The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1139: Causal loop

"Take this king to the passage."

Outside the Demon Palace, Emperor Xiao Qing with his hands on his back, commanded the servants who had just been subdued.

At this moment, the strong man of the second layer of the Primordial Spirit Realm respectfully salutes, "Yes, Master."

With the power of one person, Emperor Xiao Qing killed more than a dozen strong masters in the Primordial Divine Realm, and even the Primordial Divine Realm Triple Heaven ran away. In the end, when he was left alone, he couldn’t run even if he wanted to. Begging for mercy.

The powerhouse of the dignified Yuan Divine Realm 2nd Heaven, no matter where it is, is the real supreme powerhouse, but after being branded by Emperor Xiao Qing, he became the servant of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Am I wrong?"

In the back, the old guy wiped his eyes over and over again, and only felt that he must have hallucinated. Otherwise, why would a master of the Nascent Soul Stage jump into the Nascent Divine Realm Triple Heaven and kill a dozen more? Master of the Yuanshen realm, has subdued another Yuanshen double heaven as a slave?

This short period of less than a stick of incense is almost like a dream.

"It's not wrong, but true."

Wang Mo came to the old guy and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of admiration, "Such a strong man is the strong kendo of my generation, and the real supreme kendo strong."


As soon as the voice fell, the old guy slapped him again.

"Ancestor, why are you hitting me again?" Wang Mo covered his face and looked at the old guy incomparably wronged.

Finally, I thought that the old guy would not care about him, so he dared to come over, who would have thought that he could not escape being beaten up by the old guy.

"Does it hurt?" the old guy asked.

"It hurts." Wang Mo felt aggrieved, far away from the old guy, but could only answer honestly.

"Then it's not a dream, but a truly supreme sword emperor powerhouse, but, is this the sword emperor..." The old guy whispered, turning his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing. His eyes became fiery.


Then, when he was about to rush over to find Emperor Xiao Qing, but because of too much force, he felt that his feet were soft, and he accidentally fell to the ground.

old man,"......"

He was instantly stunned.

The second ancestor of the dignified Sacred Sword Sect, whose strength reached a terrifying level, he would accidentally fall to the ground, which is simply a big joke.

However, this is the case.

"Second Patriarch, what's the matter with you?" Wang Mo was shocked and rushed over.

However, after this run, he also felt that the strength in his body was weak, and for a while, he didn't even adapt, and almost fell to the ground.


The two of them stared at each other with big eyes. Suddenly, they reacted at the same time and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing at the same time.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing with his hands on his back, with a calm smile on his face, looked at the two of them, and said softly, "Thank you for your help."


Then, the light receded, and the triple heaven opened up by the primordial spirit collapsed in an instant.

Although most of the power was used up, after returning, the old guy and Wang Mo felt much better.

They watched Emperor Xiao Qing's breath fall again, and in the blink of an eye, they returned to the level of the Nascent Soul stage before, and they couldn't help but look at each other, "It's really the power borrowed from us."

"Is the legend true?" the old guy whispered in a low voice.

Behind, Li Yuanji’s beautiful eyes were shining attractively, she walked up quickly, and urged, "Go, I have sensed it, the Demon Sovereign is not far away."


Immediately, Emperor Xiao Qing took Fang Yuxue, the old guy took Luo Jing, and a group of people, under the leadership of that servant, quickly headed towards the passage.



Along the way, whenever someone stopped him, Emperor Xiao Qing took no mercy, killing as many as he could.

This scene surprised everyone.

It stands to reason that Emperor Xiao Qing is not only not a bloodthirsty person, but even has the idea that all living beings are equal. However, this time, as soon as he arrives at the Demon Palace, he will kill him without mercy. It is really weird.

"Strange, he seems to hate these people and demons very much."

Even Li Yuanji's eyes flickered, wondering whether Emperor Xiao Qing had ever had any hatred with humans and demons.

Next, no one dared to stop it again, and everyone came directly to the passageway to Liangjie Mountain.

"This is the passage, just step in."

Only one light door was shining, and there was no peculiar place inside, only the gloomy light was constantly shining.

Emperor Xiao Qing was surprised, "Is this the channel?"

"Yes, that's it."

The old guy said with a certain face, "Go away, otherwise, we won't be able to leave when the old demon king arrives."


When his crow's mouth fell, he listened to the void shaking, and a terrifying breath erupted from a distance.

"Dare to come to the emperor's place to kill, really, looking for death..."

The word ‘death’ fell, and the void shaking with terrifying power kept trembling.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, in the Demon Palace, it seemed that a powerful formation force was mobilized, and a monstrous force burst out.

"I'm leaving first, otherwise the old guy will see me, he will definitely be with me." The old guy of the Holy Sword Sect's face changed drastically, and he directly led Luo Jing into the passage.

Wang Mo naturally followed closely behind.

"Let's go too."

Seeing this, Emperor Xiao Qing no longer hesitated, but also stepped in with Fang Yuxue, Chi Diao and his servants followed closely behind.

At the same time, Li Yuanji and Li Ba also stepped into it, but when he was about to step into it, Li Yuanji showed a wicked smile on his face, and the slender right hand pointed out, and a terrifying knife light suddenly broke out.


The sword light was terrifying, and it was tens of thousands of feet long. It was chopped down in the air, and in the midst of the roar, the formation of the Demon Palace was shattered to most of it. At this moment, countless powerful people in the Demon Palace were directly shattered into blood fog.

"you dare!"

In the distance, the Demon Emperor who had entered the Demon Emperor City roared, and a monstrous force exploded.

However, Li Yuanji had already stepped into the passage, flashed, and disappeared instantly.


Just when Li Yuanji disappeared, the figure of the Demon Sovereign appeared outside the passage. He was an old man with white hair.

Looking at the fluctuations in the passage, his eyes were cold, "Do you really think you can leave safely by entering the passage?"

He directly blasted out with a fist, an extremely terrifying fist mark burst out instantly, blasting into the passage.

The next moment, the passage oscillated, and a terrifying turbulence broke out.

It seems that there is infinite power circulating in the channel, and the Demon Emperor has a sneer on his face, "This blow, even if it can't completely kill you, can cause you serious injuries."

"Emperor, the third leader is dead."

"Emperor, our commander-level masters have lost more than a dozen."

"The other party is a young man, and he asked the emperor to make the decision for us."

After that, countless strong men from the Demon Palace rushed up and fell to the ground one by one, howling all over the field.


The Demon Sovereign's expression changed drastically, even he did not expect that the Demon Sovereign Palace would suffer such a great loss.

"Originally, the three commanders were going to enter the secular world to kill the powerful men throughout the world, and opened the seal. Now, those commanders have all been beheaded?"


The Demon Sovereign was furious, his eyes were extremely cold, "In this way, the plan to enter the world can only be postponed."

Even Emperor Xiao Qing did not expect that because he saw the line of humans and demons, which were exactly the same as those who entered the secular world, his killing intent was so great. After killing more than a dozen powerful men, by chance, he was delayed. Their invasion.

Things in the world are so wonderful, the cycle of cause and effect is manifested invisibly.

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