The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 108: Do not live or die (five more flowers)

"The old guy is looking for his own death."

The airy man sneered, his right foot suddenly kicked towards the old man, intending to send this old thing back to the west with this kick, and when the province really was hoeed on his head by the other party, it would be miserable Up.

As for whether there will be any trouble after kicking this old guy to death, he is not afraid at all.

It's nothing more than a powerless countryman. After kicking to death with his brother-in-law's power, he just spends a little money and passes away. Then, the so-called Ye family, how dare to do?


Amid the bang, the sneer on the man's face suddenly froze.


Then, his eyes widened gradually and his face flushed. Then, he took a breath, opened his mouth, and screamed loudly.

" hurts, it hurts me..."

"You, you, what are you?"

His painful tears were dripping, his eyes widened and he looked at a handsome but murderous man standing in front of him.

His foot no longer kicked someone's body, but was stepped directly on the ground by the other party, and his entire leg was bent. Obviously, even if it was not broken, it would be half a waste.

"you wanna die."

Emperor Xiao Qing was full of murderous aura, stretched out his hand and stuck his neck directly, his expression was extremely cold.

What he didn't expect was that after he came to the ward, he saw such an angry scene.

This brawny man in his thirties dared to beat an elderly man in his eighties. If he was really kicked by the opponent, even if the old man's bones were relatively strong, he might have something to happen.

If it wasn't time to come by myself, maybe, this will be my regret for a lifetime.


"Woo, help, help..."

The flowy man was like a chicken and was lifted up by Emperor Xiao Qing's neck. His feet were off the ground, his face flushed, breathing was difficult, and he kept screaming.

"Asshole, dare to do it."

"You're done."

"kill him."'

Only then did the dozen gangsters next to him react, and suddenly rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing in a rage.

In response to all this, Xiao Qingdi looked cold, "Whoever moves, I will just smash his neck, don't you want him to live?"


The little **** didn't dare to move anymore, they gathered together, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with horror.

"Don't mess around, you, you, you put our boss down first."

"If you have something to discuss, don't move."


They looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with horror.

Only then did they realize that the other party was very terrible. One hand stuck their boss's neck so straight and lifted the whole person off the ground. This power has exceeded their imagination.

Meanwhile, at this moment, everyone in the Ye family also reacted.


The old man stared at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing in front of him, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "Okay, great, my dear grandson is here, looking at you bastards, dare not you dare to be arrogant."


Grandma also cried with joy, and laughed out holding Elder Ye.

"Is it Ye Qing?"

"It turned out to be him, he came..."

Ye Xingan and Ye Xingning were surprised.

They were already desperate, and watched with grief and anger that their grandfather was about to be kicked by the opponent.

However, what he didn't expect was that Emperor Xiao Qing appeared so abruptly.

"Grandpa and grandma, here I am."

Emperor Xiao Qing still grasped the other's neck with one hand, turned his head to look at the two elders, with a gentle smile on his face, "I am *, I brought the little girl to see you today."

With that, the little girl Xiao Qingyan slowly walked to the door, with a little timidity on her beautiful little face, she lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at the second elder.

"Really, it's this girl."

Even though the female big eighteen has changed, but the little sister Qingyan still carries the shadow of her childhood. Grandpa and grandma recognized it at first sight. They immediately rejoiced, "Great, great, today is such a good day. what."

The two elders rushed to the door, pulled the little girl, and asked about the length in a low voice, but the little girl was still very shy, and she spoke very quietly, just looking at Emperor Xiao Qing for help.

"Grandpa and grandmother, my little sister has forgotten a lot of memories from eight years ago, but I haven't remembered them all yet."

Emperor Xiao Qing reminded softly.


The second old man was dumbfounded, and then tears could not help but drip, "My poor child."

The little girl was infected by their true feelings and shook her head quickly, "I'm fine, two...grandparents. After my brother found me, he treated me very well. I am very happy now."

"I have already started treating the little girl, and it won't take long to remember." Xiao Qingdi said aside.

"That's good, that's good, my good Yan'er has been gone for eight years. I want to die grandma. Let grandma take a look."

After all, it was an old man. Although in such an environment, when she saw the granddaughter who hadn't seen her for many years and thought she would never see each other again, the grandmother still smiled and held Qingyan's hand.

"Uh uh..."

At this time, the bleak man whose neck was caught by Emperor Xiao Qing was already out of breath, his eyes turned white, almost dying.

Those little punks hurriedly called, "Yes, I'm going to die, hurry, let go."

"Let go of the boss, or you will die, this is going to happen."

"Don't move, hurry, let go..."

Because of being threatened by Emperor Xiao Qing, this group of gangsters didn't dare to move, so they could only wipe their sweat and watch Emperor Xiao Qing nervously.

