The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1173: No one can shoot a sword against this king, even if you are strong!

"What is the Holy Sword Art?"

Facing the siege of several people, Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was calm, and his tone was flat, "One sword destroys, one sword creates life, can live, can die, and everything is holy!"

"You, do you want to die or do you want to live?"


Then, arrogant laughter suddenly sounded.

The holy sword in his hand slashed across the sky, silently, all the attacks on him were shattered.

At the same time, the Holy Sword shook, and extremely violent power emerged from the Holy Sword.

The destructive power is so powerful that with Emperor Xiao Qing as the center, within a radius of a million miles, everything seems to be infinite death.


"The Holy Sword is the most precious treasure of my Holy Sword Sect. The infinite power contained in it is the result of my holy Sword Sect's sacrifice and refining for so many years. You used the power of the Holy Sword to deal with me. ."

"There is a kind of put down the holy sword and fight with me."

Those peak owners and elders were all frightened and angry.

Among them, none of them are weaker than the Yuanshen Realm Double Heaven, and each of them is the supremely strong. With their power, they can deal with the Yuan Ying stage easily.

However, a group of people at the same time opponents were easily blocked by Emperor Xiao Qing holding the holy sword, which was a shame.

Even at this moment, they had forgotten what Xiao Qing Emperor said, this was the Supreme Sword Sword of the Sacred Sword Sect.

Only a few people felt the horror of this sword. They were horrified and whispered constantly, "Holy Sword Jue... This is the Supreme Sword Jue recorded in the classics, driven by the sword emperor's will, destroying and creating Lives and lives coexist. If you take action, you will either exterminate the world or create the world..."

"How could he be the Sword Emperor?"

"no no..."

Even the Sect Master Tianxuzi was shocked, with a shocked expression on his face, "The second ancestor is right, he is really the Sword Emperor, but how could he learn the Holy Sword Jue so quickly?"

"Try again."

There was a firm color on his face, his figure shook, and a monstrous force burst out. Within the sixth heaven and earth of the Primordial Divine Realm, the remaining two divine swords flew out at the same time and merged into that one. Among the four swords in the reduced version of the holy sword.


Then, the light flickered on this reduced version of the holy sword, and an aura that was very similar to the holy sword in the hands of Emperor Xiao Qing spread out.

The power of life and the power of destruction flickered on it at the same time.

"It has long been heard that Tianxuzi wanted to create the Holy Sword Jue by himself, and even built a set of divine swords. After being merged into one, it is equivalent to a small holy sword, and it really made him succeed."

Below, the second group of Tianhuan, who was standing with Li Yuanji, took a sigh of relief when they saw this. "I said why this guy is so emboldened when he sees me. It turns out that he has refined such a holy sword. It's weaker than me."

"It's more than not weaker than you, already stronger than you."

Li Yuanji glanced at him and said indifferently, "You go up and let him try with a sword?"

"Ahem, if my elder brother is there, I won't participate." The old guy coughed dryly, his eyes fixed on Emperor Xiao Qing in the sky.

"This sect created the two swords of heaven and emptiness, which was created with the holy sword jue as a replica. Today, it is a great honor to be able to fight the real holy sword, whether you win or lose, this sect is deeply honored."

At this moment, the holy sword after fusing the six divine swords was held in his hand, and the face of Sect Master Tian Xuzi showed a confident expression.

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, with a calm expression, "Since you have learned the Holy Sword Jue, you are able to master the Holy Sword, and you are still the brother of my second ancestor. I hope this misunderstanding can be resolved peacefully."


As soon as his voice fell, a sword light flashed, and among the dozen young people below, another one was detonated by Emperor Xiao Qing.


Sect Master’s eyebrows kept beating, and his face showed extreme anger, "You want to kill again? What are you going to do?"

"Someone wants to deal with this king, it is impossible for this king to resist."

Emperor Xiao Qing said calmly, "Whoever wants to kill me, I will kill them all, isn't it right?"

