The memory of the overbearing ceo

Chapter 40: Opening A Shop

In addition to opening a company, bai xiaojing also made a fast food restaurant based on her personality. There were a lot of people who had helped her, and one of them was the owner of a fast food restaurant. It was not long after bai xiaojing went to college, and because bai xiaojing was eager to get rid of her current life, she always learned late.

One day, not long after the self-study session, bai xiaojing wanted to buy some food outside the school. But unfortunately, he was entangled by a bunch of hooligans and hooligans. Bai xiaojing cried out for help, but because it was getting late and many shops were closed, no one answered her.

Bai xiaojing's heart sank. However, the group of hooligans became more and more excited and dragged her into the alley. At this time, a fat middle-aged man appeared. Behind him were a few people with all sorts of things, some with kitchen knives, some with broomsticks, both men and women. Bai xiaojing and the hooligans were stunned. What kind of combination is this?

The middle-aged man said," little bastards! Let go of that girl. I will let you off today. Next time, I will send you to the public security bureau! A few hoodlums fled. Bai xiaojing heaved a sigh of relief.

The second she regained her senses, bai xiaojing knelt down towards the group of people and thanked them for saving their lives. Without her innocence, she would never have the courage to live.

On the first day that bai xiaojing and George established the company, Ouyang xin received the news. For some reason, after the investigation was completed, Ouyang xin still called bai xiaojing.

"Are you going to take revenge on me now? Ouyang xin played with the lighter casually, but his expression was very serious.

"No. I haven't declared war on you yet. I'm going to build a force first, and you don't have to worry about what I'm going to threaten you with. Bai xiaojing said coldly and was about to hang up the phone. Of course, she knew what Ouyang xin was afraid of. Not only did she have a lot of evidence against him, she also had George's help. Not only did George have a high iq, he also had countless connections. Their new company will certainly grow very fast.

"Bai xiaojing, you have to promise me!" Before Ouyang xin could finish his sentence, bai xiaojing interrupted him. "Ouyang xin, don't talk nonsense with me here. You might as well take more contracts and manage your company at this time. After that, bai xiaojing hung up the phone.

But that sounded like a taunt to Ouyang xin. He began to contact the allies. But everyone else turned them down. No matter what, the temptation to cooperate with George was much greater.

Ouyang xin was even more furious. But he didn't give up easily. He had sent a lot of people to follow bai xiaojing's long as he discovered bai xiaojing's weakness, he would attack her.

Bai xiaojing wanted to fulfill her wish first.

Not long ago, the owner of the fast-food restaurant who had helped her died of illness, so bai xiaojing was naturally very sad. Therefore, she also wanted to open a fast food restaurant as soon as possible. If she had the chance, she would do something big and strong to fulfill the boss's last wish. I wish I could help more people.

Bai xiaojing asked George to help manage the company for a few days before she started to get busy with her shop. She's missing the fast food restaurant owner in this way.

For the first time, bai xiaojing took part in the renovation work and was extremely curious, but she was also very serious about asking for advice. Even though her entire body was stained with paint, she still smiled happily. The design draft was personally designed by bai xiaojing, which indicated that the walls needed to be painted red, which was a pure red color. It was said that this would increase one's appetite.

After a few days of renovation, bai xiaojing looked at the exquisite shop in front of her and smiled happily. "Jing jing, when are you going to open? Looking for a good day? George was naturally drooling over the restaurant. He must have been a regular here in the future! George often came to check on the progress of this small store, and he admired bai xiaojing's style. If you want to do it, do it. You must fulfill all your dreams. Life will not leave any regrets.

"Well, how was the eighth of august? The numbers are quite auspicious, and while there are still more than ten days, we can perfect the place and recruit more people. The most important thing is to ventilate, otherwise the great smell of paint. Bai xiaojing thought about it seriously. If it were to open in a few days, the time would be too tight. Although Louis can provide cooks, he needs many waiters and cashiers.

Besides, the rules and regulations in the shop were not yet perfect, so it would take time to sort them out. Even if it was just a small shop, it was definitely bai xiaojing's work. Therefore, she had to prepare everything herself.

The next day, a recruitment notice was posted immediately. It's on the website, on the side of the road, in the papers. Bai xiaojing knew that in order to find a real talent, she had to cast a big net. Even if she was just a waiter, she had to find someone who was particularly capable and responsible. As for the work of the cashier, of course, he had to take it seriously.

There were a lot of applicants in the new store every day, but it was difficult for bai xiaojing to find a satisfactory one. Because bai xiaojing's salary was indeed very high, many people wanted to apply. A group of people are the type with high and low expectations. George also sat with bai xiaojing and watched the interviews. At first, George was still excited, but gradually, he became agitated.

Many people have just sat down, the first sentence asked:" is it true that wages are so high?" Or will it be deducted for no reason? At first, bai xiaojing would patiently explain and gradually lose her patience. Her salary was about a thousand more than the average waiter's, just so that everyone could work hard.

George finally broke down when the twentieth man asked. As soon as he slammed the table, he stood up angrily and shouted," what right do you have to get such a high salary?!" Show me what to do first! She didn' t even have the right to have so many requests! "

The man was obviously stunned and his eyes darkened. Bai xiaojing's heart softened when she saw that the woman was a simple middle-aged woman. She tugged at George's sleeve and motioned her to sit down. George snorted and sat down, his eyes filled with displeasure.

The middle-aged woman said uneasily. She did not understand why her words made the two of them so impatient, and one of them even became so angry at her.

"I came from the countryside and wanted to find a good job to earn money. But I have no culture, can only do coolies, you here pay high, I came. I want to earn money to treat my child. The middle-aged woman said uneasily and looked up at the faces of the two girls. She was very nervous.

