The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1124: Whoever violates me will be destroyed


Now, how could Feng Qingzi still not understand that something serious happened to him.

My master, the super power of the Fengshen line, the existence of the invincible hand in the world, actually bowed down to the other party in this way. Obviously, one of these people is the prince...

"Boy Li Ba, you have a good reputation."

The old guy looked at Li Ba with a smile but a smile, "Although it's only the first level of the Primordial God Realm, but the guy from the second level of the Primordial God can kneel and kowtow to you, um, taking you out is also a relief."

Originally, when Feng Qingzi called out a "grandson", he was upset. He was ready to do it. When he saw Feng Yu kneeling like this, he suddenly felt relieved.

Li Ba glanced at Feng Yu and said casually, "Do you know this prince?"

"Prince Li Ba's prestige spread throughout the wilderness, Feng Yu once had the honor to see your image on the royal family map." Feng Yu hurriedly spoke respectfully.

"Oh, whose grandson did you disciple just call?" Li Ba stood up and said with slanted eyes.


Feng Yu's pale face trembled, and Xiao Qingdi silently turned his gaze to one side, and whispered, "Yes, he has a little holiday with the rebel, so..."


Li Ba was furious, and went straight forward, kicking Fengyu away.


Even if Feng Yu is a strong man in the second heaven of the primordial spirit, facing Li Ba, a person of the primordial spirit, he didn't dare to fight back. He was kicked directly by him, and he just stood up, trembling. Feng Qingzi knocked to the ground again.

But he got up very neatly, and bowed down again in salute to Li Ba, "It is Feng Yu who offended the prince. Please forgive me."

This is within the imperial city, the world of the Li imperial clan, not to mention that the prince Li Ba’s strength is incomparably tyrannical, he has stood and killed a strong man in the Primordial Divine Realm two years ago, even if Li Ba has no cultivation base. The waste, give Feng Yu a hundred courage, and dare not be rude to Li Ba.

"Offended this prince?"

Li Ba stepped forward with a cold expression, looking at Feng Yu and Feng Qingzi, as if he was watching a dead person, "If you offend this prince, you still have a way to survive, but it is an unforgivable sin to catch a cold and oppose the prince's master. "


As soon as these words came out, Feng Qingzi and Feng Yu were instantly stunned.

"Master, Master..."

All the blood on his face faded instantly.

When the process was just beginning, I heard people say that Prince Li Ba recognized a master, and it was the master who demolished half of the imperial city, and nothing happened.

I was shocked at what kind of existence it was that could make Prince Li Ba apprentice.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be their target, Emperor Xiao Qing!

"It's over..."

Sitting directly on the ground, his head roared, his expression was already desperate.


Feng Yu was furious, suddenly shot, and slapped Feng Qingzi towards Feng Qingzi, "Rebel, you killed me..."

After that, he no longer paid attention to Feng Qingzi, but knelt down in the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Ba, and kept kowtow, "Senior, it is my disciple who is unfavorable and let him offend you. Please forgive me."

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, Feng Yu, the powerhouse of Fengshen's line, reached a very terrifying existence, no longer caring about any skin, and kowtow.

On one side, Wang Mo’s face was shocked, his eyes looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and his face was shocked. In this world, there may be some strong people, but the Yuanshen realm strong itself has its own arrogance. Under the circumstances, it is almost impossible to kowtow and admit mistakes.

However, it was incredible that Feng Yu, a super powerhouse in the second-layer heavenly realm of the Primordial God Realm, knelt on the ground to admit his mistake.

Not only him, but other people as well, all have incredible colors on their faces.

In the field, only the sound of Feng Yu kowtow was extremely loud.

Feng Qingzi looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly, with an incredible color in his eyes.

At this moment, he felt ashamed and regretted it.

However, what is the use of regret?

In this world, there are medicines to save the dead and to heal the wounded, and there is no medicine for regret.

"Hehe, dare to call my master to be a grandson. Later I will see how you become my ancestor." Li Ba was furious.

His seniority is high in the entire wilderness, and now, he has become a named disciple of Emperor Xiao Qing, the old fellow of the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect wants to be his master, after all, this old fellow is powerful, Moreover, it is impossible to really become his master.

But, this unknown little **** dared to call his master his grandson?

Damn it.

"Yeah, what is going on?"

Just as Feng Yu kept kowtow, a surprised voice rang, and then a tall woman with a beautiful face and a noble and elegant temperament came in.


When Li Ba saw this woman, his expression changed.

"Hey, brother Li Ba was here. Is this your master?" The woman greeted Li Ba with a smile, and then looked at Emperor Xiao Qing.

The two looked at each other, and Emperor Xiao Qing was a little surprised, "This woman..."

If the cultivation base of the peak of the Yuan Ying Period is placed outside, it is definitely a super strong.

However, in this savage land, Yuan Ying stage can only be regarded as a middle-level master.

Instead, the old guy glanced at the woman in surprise, and asked Li Ba, "Is this your sister?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, he always felt that this woman was a bit wrong, but even if the old guy was the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect, he didn't see what was wrong with this woman.

"Yes." The woman looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a grin, "I heard that you are going to Liangjie Mountain. Coincidentally, I am also going to Liangjie Mountain to play, so I want to walk with you. After all , That road is not safe."

"None of you have any opinions?"

With that, she turned her head to look at Li Ba.

"No, no opinion." Li Ba shook his head quickly.

At this moment, he still had a dazed look on his face. It was really unexpected, why this guy would come up and want to enter Liangjieshan together, what is this for?

"How did these offend you?"

Before the emperor Xiao Qing expressed her position, the woman turned her head to look at Feng Yu who was kneeling on the ground.

"They offended my master." Li Ba said quickly.

"Oh, the emperor has an order, no matter who dares to offend him, just put to death."

The woman waved her hand indifferently and shouted to the door, "Come on, take these people out and cut them off."


A loud shout came in from outside the door, and immediately a group of people walked in quickly, it was the strongman of the law enforcement team of the Li royal family.

"No no, spare, spare..."

At this moment, Feng Yu and others completely collapsed.

Especially Feng Yu, a strong man in the second layer of the Primordial God Realm. He put down his figure and kowtowed for forgiveness for so long. He still couldn't survive. While he screamed frantically, his whole person directly violently broke through the roof and moved towards Rush out outside.

"No matter who you are, if I can escape this time, in the future, when I reach the supreme soul of the Ninth Heaven, I will definitely make all of you pay..."

His roar came from far away.

"Arrogant guy, dare to be rampant in the imperial city?"


"No... I hate..."

However, he has not escaped far, mid-air, accompanied by an icy voice, a roar burst, Feng Yu's scream ceased, and his breath instantly dissipated.

"As for them, take them out directly, and they will be destroyed."

With a wave of her hand, the woman directly led people to take Feng Qingzi and the others away. After that, she turned her head and looked at Xiao Qingdi and others with a smile, "I'm glad to join you."

"Sorry, I haven't promised to be with you."

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