"But they didn't kill you."

Sect Master was furious, he just wanted to settle this matter peacefully with Emperor Xiao Qing, thinking that he would leave Emperor Xiao Qing in the Sacred Sword Sect no matter what, and he would definitely not anger Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing was so uncooperative.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at him with a smile.

"This matter, this sect will definitely investigate it clearly and give you an explanation." Sect Master's hands were violent, but he still held back his anger and discouraged him, "Don't kill anymore..."


However, as soon as his voice fell, Emperor Xiao Qing slashed down several swords one after another. These sword lights seemed to have penetrating power, no matter how these young people stood behind the strong, they were still split.

The blood splattered on the strong men in front of the young men, making all those strong men angry.

"you wanna die."

"Sect Master, this person is extremely rampant, I am waiting for the request to open the sect array and kill him."

"If you don't kill this person, what is the prestige of the Holy Sword Sect?"


Suddenly, countless sect elders and peak masters all appealed to the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect.

With their strength, it is naturally impossible to slash Emperor Xiao Qing who is holding the holy sword, but the holy sword sect can become one of the strongest sects in Liangjieshan, and naturally has its powerful background.

If the sect formation is opened, even if the gods come, they will be tempered to death, let alone Emperor Xiao Qing.

Sect Master Tianxuzi's eyes flushed, killing intent rushed into the sky, glaring at Emperor Xiao Qing, and said every word, "You, stubborn!"


A vast and boundless breath burst out in an instant.

Sect Master’s divine sword burst into the air, tearing the void, breaking the rules, and slashing towards Emperor Xiao Qing with the power of creation and destruction.

This time, he really moved to kill.

Emperor Xiao Qing repeatedly challenged his bottom line, beheading a dozen or so disciples of the Holy Sword Sect in front of him, which had exceeded the limit he could tolerate.


A sword volleys, the power of destruction and creation merged together, which can be described as terrifying.

Even if this sword was only introduced by the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect according to the sect classics, and the sword art he created by his own insight into the Holy Sword, it was far unable to compare with the real Holy Sword Jue.

However, in his Yuanshen realm, the sixth heavenly powerhouse, he exerts his full power, and the horror of power is enough to open up the world and destroy all things.

"A person who can become the Sect Master of the Holy Sword Sect is truly extremely talented. Few people in this world can compare with you." Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing.

"Unfortunately, if this king is unwilling, no one can move the sword in front of this king, do you, when this king said is false?"

With a soft smile, even the Holy Sword was too lazy to handle it. Instead, he stretched out his left hand, pointed it, and vomited, "Ning!"

The next moment, infinite sword intent, spouted from his body.


The wind and clouds change, the world changes colors.

That is the meaning of the real emperor coming to the world, the extremely terrifying sword emperor that no one can match.

Even above his head, three godless shadows appeared. These three emperor shadows each burst out with different auras, meaning the vast emperor of the Xuanyuan Sword Art, and the Emperor Burning Sword's boundless killing himself, even more so There is the meaning of the Supreme Sword of the Holy Sword Sect.

Three kinds of supreme sword intent, descend with the Holy Sword Sect!

At this moment, Liangjieshan shook.

The endless cultivators of swordsmanship all felt in their hearts. They looked up in the direction of the Holy Sword Sect, and felt trembling in their hearts. There was an impulse to bow down and bow down sincerely.

"Sword Emperor Linchen..."

"In this world, the emperor has appeared again."

In every mysterious place, an invincible ancient existence opened his eyes, and they looked at the direction of the Holy Sword Sect and sighed.

The infinite distance can be affected by the meaning of the sword emperor, not to mention the people in the holy sword sect.

At this moment, the Holy Sword Sect went up and down, all those who practiced swordsmanship were pale, and there was a panic in their hearts.

It seems that there is a godless person who is angry.

The emperor comes, who can stop in the world?

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