The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 117: Your enemy is strong

"My name is Chen Sheng and I belong to the Chen family in the East China Sea."

When the man said his name, the faces of Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi showed unexpected expressions at the same time.

What they didn't expect was that the "Millennium Chen", who had not had any news recently, would send someone to embarrass themselves at this time.

What's even more unexpected is that in the "Millennium Chen", there are even 6-rank masters.

You know, this age is not very common even in the martial arts world of the entire empire. Although Qian-Yuan Chen is a thousand-year-old family, he can only dominate in the East China Sea for a while. Real super big families such as the Li family are nothing at all.

"Why come here?"

Emperor Xiao Qing asked in a deep voice.

"The patriarch asked me to test the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing." Chen Sheng replied.

"Test me?"

Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help but laughed, "Since you are testing me, why do you know that we are in this Xishan Cemetery?"

The two left the Xiao family villa without any movement and no one knew. However, Chen Sheng was able to know by chance that they were in this Xishan Cemetery.

This made Xiao Qingdi and Xiao Qi a little puzzled.

"I used to know Xiao Zhenghua. I left for many years to leave the mountain. This time, I specially came to see Xiao Zhenghua. After all, I was upset in dealing with his son next, but I didn't expect to see you at Xiao Zhenghua's grave. ."

Chen Sheng replied.

"This is really a coincidence..."

Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi were speechless at the same time.

Should you say that this guy is lucky, or should you say that he is bad?

Wanting to test the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing, instead of going directly to the Xiao family villa, he came to the Xishan Cemetery, and finally ran into two people.

If this guy went to the Xiao family villa, with Xiao Wu's violence hidden in her temper, it is estimated that this guy would have been frustrated by Xiao Wu long ago.

When I came to the Xishan Cemetery, my original intention was to deal with the son of a former deceased, and I felt a little uneasy, and wanted to see the deceased, so that I could do bad things with peace of mind.

Who would have thought that Xiao Qing emperor and Xiao Qi were directly encountered.

Moreover, the strength of these two people is beyond his imagination.

The light in Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes dissipated, he let go of his control over this guy, and stood with his hand held down, pondering what to do with this guy.

"You, what did you do to me?"

After Chen Sheng came back to his senses, when he remembered that he had asked and answered all the questions and told Xiao Qingdi and Xiao Qi everything, he suddenly felt terrified and shocked.

"Do you want to die or live?" Xiao Qing asked.

Chen Sheng, "..."

Is not this nonsensical? As long as you can live comfortably, who would want to die?

However, in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, he did not dare to say anything. If he showed that he wanted to live very much, he was afraid that the other party would force himself to do something he didn't want to do.

"Since you have known my parents, I don't care about you, but you need to tell me how the Chen family will deal with me? Why do you want to deal with me?" Xiao Qingdi said lightly.

Originally, based on his character, after asking the other party's words, Xiao Qi almost got rid of Chen Sheng.

However, this guy actually said that he had known his father, and this time he wanted to come to the deceased and sigh in front of him before dealing with the deceased's son.

In this way, he must think hard about how he wants to deal with this guy.

Chen Sheng’s face was helpless, “I don’t know exactly what the Chen family will do to you, because I am obsessed with martial arts all the year round and do not have any substantive rights in the Chen family. This time, it was also because the patriarch personally invited me. Let me test you, I did it, otherwise, I would never get out of the mountain."

"is it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing sneered, "Since you are not good at talking, then I have to destroy the Chen family and talk about it."

He stretched his waist with an indifferent look on his face, and continued, "No matter what the conspiracy is in the Chen family, as long as the nine clans are all destroyed, it will have no effect, right?"

In a casual tone, he said that he would kill a Chen family, as if he was crushing an ant on the ground.

If someone else said this, Chen Sheng would certainly laugh at each other at his own expense. However, when he knew that these two young people were definitely the masters of the seventh stage, Chen Sheng understood that with the strength of the two in front of him, That ability can destroy the Chen family.

"You, how can you..."

Chen Sheng heard Emperor Xiao Qing's words not like nonsense, his face changed drastically, and he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing short of breath, "No, too many people in the Chen family are innocent. You can't destroy the nine families of the Chen family. "

"Only the Chen family is allowed to deal with me, but I can't let me destroy the Chen family. Why is this?"

Xiao Qingdi smiled.

His smile was gentle and gentle, and looked like a scholar who had read poetry and books, but his words contained boundless domineering and evil spirits.

Chen Sheng sat on the ground with an unparalleled look of shock on his face, short of breath, and said quickly, "No, the Chen family does not pose any threat to you. In the Chen family, except for the old patriarch who is a seventh-level master, other people Even the sixth rank has not been reached. With your strength, the old clan is old and weak, and it is impossible to be your opponent. You don't have to be afraid of the threat of the Chen family."

"I'll just say that it's just a Chen family, how can everyone be at the rank of Rank 6 or 7?" Xiao Qi muttered aside.

When he originally saw this guy as a middle-aged man, he still felt surprised in his heart, thinking he underestimated the Chen family.

It is only now that I understand that the Chen family is still not very strong. There is an old patriarch in the family who is a master master of the seventh-rank realm. For the others, only the sixth-rank Chen is born.

However, Chen Sheng was able to become a martial artist in the sixth rank at his age, but it also matched his identity as a martial idiot.

"Yes, the Chen family is very weak and cannot threaten you." Chen Sheng said quickly.

"However, do you think that being weak is the reason you can do whatever you want and provoke us?" Xiao Qi sneered, "Weak and provoke others everywhere, this is your own death."


Chen Sheng was completely dumbfounded.

This is very reasonable. If you are very strong, you can provoke others everywhere without fear of everything, and you are not afraid of others coming to kill you. That is normal, but if you are weak, you still provoke others. This is really your own death.. .

"I, I know some things back then, as long as you promise me not to take action against the Chen family, I will tell you everything." Suddenly, Chen Sheng remembered something, and he quickly looked at Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Do you have room for bargaining?"

Emperor Xiao Qing sneered.

Thinking of the situation where he was being controlled by the other party just now, Chen Sheng was full of grief and indignation, knowing that he really had no room for bargaining.

He could only smile bitterly, "It's fine, I was very guilty of agreeing to the patriarch to test you, and I feel sorry for Xiao Zhenghua. Since I can't help you, I'll just tell you."

As he said, his eyes condensed, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing carefully, and said in a deep voice, "Your enemy is very powerful."

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