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the group of punks and said coldly, "You all get out."

He said as if he was catching a chicken, he walked out of the door while holding the other person's neck. At the same time, he said to Ye Xingan, "You also come out with me and tell me the whole story."

"Oh oh, good."

Although, in terms of seniority, Emperor Xiao Qing is his cousin, but at this moment, Ye Xing'an is like facing his usual superiors and hastened to keep up.

Emperor Xiao Qing held the livid man in his hand, the group of punks and Ye Xing'an followed behind, and came to the corner of the corridor. There happened to be a small balcony without anyone. He threw the livid man on the ground.



The man kept panting and cursing, "Cough... I'm so uncomfortable, I almost... almost died... Who are you so special about..."

As he said, he glared at the group of younger brothers, "You bastards, what are you still standing there, come on, kill him."

"Oh oh."

"Damn, dare to beat our boss, you are tired of life."

"If you don't let you lose your skin today, you don't have to leave."


The group of punks screamed and rushed towards Xiao Qingdi.

"Be careful!"

Ye Xing'an, who followed from behind, suddenly changed his complexion. He only felt that his scalp was numb, but he shouted loudly.

However, as soon as his voice fell, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Bang bang bang!

"Oh, it hurts me so much..."

"What's this?"

"Damn it..."

I saw that the cold light in his cousin's eyes flickered, and his right hand was slightly pressed down, and a terrifying vigor erupted. In an instant, all the gangsters who rushed towards Emperor Xiao Qing flew out screaming.


Ye Xingan didn't know that there was such a terrible existence as a warrior, but seeing Emperor Xiao Qing's movements, he only felt as if he was in a dream.

At this moment, his mind trembled, with an incredible color.

"Made, you're dead... dare to offend my Yang Dapao, you're dead... dead... Damn, how is this possible?"

The airy man who had just stood up on the wall was swearing, and he was about to turn his head to see the fate of the guy who dared to do it to himself. Unexpectedly, he turned his head and took a look. Seeing all his subordinates fell to the ground and screamed, his face was pale in fright, and he couldn't say anything further.

"Yang Da Pao?"

Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head and looked at this guy calmly, "Are you amazing?"


Yang Dapao only felt dry and dry, his forehead was full of sweat, and he barely showed a smile, "Brother, buddy, yes... yes. If you have something to say, don't, don't be impulsive..."


However, before he finished speaking, he slapped him on the face and slapped him in place for several times before stopping.

"Are you special..."


He opened his mouth to curse, but what greeted him was another slap that fell on the other side of his face, knocking him to the ground in a whirl, spitting out blood in his teeth.

"I, my brother-in-law is Dade dare to hit like this...I, he won't let you go..."

Yang Dapao's voice was ambiguous, and he was curled up on the ground against the wall, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with fear.


"Say one more sentence, it will kill you."

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped on him like a mountain, causing Yang Da to vomit blood even more. He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with deep fear, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Only then did Emperor Xiao Qing look to Ye Xing'an, "What's the matter?"

"It's like this, Xiaoqing, you should know that my father was originally a contractor. Some time ago, he contracted a construction site with Tang Wanhao, the largest real estate owner in the county, and Yang Dapao is Tang Wanhao's brother-in-law. A group of gangsters went around to supervise the work, and some time ago they ran to my father's construction site to supervise the work.

Saying that he is a supervisor, in fact, is asking for benefits, and the lion speaks loudly, and it costs one million each. My father has made less than one million dollars in contracting this project. How could he give him that much.

Yang Dapao slandered my father for failing to do a good job in engineering. My father's character is praised by everyone in the entire county. How could he not do a good job? When he didn't agree, he quarreled, and then he took someone to break my father's limbs. "

Ye Xing'an didn't dare to conceal it, just like reporting work, telling Emperor Xiao Qing the whole story.

"Does Tang Wanhao know?" After Xiao Qingdi listened, his eyes flickered and said coldly.


Speaking of Tang Wanhao, Ye Xing'an was even more angry, "However, after he knew it, not only did he not say anything but slandered my dad with Yang Dapao, he didn't even give the promised engineering money, and Yang Dapao came to the hospital to harass us every few hours. "

"In other words, Tang Wanhao and Yang Dapao are all in the same fashion?"

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed furiously, turned his head to look at Yang Dapao, and said in a cold voice, "Okay, very good, there really are people who don't know how to live or die, dare to mess around."

After that, he didn't do it right away, but took out his mobile phone and made a call to Xiaoqi, "Bring someone to Yunde County to arrest people, real estate agent owner Tang Manhao, today, I want to kill someone."

Ye Xing'an, "..."

Yang Dapao, "..."

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