The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 115: Xiao Wu is here

Xiao Qingdi didn't know how Lin Shengqi and Huang Tianqi came back. If he knew this scene, not only would he not be angry, but would be very happy.

What happened eight years ago is too secret.

Had it not been mentioned by the old man Lin Shengqi sent to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, he would really think that all this was just the means of the Zhang family, the Zheng family, the Lin family and the Huang family.

It's just that everything in the year was obviously not that simple, even Xiaoqi used the means of the seven years to investigate for a few days, but also did not find the slightest clue.

However, all this is nothing to Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the past two days, he didn't think much about other things.

He just stayed with the little girl intently, and took the little girl to review all the places he played and walked together when he was a child.

At the same time, continue to treat the younger sister every day.

In this way, perhaps it is because the effect of Youlong Jiuzhen is strengthened, or it may be that the revisiting of the old place stimulates childhood memories. In short, the childhood memories appear in the little girl’s brain from time to time. Obviously, the memory is completely restored from her time. It's not far anymore.

As for Xiao Qi, she did not stay in Yunde County for these two days, but left after dealing with Tang Manhao and Fang Xiong.

Two days later, Emperor Xiao Qing took Xiao Qi back to the East China Sea with his grandfather and grandmother reluctantly, preparing to attend Lin Shihao's funeral the next day.

"My lord, the Linhuang family have been very honest since they ran away and were caught back the day before yesterday. Moreover, Lin Shengqi seems to have some confidence in his hands, and unexpectedly prepared for Lin Shihao's funeral."

When Emperor Xiao Qing returned to the Xiao family villa, he immediately received a report from Xiao Qi.

Although neither of them were in the East China Sea at the time, the Linhuang family wanted to escape and were arrested. All this was in the expectations of Xiaoqi and Xiao Qingdi, and there was nothing strange.

"Oh, has anyone come into contact with Lin Shengqi?" Xiao Qingdi asked.

"They have all investigated, and there is no special person, and everyone who has contacted Lin Shengqi has been monitored." Xiao Qi replied.


Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, "It seems that Lin Shengqi has really found reinforcements. It should be prepared to deal with us at Lin Shihao's funeral."

"I think he is dreaming."

Xiao Qi sneered, the prince's strength was earth-shaking, how many people in this world can rival?

"Don't care about him, as long as he doesn't run away, let him be free."

Xiao Qingdi said.

For him, planning to attend Lin Shihao's funeral was actually planning to tell the entire Donghai that Emperor Xiao Qing had returned.

As for the Lin family, they are fearless no matter what means.

He has enough strength to crush everything.

Xiao Qi looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and hesitated for a moment, "Then, Lord, there is some news that may not be good for you, do you want to hear it?"

There is a playful look in his eyes.

"Little Five is here."

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't need Xiao Qi to say it, he already guessed it.

Xiao Qi was helpless, "Master, you can also think of it."

"I didn't think about it, but that girl is behind you." Xiao Qingdi said, looking into the distance, shaking his head helplessly, and whispering, "Come out, come here, and hide. What is hiding?"


Accompanied by a silver bell-like laughter, a beautiful woman in a fire-red skirt appeared in the distance.

Tall, red-robed, beautiful, beautiful, with big eyes as bright as a starry sky, blinking at Emperor Xiao Qing, pouting slightly with a hint of playful color, "Master, you are getting better and better. , People have already practiced the Breath Containment Technique to the third level, and you will even notice it."

When she appeared, she was still a hundred meters away, but her figure flickered, and when she appeared again, she had already appeared in front of Emperor Xiao Qing.

The figure was slightly bent, and he saluted Emperor Xiao Qing, "Little Five, I have seen the prince!"

"You girl, I'm getting serious now." Xiao Qingdi smiled and helped her up.


Xiao Wu embraced Emperor Xiao Qing's arm and said with a smile, "Master, I miss you."

A simple and rude sentence, coupled with her charming face and coquettish appearance, will make anyone's heart beat faster and moved in their hearts.

Emperor Xiao Qing, "..."

This girl's directness made him a little bit overwhelmed.


After Xiao Qi watched it aside, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Such an act caused Xiao Qingdi and Xiao Wu to stare at the same time, he quickly closed his mouth and never dared to speak again.

In the entire country, the two people Xiao Qi feared the most were here, and they stared at him at the same time, even if he had the courage to be bold.

"Hehe, Lord, are you very happy to see people? I'm very happy too."

"Moreover, I heard someone say that the prince still cooks every day."

"In the future, I will also live in the villa with the prince. I want to eat yours and drink yours every day. Since you let me come, you can't drive me away." Xiao Wu said with a smile.


Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly regretted agreeing to let this girl come to the East China Sea, and it was a disaster for this girl to come here.

"Brother, who is this sister?"

At this moment, the little sister Qingyan came out, looking at Xiao Wu with curiosity on her face.

"Hello Sister Yan'er, I'm Xiao Wu, these years, listening to the prince talking about you every day, I finally found you, so good, you look so beautiful."

Seeing the little sister Qingyan appeared, Xiao Wu hurried forward and greeted her with a smile.

Obviously, Xiao Wu had done some homework before he came, and he was more clear about the situation of Xiao Sister.

"Little Fifth Sister also looks good."

Two girls with the same sweet looks, and Xiao Wu was very pleased, and the two girls chatted together in the blink of an eye.

"Will Little Fifth Sister also live at home in the future?" the little sister asked.

"Yes, yes, Yan'er will take me to my room." Xiao Wu nodded quickly.

"Okay, Little Fifth Sister comes with me."


As a result, Xiao Wu lived in the Xiao family villa under the leadership of Xiao Qingyan before Emperor Xiao Qing did not agree to it, leaving only Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi staring at each other.

"This girl..."

Emperor Xiao Qing had no choice but to acquiesce in letting Xiao Wu live in the villa.

Then, he looked at Xiao Qi, "Is Ruoyan not back these few days?"

"Yes." Xiao Qi nodded, "The cooperation between Omega and Su Yan Group is officially launched. During this time, Miss Su will be a bit busy. However, it can be regarded as normal. I specially investigated. Even eat and live in the company all month."

"That girl, too desperate."

Emperor Xiao Qing rubbed his eyebrows, really wondering if it would be a good thing for Omega to cooperate with Su Yan Group.

It would be bad if you turn her into a workaholic.

Xiao Qi smiled and said, "Wang Ye, with Miss Su’s character, I will finally see the opportunity for the rise of Su Yan Group. I will definitely work hard. However, I think it is possible to let Xiao Fifth Sister go to Su Yan Group to help Miss Su. They are all geniuses in business. Under the two mergers, Su Yan Group can definitely develop into a super business group in the next few years."

"This is an idea. In this way, you let Xiaowu enter the Su Yan Group and see if they can look at each other. If you can, it's best."

After hearing this, Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes brightened.


Xiao Qi responded, and she was looking forward to what the two women would be like if they joined hands.

There was nothing to say about the rest. Xiao Qi and Emperor Xiao Qing stood side by side. Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the **** setting sun in the sky, and couldn't help sighing, "Tomorrow is the time for me to regain my identity, right? , Remember to prepare a gift for Lin and Huang's family."

"Don't worry, I'm ready." Xiao Qi smiled confidently.

"I have nothing to do, take a stroll with me?" Xiao Qingdi nodded, and then invited Xiao Qi.

"Dare to accompany you?" Xiao Qi smiled.

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