The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1118: Yuanshen Kaitian, powerful and proud prince


Li Ba shot again.

With the lessons of previous failures, this time, he was very cautious, not only doing his best when he shot, but also carefully performing various stunts.

He grew up fighting against wild beasts since he was a child, and all his stunts were killing people.

As soon as he shot, it was terrifying, and various ultimate moves broke out.

If it is a person of the same realm or even the same strength as him, he will probably be killed by him in less than a round.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was opposite him, was carrying with one hand on his back, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, holding a nine-color sword air in his right hand, and the sword flow continued to flow between heaving and breathing.

At this moment, it turned out to be extremely easy for him to deal with Li Ba.

After so long, Yuan Ying has completely become it.

The gap between the Yuan Ying period and the Golden Core period was a hundred times stronger, making Emperor Xiao Qing's power terrifying.

Even during the battle with Li Ba, he was afraid that too much force would accidentally behead his named disciple, without exploding too much force.

"If you don't use your full strength, don't blame me when you die."

Li Ba kindly reminded him that his whole body suddenly exploded with stronger power.

His body trembles, every muscle is constantly squeezing, and a terrifying force burst into his hands.

Up and down the whole body, all the powers merged together in both hands.

Even if his hands were just raised at will, before he really blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing, he had already exploded with terrifying power, causing the void to burst and turn into a black hole.


Suddenly, he roared, his fists were like dragons, and he blasted directly towards Emperor Xiao Qing.


The power of this fist was really terrifying to the extreme. Even Emperor Xiao Qing burst out with a ray of light in his eyes and exclaimed, "Okay."

The sword energy in his hand was retracted, and he stepped out, all the power in his body quickly condensed, and the same overbearing punch was blown out.

Emperor Domination!

Within a square inch, I am invincible.

It not only contains the physical power of his Yuan Ying period, but also contains the energy of his Yuan Ying period.

The strength of one body, almost burst out.

Between each other, the same fists, wherever they go, the void shatters like a mirror.

Even Li Yuanji showed admiration, "Li Ba, he is really domineering and unparalleled. Give him a hundred years to become the strongest in the wild."

"Since I can become the No. 1 strong man in the wild, why give him to that kid?" An unsearchable voice came into Li Yuanji's ears.

"I'm happy." Li Yuanji said with a cold snorted face.

"as long as you are happy."

The voice seemed rather helpless and didn't say much.


The dialogue between Li Yuanji and that voice was very cryptic, and almost no one knew it, and it was only for a moment that the fists of Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Ba crashed together.

Then, the void shattered, and the golden ring was instantly turned into powder.

Even Li Yuanji's complexion changed slightly, and with a wave of her hand, he blocked the aftermath that had spread after the bombardment of the two, to prevent the spread of the aftermath, and demolished the imperial city again.

Then, everyone looked over and saw that Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Ba had once again stalemate.

"It's deadlocked again, so it seems that their strengths are almost the same."

Everyone was amazed.

Li Ba was already the strongest arrogant of the wild human race, and Xiao Qing, an outsider, was so terrifying. This time, when Li Ba was prepared, he blocked the opponent, which is really incredible.

Originally, Li Ba, who was blocked by Emperor Xiao Qing with a full blow, should be angry or even anxious.

However, this time, he grinned, "Have you tried your best? Haha, me too."

Everyone, "..."

Could it be that Li Ba, the arrogant arrogant, has been completely stupid after undergoing multiple blows, and has given up?

"However, I have bad news for you."

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with an excited smile on his face, as if he had done something secretly, and said very happily, "I can still break through. I have reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage for a long time, and I can break through at any time. "

"You just broke through during the war, so can I, how about it, isn't it desperate?"


Boom boom boom!

While laughing proudly, the whole person was trembling, the infinite aura of the whole body burst out, and a terrible force was brewing and rising.

As Li Ba said.

He knew that his current strength could not be compared with Emperor Xiao Qing, but he was confident because he could break through to the Primordial God Realm.

This breakthrough, like Emperor Xiao Qing's, was a qualitative leap. He was strong enough to have ten times the strength that he had now. At that time, he could easily crush Emperor Xiao Qing.

At this moment, his fist was still bombarded with Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, the breath of the whole body is constantly boiling, and a terrifying force flows endlessly.

In the body, Yuan Ying is sublimated and grows continuously, turning into a more peak form.

A phantom almost identical to him appeared on top of his head, it was Li Ba's soul.

After the Yuanshen appeared, the aura he burst out suddenly increased tenfold.

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing triumphantly, "Hahaha, named disciple? Wait a moment, I will let you be the prince's named disciple, fear, tremble..."

On the opposite side, Emperor Xiao Qing's expression remained the same, still looking at him plainly.

Li Ba was not in a hurry, he continued to concentrate on breaking through, the soul volleyed, and suddenly, blasted the void, the soul burst, turned into a world, just suspended above his head.

The Yuanshen Realm is also called the Open Heaven Realm.

Condensing the primordial spirit does not count, it requires the primordial spirit to open the heavens and evolve the heavens and the earth, and each heaven is a realm.

Others entering the Primordial God Realm can only be regarded as a pseudo Primordial God Realm, because even the first realm of the Primordial God cannot be counted as the first realm has not been completely opened up.

Just like the previous Emperor Xuanyuan, in the course of the battle, although he broke through to the Yuanshen realm, he was only the Yuanying turned into the Yuanshen, and he did not open the sky.

It's not that I don't want to, but I have more than my heart.

But Li Ba is different. He is full of confidence and has enough background, so he can easily open up the world, and just like this, he has become a strong man in the first level of the Primordial God Realm.

The momentum of the body is improved again.

"This is the Primordial God Kaitiandi. He ascended to heaven in one step and stepped into the realm of the Primordial God Realm."

Onlookers, there is no shortage of strong cultivators, all of them are shocked.

Li Ba's breakthrough is simply textbook style.

In one go, after condensing the primordial spirit with one's own supreme heritage, directly rushed into the first heaven of the primordial spirit realm. Throughout the ages, let alone in the wild, even in places such as Liangjie Mountain, there are no gods who can do this step.

Even the old fellow of Luo Jing's master was amazed, "Li Ba, worthy of a descendant of the Li royal family, worthy of a person with the blood of the ancient emperor, his strength is really extraordinary."

Turning his head to look at Wang Mo, he cursed again, "Boy, when you break through, if you can't open up the first heaven at once, let's see how Lao Tzu killed you."


He was shot again while lying down.

Wang Mo almost cried, "What does it matter to me?"


If I wanted to refute, I heard a huge roar from above, and then, terrifying power spread everywhere.

However, Li Ba, who had completely opened up the first heaven, finally launched a counterattack.

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