake up, so li ran directly copied a portion of these things and took them away.

When li ran told the news to bai xiaojing, bai xiaojing was very happy. He finally had me and they met. Bai xiaojing got these things. Did bai xiaojing tell qin lang about this because she was afraid that qin lang would worry about her? That afternoon, bai xiaojing called Ouyang xin directly.

At this time, Ouyang xin saw that bai xiaojing had called him and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. His first reaction was that bai xiaojing couldn' t stand those poor days, so this time, she wanted to compromise with him and hoped that she would let him go. Thus, Ouyang xin's vanity was satisfied and his mood instantly brightened.

"Hello? Isn' t this miss bai xiaojing? What kind of wind is it today? You' re here, and you even called me. Did you tell me that you' ve entered a very big company and that you' re the kind that I can' t stand? Hahaha! Ouyang xin laughed heartily, but bai xiaojing had completely ignored these things.

Bai xiaojing said to Ouyang xin," don' t laugh so exaggeratedly. Why do I feel that your smile is so disgusting? Actually, I wanted to meet you today. I was worried that you wouldn' t be able to do it alone, so I came to help you do it. However, I also found that some people seem to be committing crimes. I couldn' t find a way to the police station, so I came to ask you how to call the police." "

Bai xiaojing's words were like a huge cold current. The smile on Ouyang xin's face was frozen in the line. Ouyang xin said to bai xiaojing," what are you talking about?" Do you have any information about me?! "

"I heard the coffee downstairs at two o' clock in the afternoon. If you don' t come, the police will look for you." "

After bai xiaojing finished her sentence, she hung up the phone. Ouyang xin's face was already filled with a huge sense of irritability. He didn' t know what bai xiaojing meant, but he was sure that bai xiaojing had something bad in her hands. He had to take it back.

Ouyang xin was still very punctual and went straight to the coffee shop, which made it easier to say this time. When bai xiaojing saw this scene, she sighed and said to Ouyang xin," I really don' t know what to say about you. Are you saying that you are rich and magnanimous, or are you guilty of doing something? You have to make a reservation with a coffee. What a rich man you are! "

"Don' t talk to me about these things anymore. Hurry up and tell me what's going on with you. I' m not a bum like you. I' m very busy every day!" Ouyang xin couldn' t control his emotions and yelled at bai xiaojing.

This howling bai xiaojing threw her own evidence directly to Ouyang xin, and after Ouyang xin saw it, he became furious. He didn' t think too much about it! The evidence that he had been hiding had been discovered by bai xiaojing!

"You don' t have to ask me how I know about these things. I definitely won' t tell you. What I' m telling you now is that as long as I hand these things over to the police, you' ll be going in every minute. I think with your tax evasion money, even if you' re rich, you can' t avoid jail." "Bai xiaojing said calmly, as if everything was under her control.

At this time, Ouyang xin couldn' t hold back any longer and said directly to bai xiaojing," what do you want? "

"What I want is very simple. I want you to give me twenty million dollars and promise me that you won' t disturb qin lang and me for the next year. In that case, the evidence will disappear forever in this world after a year. If you don' t have the confidence, then I don' t think you should agree." After bai xiaojing finished her sentence, she immediately picked up the coffee and closed it, as if she had just said something unrelated to her.

At this time, Ouyang xin had the heart to kill bai xiaojing, but there was no way. Ouyang xin said to bai xiaojing," okay!" I agree with you, but you must keep your promise, otherwise it will make you look good! "

After saying these words, Ouyang xin threw the group aside and left. Looking at Ouyang xin's disappearing back, bai xiaojing's lips curled into a smile. After all, it was a happy thing for bai xiaojing to be able to make her enemy so angry.

Ouyang xin, who had returned to the company, could be described as furious. After Ouyang xin's investigation, he still could not find any evidence. At this time, Ouyang xin suddenly thought of a very evil note. He turned to the sky outside and said," well, you're a wild girl. How dare you play with me like this? You really don't want to live anymore. I'm telling you, threatening me will definitely make your life worse than death! "

Thinking of this, Ouyang xin immediately made a phone call. When he hung up the phone, a devilish expression appeared on his face.

The next day, Ouyang xin found bai xiaojing and she was in a very suburban area. Initially, bai xiaojing needed Ouyang xin to transfer the money, but Ouyang xin said that she would leave evidence behind, so she had to pay the money in person. At this time, bai xiaojing thought that she would soon have the money to start a business for qin lang. Furthermore, she had evidence for Ouyang xin, so she didn' t think much and went straight to the door.

When bai xiaojing saw Ouyang xin, she said," where's your money? Here's all the evidence. Give me the money now, and I will write this to you." "

"Ha ha ha! Ouyang xin suddenly broke into a wicked smile, and at the same time there were many people around who were bare-headed and knew that they were bad people.

Ouyang xin said to bai xiaojing," you' re such a simple woman. Do you think you can threaten me? I told your father that you can never win against me in this life. Don' t worry, I won' t kill you, but I will make your life a living hell!" "

As soon as Ouyang xin finished speaking, those people immediately grabbed bai xiaojing and sent her to the car to take her away. At this time, Ouyang xin directly burned down the evidence and destroyed the electronic storage device, then left with a laugh.

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