The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1177: The woman who dares to move this king, I will kill you all!

"Qingfeng, what are you doing here for me?"

Bing Zhao asked without looking back while drawing.

The youth who came out of the darkness were not others, but Qingfeng.

The black-clothed youth Qingfeng's face is no longer the hippie smile when he first met Xiao Qingdi, but a serious face, "I want to see Xun'er."


Bing Zhao suddenly raised his head, an angry shout spread out, and the powerful momentum all over his body broke out, "You still have the face to say that you want to see Xun'er. With your current appearance, you are not worthy to give Xun'er incense. Get out immediately before, otherwise, don't think that your strength will reach the sixth heaven of the Primordial God Realm and you will be able to compete with me. If the old man wants to kill you, you can't go."

Qingfeng sighed, "Back then, I knew it was right or wrong. Before Xun'er left, I didn't let me resent you, and even asked me to treat you well for her, but you blamed me like this..."

"If it weren't for you*my daughter, how could she die because of it?"

Bing Zhao's expression was extremely cold, with a grim face, and angrily said, "You still have the face to mention what happened back then. If my daughter hadn't forced me to swear to kill you before she died, the old man would have sent you down. My daughter apologized."


Qingfeng shook his head, "I don't want to quarrel with you. I just came here to ask you someone. If you tell me the answer, I will leave."


Bing Zhao still had a cold face, but he did not resist the other party's question.

"A woman, whose cultivation base is about the primordial infant stage, is named Fang Yuxue. This is what she looks like." Qing Feng waved her hand to show Fang Yuxue's appearance.

When Bing Zhao saw this, he shook his head, "The junior in the Nascent Soul Stage, even in the Ice Demon Sect, this elder cannot know."

After that, he passed the order directly, "Passing the commander."


After the order was given, a tall man appeared outside the door, "Grand Elder."

"You can see this person?" The Great Elder waved his hand and directly showed Fang Yuxue's phantom in front of him.

"It seems, a bit of an impression."

The Grand Commander is the outer leader of the Ice Demon Sect, who is in charge of the defense of the Ice Demon Sect. Generally, the various people who appear in the sect cannot hide from him.

After thinking about it for a while, he hesitated and whispered, "A few days ago, it seems that the Sovereign took such a woman with him, but he didn't see it later."

"Go to the chief of your own."

Bing Zhao turned his head to look at Qingfeng, "Go away."

"This is a lot of trouble."

Qingfeng shook his head, and threw a blood-colored stone in front of Great Elder Bing Zhao, "This is the blood dragon crystal you need, and it's a reward for this news."

Then, his body shape flashed, and the whole person disappeared silently.

"You should withdraw too, besides, go to guard all important places immediately."

Bing Zhao said to the chief.


The chief was puzzled, but he hurriedly left according to the requirements of the chief elder.

"This kid, his skills are indeed extraordinary." Bing Zhao picked up the blood dragon crystal on the table, with a sigh on his face, "If Xun'er is fine, then, how great..."

While sighing, the blood dragon crystal turned into a light and plunged into his body.

This blood dragon crystal was originally necessary for his cultivation, but it was very rare, and there were too few in the world, even Bing Zhao could not find it as the elder of the Ice Demon Sect.

On the contrary, Qingfeng was able to find it, which shows that Qingfeng is extraordinary, but his daughter is no longer alive.


Just as the Great Elder was absorbing the blood dragon crystal, suddenly, a loud noise rang in the Ice Demon Sect, and then, the roar of countless people rang.

"Hahaha, not bad, I haven't been here for a while, but the treasures of the Ice Demon Sect are a lot more, keep working hard, save more, and pick it up next time."

Then, accompanied by a smiling voice spread throughout the Ice Demon Sect.

Obviously, the treasure house of the Ice Demon Sect was taken over by Qingfeng, and the great elder also heard the roar. However, he was at the critical moment of refining the blood dragon crystal and could not move at all, and could only let Qingfeng disappear.



"I found someone. It was taken away by the Sect Master of the Ice Demon Sect. However, I haven't seen it for several days. I guess it was either hidden by the Sect Master of the Ice Demon Sect or what happened to her."

Not long afterwards, Qingfeng appeared at the inn where Emperor Xiao Qing was located.

"Yuxue's breath of life is still very stable, I can sense it." Xiao Qingdi said calmly, "it should be hidden."

"What's special about her, what did the Ice Demon Sect Master hide her for?"

Both the old guy and Qingfeng looked curious.

On the contrary, Li Yuanji frowned and said, "I once sensed some extremely pure devil energy in her body. It seems to be the body of the innate demon?"


As soon as these words came out, Qing Feng and the old guy's expressions changed, "The innate demon spirit body, for the people of the magic way, this is simply the supreme god's panacea, this is the end."

"Oh, you didn't say it earlier, otherwise, I would not have brought the ice demon sect's treasure house, but will find people first. Now, the ice demon sect's treasure house is taken away by me, and I can't enter the ice demon again. Zong."

Breeze sighed again and again.

His words are simple, as if holding the treasure house of the Ice Demon Sect is just a simple matter.

The old guy frowned, "As far as I know, the Sect Master of the Ice Demon Sect, that woman has always had stubborn illnesses in her body. She even thought of abandoning her physical body and specializing in the soul of the soul, but I don't know what is going on now. "

"You mean, after Fang Yuxue is taken away by her, she is very likely to abandon her physical body and seize Fang Yuxue?" Li Yuanji's expression changed.

"She dare!"

Emperor Xiao Qing stood up, his eyes were extremely cold, "This king's woman, no one in this world can treat her, who dares to touch Yuxue, this king will destroy her."

The body shape flashed, and the whole person instantly disappeared in place.

"Hey, you went to the Ice Demon Sect to do something in the Nascent Soul Stage, don't you want to live?" Qingfeng hurriedly called out.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing has disappeared.

"If you don't worry, you will catch up." The old guy glanced at Qingfeng, "It is clear that my eldest brother has gone to the Ice Demon Sect, so what's the use of you calling it?"

"Huh? Your brother?"

Qingfeng knew at this time that the old guy had recognized a big brother, and he looked at the old guy dumbfounded, "Is he really your big brother?"

"none of your business."

The old guy rolled his eyes.

Although he has completely recognized the eldest brother Xiao Qingdi, it is not a good thing to say such things, even he does not want people to know.

The less he didn't want to say it, the more curious Qing Feng was, and he pulled the old guy with a thief, "Come on, start your performance, how did you become a little brother by a Yuan Ying period? I'm so curious. It makes me happy to say it."


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