"If I can't work here any more, I'll have to go to the construction site to carry bricks. However, the wages are not high and there is no rest time, I can not take care of my son. The middle-aged woman rubbed her callous hands and kept thinking of her son in the hospital.

George's face was red with embarrassment. He did not expect the woman to be a great mother. "I'm sorry, I was so angry just now. In fact, because many people are a group of people who are willing to work hard, just for this salary to come. I'm sorry, auntie. George bowed deeply and admired every mother who had given her child!

Bai xiaojing's eyes reddened.

"Don't worry, auntie. Bai xiaojing held the hand of the middle-aged woman. "We have decided to hire you. I hope you can work hard in our shop. In addition to the promised salary, if aunt you take responsibility seriously, there will be a bonus! Bai xiaojing held the middle-aged woman's hand as if to give her strength.

The middle-aged woman understood what bai xiaojing short, as long as she worked hard, not only did she post the salary, she would also receive more. She immediately stood up and bowed to bai xiaojing and George. Bai xiaojing quickly stood up to support her and asked an elder to salute her, which was really disrespectful.

With the first good start, bai xiaojing and George regained their spirits and interviewed one person after another seriously and responsibly. In the next few days, both of them had dark circles under their eyes. Finally, after finalizing the staff, they gathered everyone for another day's meeting.

After assigning the task of the chef, the waiters led by the middle-aged woman were all honest people. The cashier was a poor but studious college student. Bai xiaojing told everyone that as long as they worked hard, the salary would definitely be more than that. This also greatly inspires everyone, everyone to do the work is very hard.

On the eighth day of august, bai xiaojing's door was too busy. She knew the importance of making a scene, so now, not only were there dragon dancers in front of this fast-food restaurant, there were also many dancers. At the end of the day, the firecrackers crackled, and almost everyone was attracted.

Moreover, because bai xiaojing's shop was so beautifully decorated, many girls immediately fell in love with it and begged their boyfriends to take them with them. A row of chairs by the window were all hanging baskets, and they could sit leisurely in the sun. Bai xiaojing also installed a wireless network in her store. Even if many people connected, the speed of the internet was extremely fast. Unlike some stores, the wireless network attracted people to come in for dinner, but only when connected did they realize that they couldn' t get online at all.

The business on the first day was extremely prosperous, not only because the promotional activities were too cost-effective, but also because the chefs were very reliable and very skilled. Everyone who had eaten was full of praise.

The middle-aged woman and the waiters felt a sense of gratitude for getting the job. Everyone worked hard, and the service was efficient and the customers were satisfied. The university student from the cashier was also steady and steady. He had never made any mistakes, and he asked carefully and patiently to clarify the requirements of every customer.

Bai xiaojing was just a helper at the side. After a long day of hard work, bai xiaojing called for a meeting when the door was about to close at 10 pm.

"Our business is good today, and of course it has to do with your hard work. Repeat customers are very important, so we must make sure that customers are satisfied! Bai xiaojing encouraged everyone happily, but she clearly saw everyone's exhaustion. That's right, it's not going to be enough for a day like this. Especially since their special events would take a few days, there would definitely be a lot of people there.

"I' ll continue to recruit people. From tomorrow onwards, we' ll start working on shifts so that everyone can be a little more relaxed. As for the shift schedule I have done, I will post it to you later. I hope you all work hard and run our shop well! Bai xiaojing's words were very convincing and easily ignited everyone's morale. Furthermore, she was still on the shift schedule. Now that she was short of manpower, she could take over for a while. It was considered as a job for her.

"Finally, I have another request. I hope everyone can do it. Bai xiaojing's expression suddenly turned serious, and everyone was listening attentively. It was known to everyone who had worked or not before that it was a fortunate thing to meet such a boss.

"Last time, a few people came to tell me about the accommodation. I bought the front door behind this shop and got through. People can move in these days. A room for men and a room for ladies, but it's all bunks, so would you mind? I've got everything in there, and I've got the tv, so don't worry about boredom. The store's on you! So you have to be safe. Bai xiaojing had been busy opening a shop these past few days, and the rest of it was about the staff's dormitory.

Everyone nodded, feeling touched. Bai xiaojing took their words to heart. "Once upon a time, there was a senior who gave me a lot of inspiration and taught me a lot. I wish I could learn from him. So, don't turn off the lights even when we're closed. Leave a lamp in the hall. If anyone else comes to eat at night, I hope you open the door and welcome them. "

Seeing that everyone was still confused, bai xiaojing continued to explain," choose someone to work night shift every day. The night shift room has been tidied up separately. There are two beds inside. Men on duty to sleep on the man's bed, women on duty to sleep on the woman's bed, so there will be no other problems. There's a tv in the room on duty. It's surveillance from the front door. If someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell, the person on duty will hear it. At that time, I hope you will be up in five minutes to receive guests. "

I hope you don't complain. There are a lot of people out looking for food at night, but in the face of a dark street, they may be very sad. If there are such people who need our help, I hope everyone can help. Of course, the night shift will give you fifty dollars a day. If you work night shifts for ten days a month, you'll have to pay 500 yuan for overtime in addition to your salary. And it's not every night that people come. So rest assured. I just hope our place makes us feel at home. For customers and for you. "

Bai xiaojing smiled as she stood up and sincerely bowed to everyone.

Everyone clapped. Every month, for no reason at all, nearly a thousand dollars is spent to help people who are likely to come out for dinner at night, and to help poor people. They accepted this kind of kindness. As long as they worked hard, it would be the best reward for bai xiaojing!

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