The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1115: Another disciple

"This time, if you don't fly away, this prince will recognize you as a teacher."


When Li Ba uttered this sentence, suddenly, a earth-shaking sword roar sounded.

It came from Emperor Xiao Qing, and it wasn't in his mouth or the sword energy he was fighting with in his hand, but from the body of Emperor Xiao Qing.


Accompanied by a clear sound, there seemed to be something broken in Xiao Qingdi's body.

Then, the infinite nine-color light burst out.

It seems to be sublimated to the extreme, breaking and then standing.

The infinite vitality was revealed in Emperor Xiao Qing, and a terrifying force was rapidly condensing.


At this moment, Li Ba's face changed, "He broke through?"

A force that far surpassed the Golden Core Stage and reached the level of the Nascent Soul Stage suddenly burst out of Emperor Xiao Qing.

In his body, the golden pill of nine colors originally condensed in the dantian was directly broken at this moment, and there was a crystal clear energy villain that exuded nine colors of light slowly formed.

It is the original infant of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Even if this energy villain hasn't been completely generated yet, he already possesses terrifying power.

This strength is far surpassing him a hundred times before the breakthrough.

You know, he swallowed too many blood flame crystals and earth **** stones before, and his internal and external strength reached the peak. Once he broke through, like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, a earth-shattering transformation occurred.


An extremely violent force was generated in an instant, and instantly merged into this sword light, making the face of Li Ba who was still in a stalemate and even the upper hand changed greatly.

"not good..."

When he was about to use other faculties, he realized that it was too late.

Amidst the roar, a terrifying breath of self burst out instantly, the vast and boundless sword intent, unprecedentedly powerful, he had never seen it before.


The claws shattered and blood spurted wildly.

In Li Ba's unbelievable eyes, the pair of claws formed by his hands should have indestructible power, but at this moment, they were neatly broken apart.

An extremely violent sword intent rushed into his body, causing his body to shake, and his body, which had reached the level of no weaker than the strength of the body refinement, could not bear it, and it continued to explode from the inside out.

"no no..."

His stature staggered backwards, his whole person trembling constantly.

Flesh and blood quickly reborn, but his hands are still trembling.

Boom boom boom!

In his body, there was a continuous burst of voices.

It was the sword intent that Emperor Xiao Qing had cut into his body that was attacking his body madly. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been chopped to pieces by this infinite sword aura, but he was different. Li Ba's body was too strong.

Even if he has not officially entered the Primordial God Realm, the power of the physical body can already compete with Emperor Xiao Qing's physical body.


However, no matter how strong his physical body was, he would not be able to block Xiao Qing's sword intent after all. During the confrontation, he couldn't help spouting blood one by one.

In front of him, Emperor Xiao Qing did not take the opportunity to sneak attack, but with his hands on his back and with a calm smile on his face, he just looked at him.


At this moment, everyone below has already watched.

Everyone was shocked, looking at the situation on the ring, everyone was shocked.

"He actually cut Prince Li Ba with a single sword."

"Furthermore, looking at this situation, it seems that there is still sword energy left in the body of Prince Li Ba, making Prince Li Ba always fighting."

"How do I feel that his whole body is full of vitality and his aura is flying, it is exactly the situation when he condenses Yuan Ying?"

Some people were shocked, while others were puzzled.

In fact, the aura that erupted from the whole body of Emperor Xiao Qing at this moment was very much like the time when the vitality of the whole body was the strongest when he was gathering the Yuan Ying.

However, how could someone who could smash Li Ba with a single sword be just a golden age?

"It's really Jin Dan period!"

However, it is not difficult to see the status of Emperor Xiao Qing for a strong person above the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Luo Jing's masters, Li Yuanji, Xiao Jian, and other powerhouses could tell at a glance that the situation of Emperor Xiao Qing was in the stage of being promoted to Yuan Ying, and the promotion process had not yet ended.

"The meaning of the Supreme Sword Emperor..."

However, Li Yuanji, who is closer to Emperor Xiao Qing, felt more, her heart trembled, and her eyes showed surprise, "It turns out to be the meaning of the legendary sword emperor."

"Is he the emperor who is rare in a million years?"

The figure trembled slightly, and even the golden sedan chair shook slightly.

Some people are happy, but naturally others are worried.

At this moment, Li Ba's sorrow is only clear to him.

The sword intent in his body was truly terrifying, no matter how powerful his physical power and energy were, he couldn't quickly wipe out this sword intent.

Moreover, with his confrontation, this sword intent was divided into thousands, like an infinite number of small needles, making his whole body from the inside out, like a needle stick.


Can't help but let out a loud roar of pain, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"He's dying?"

"My God, Prince Li Ba was actually killed."

"Oh my God..."

The onlookers were not all masters, and some were just ordinary people in the imperial city. Seeing Li Ba roaring and spraying blood, they all yelled, only thinking that Li Ba must not survive. Up.


The roar of these people didn't have to be heard by Li Ba, but Li Ba listened to all of this, and under the fright and anger, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Fortunately, a blessing in disguise, this mouthful of old blood vomited most of the sword intent in the body.

Bang bang bang!

These sword-inspired blood sprayed on the arena, even if this golden arena was specially used by Li Yuanji for the duel of the strong, it was originally a solid ground, but it was directly penetrated through countless holes, front and back.

"It hurts me so much."

Li Ba heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of anger, "Since this prince is successful in cultivation, you are the first person to hurt this prince so badly, you deserve to die."

"Does the Li royal family's teachings make you, an apprentice, contradict the master?"

Emperor Xiao Qing carried his hands on his back and spoke with a calm expression, "This king wants to ask Emperor Li Yuanji, is this what the prince of the Li royal family should do?"

"you you you..."

Li Ba tremblingly pointed at Emperor Xiao Qing.

He was completely stunned.

How could there be such a shameless person in this world, saying that if Xiao Qing emperor can't be blasted out, then worshiping him as a teacher is just a matter of fact, everyone in the field knows.

And he doesn't take it seriously.

Therefore, even if he was blown away, he didn't feel much.

But did Emperor Xiao Qing take it seriously?

? ?

your sister.

"You bastard, what are you talking about, who is your disciple?"

Li Ba was furious, almost spitting out old blood again.

"This king believes that Emperor Li will give this king a satisfactory answer." Emperor Xiao Qing ignored the angry Li Ba, but turned to look at the golden sedan chair.

At this moment, Li Yuanji was also suppressed, and then, before others could not see, her beautiful eyes shot out two interesting rays of light, and she said, "My prince’s person, I believe it. Since he personally said that if he can't blow you up, he will worship you as a teacher. From today onwards, he will be your disciple and he should serve you."


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