The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1136: After today, there will be no one in the world


The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing for the first time.

A Nascent Soul Stage can block his aura. If it were placed in the past, it would definitely be impossible.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing did it.

This surprised the middle-aged man and whispered, "Unless there are treasures on him, it is impossible to block the momentum of this seat."

"The Nascent Soul Stage blocks the aura of the triple heaven of the Nascent Soul Realm. These treasures are absolutely supreme artifacts."

His eyes lit up and he laughed loudly, "Really give it to the treasure boy, boy, hand over the treasure obediently, this seat can also consider whether to spare your life, if you let this seat do it yourself, you will be crushed. Killed, taking the baby from you."


Emperor Xiao Qing was stunned, then he took out the Emperor Burning Sword, and flicked his fingers on the sword lightly, and a heaven-shaking sword groan sounded.

In an instant, the wind was surging, and the terrifying sword intent directly shred the middle-aged man's aura.

"Is this a treasure?" There was a smile on his face.


Seeing this scene, not only the middle-aged man took a breath, but even the old guy and Li Yuanji in the back couldn't help but shrink their eyes.

"Peerless Divine Sword, this is a real divine weapon, even if it is not weaker than the Holy Sword Sect's holy sword, which is said to be second only to Xuanyuan Sword."

The old guy trembled and stared at the Emperor Fenjian in Emperor Xiao Qing's hands unblinkingly.

"This divine sword is so strong." Li Yuanji whispered, his heart was terrified.

Despite the lack of aura in the wild, there are many mineral veins that can refine extraordinary treasures. However, even the queen of the Li royal family can obtain most of the treasures in the wild, but there is nothing the same. The treasure can be compared with the Emperor Burning Sword.

"give me."

When the hearts of the people behind were shaking, the middle-aged man in the Demon Palace was short of breath and suddenly grabbed the Emperor Burning Sword.


However, his hand grabbed it, and what greeted him was a bright sword aura.

Emperor Xiao Qing simply pierced the middle-aged man's palm with a sword, and the unparalleled sword power was concentrated in it. In an instant, he directly pierced the middle-aged man's palm with a sword.


Even the middle-aged man never thought that he would hurt the hands of a weak person like Emperor Xiao Qing, his heart was shaking, with an incredible color on his face.

The right hand was bleeding, and it was black blood, falling on the ground, piercing the ground.

He didn't seem to notice it, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a sullen face, "What a junior, you can actually hurt this seat, you are the first person to hurt me in the realm of the Yuan Ying stage."

"It will also be the last one." Xiao Qingdi smiled slightly.

"Exactly." The middle-aged man still didn't understand what Xiao Qing meant, but sneered, "You, there will be no chance."

"No..." Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, "This king means that after today, there is no one like you in the world, and naturally no one can hurt you."


The middle-aged man was furious, "With a divine sword, he thought he could be arrogant. You are looking for death."


He was volleyed, his body exploded with monstrous devilish energy, and he directly slapped Xiao Qing with a palm.

At this moment, his palm is still bleeding.

A volley palm, not shattering the void, but sealing all the void around Emperor Xiao Qing.

"The Yuanshen Realm Triple Heaven is indeed very strong."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, his eyes showing appreciation.

It just so happened that all the spiritual energy that had been swallowed by the phantom that had found the emperor's palace before was released and merged into the emperor's burning sword.


Di Fenjian trembled very excitedly and let out a earth-shaking sword roar.

Then, the Emperor Burning Sword shook, and a terrifying sword aura volleyed past, directly slashing at the palm of the middle-aged man.

"Small bugs."

The middle-aged man sneered, but he felt that the sword wound on his palm was still bleeding, but his eyes were not as solemn as it was on the surface, but his figure vibrated. The devilish energy turned into a giant palm, roaring towards This sword slapped over.

The next moment, the palms of the swords intersected, and the terrifying light burst out instantly.

"This kid, can you really stop him?"

In the rear, the old guy and Li Yuanji both showed shock.

"Master, since you don't believe that Big Brother Xiao can stop him, why did you let Big Brother Xiao do it?" Luo Jing on one side looked at the old guy with dissatisfaction.

"He is better than Li Ba. If you don't let him do it, Li Ji and I will do it in person." The old guy said solemnly, "If we do it, then this thing can't be good."

"Then you can't let Big Brother Xiao take risks." Luo Jing snorted.

Fang Yuxue on one side also showed worry on her face.

"Don't worry, judging by that kid's character, it is absolutely impossible to do something uncertain. Since he dares to do something, he will definitely be able to block this powerful person in the Primordial Divine Realm."

The old guy comforted.

In fact, my heart is a little weak.

Li Ba, a strong man in the dual-primary divine realm and one heaven, couldn't stop the opponent with all his strength, not to mention that Emperor Xiao Qing was only in the primary stage.

There is a big gap between Yuan Ying and Yuan Shen Jing.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing could defeat Li Ba, in their opinion, Emperor Xiao Qing still couldn't compare with the Primordial Divine Realm.

Not to mention, the opponent is a master of the Primordial Divine Realm, and has already opened up the triple world. Such strength is definitely not comparable to Li Ba, the Primordial Divine Realm.


At this time, a loud noise came, and amidst the roar, Emperor Xiao Qing held the Emperor Burning Sword and stepped back a few steps, while in front of him, the middle-aged man stood still, but his face was extremely ugly.

He lowered his head, looked at his hand, and saw that the entire palm was completely gone, and only one wrist was spraying blood.

With one blow, Emperor Xiao Qing had the upper hand, cutting off his wrists.


The middle-aged man's expression became extremely gloomy, and no one had ever been able to make him suffer like this.

It was enough to pierce his palm with a sword, and cut his palm directly.

It is a great shame.

"Sorry, I couldn't kill you with a single sword." Xiao Qingdi said.


This guy is so mad that he didn't get angry, what does it mean that he couldn't cut himself with a sword?

In the rear, the old guy and Li Yuanji who had a heart hanging in the back were shocked, "He, Yuan Yingqi, confronted the Yuanshen Realm with the power of the third heaven, and even cut the palm of the opponent's hand?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

The old guy whispered and glanced at Wang Mo, who was also dumbfounded. He was again annoyed, and slapped him severely, "Asshole boy, why are you so rubbish."


Even if he was used to beating for no reason during this period, Wang Mo was still dumbfounded, only feeling that he was really wronged.

"He is not human, can I compare with him?"

"If I could be like him, I would be a god."


Wang Mo, the young elder brother of the dignified Sacred Sword Sect, at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, was able to become a master of the Nascent Soul Realm in only half a step. He cried aggrieved...

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