The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1198: Do you want to destroy Dragon King Island?

"is it?"

When the young prince of blood relatives said very confidently that no one in the world was his opponent, a calm voice suddenly sounded.


The expression of the young prince changed, and he shouted, "Who is it."


At this moment, it happened to be the time when the dukes and marquis of the blood clan killed everyone on Dragon King Island. However, they had not really impacted in front of everyone on Dragon King Island. Suddenly, the sea below exploded.

Qiang Qiang!

The endless sea water turned into nine-color sword energy, shining with scorching light in the sun.

Murderous and awe-inspiring.

"Those who committed my Dragon King Island, die!"

The calm voice sounded again. The next moment, all the powerhouses of the blood race were horrified, only feeling that a terrifying aura was suppressed on the heads of themselves and others, making them unable to even move.

Can only helplessly watch those sword qi from bottom to top, splitting them in half.

In the blink of an eye, the blood dyed the sea red, and the corpses of the strong blood family floated on it, one by one, one by one.


The sudden scene stunned everyone.

Then, everyone on Dragon King Island was overjoyed.

"The prince, it is the prince!"

"The prince is back."


The shouts were earth-shattering. At this moment, everyone on Dragon King Island was really too excited.

These blood clan powerhouses are too strong, even Lin Kang was captured, so no one on the island can stop these powerhouses. Originally, the top ten dragon guards were already prepared and intended to hold these blood clan powerhouses desperately. Let the others escape first.

Unexpectedly, at this time, their king returned.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, my brother..."

Luo Xia closed his eyes, showing excitement and tension.

Emperor Xiao Qing came back, and as soon as he shot, he showed invincible strength and beheaded these blood dukes.

However, this does not mean it is over.

There is also a super strong prince of the blood family here.

"Don't come out, leave quickly, he is a prince, comparable to a powerful person in the Yuanshen realm."

Then, Luo Xia suddenly shouted.


However, in exchange, the young prince slapped him over, causing Luo Xia to spit blood into the sea.

The young prince ignored Luo Xia, but looked at the void ahead and said with a cold expression, "It seems that this prince has underestimated the people in this world. Unexpectedly, there is actually a strong person in the Primordial God Realm."

"But, so what."

His face still has a confident color, "This world can't support the existence of the powerful Primordial Spirit Realm at all. At best, you have just entered the Primordial Spirit Realm. Come out and die."

"Wait for the king to come."

The flat voice came out, not as domineering as this blood youth, nor as self-confident as him, as if just saying a word at random.

The blood youth prince sneered, "Wait, the prince sees you want to run."


As soon as the voice fell, a roar came out in the void in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a channel directly extended from the void, and a powerful and terrifying aura burst out.

"Are you looking for this king?"

Along with a calm voice, Xiao Qingdi and four people stepped out of the void.

Especially, as soon as Fang Yuxue, a super master of the Sixth Heaven Realm Realm, appeared, the surrounding void couldn't bear the powerful aura erupting from her, and it broke and exploded.

She just stood there randomly, and the void shattered itself, then repaired, then shattered, repeating itself.

Void turbulence, the blade of space kept flashing past, but when it reached her, everything disappeared.


Seeing this scene, the young prince of the blood race suddenly shrank his eyes, and his eyes showed extreme horror. "The rules of the world have been changed. It is impossible to have such a strong person. Who is she?"

"It's not a pseudo-prime divine realm, but a super master who has developed multiple primary divine realms. How could such a powerful person be here?"

He panicked completely.

Fang Yuxue just stood there at will, without even doing anything, causing such a vision, it was terrifying to the extreme.


Suddenly, another roar came out, but it was Mochen.

The others are tall and magnificent, with a height of more than two meters. Although they are only strong in the second layer of the Yuanshen realm, this world is empty, and it is also unable to bear his breath.

He stepped out, looking calmly at the horrified young prince of the blood race opposite, the void of his body also burst open.

On the contrary, everything around Emperor Xiao Qing and Li Yuanji was very calm.

"You, who are you?"

The blood youth prince swallowed his mouth and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and his group with a difficult expression on his face.

At this moment, his heart trembled.


"Farewell to the lord!"

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't answer yet, the ten dragon guards had already rushed to him and bowed their hands, all with respectful expressions on their faces.

And Lin Kang, who also got freedom because of the death of those strong blood clan, he clasped his fists and saluted, "Lord."

With so many shouts in his ears, how could this young prince of the blood clan fail to understand the identity of Emperor Xiao Qing.

The owner of this island, Dragon King Xiao Qingdi!

"Damn it, who told me that the Dragon King Xiao Qing is just an ordinary warrior?"

The young prince's heart was trembling, if it weren't for those strong blood clan who had been beheaded by Emperor Xiao Qing, he would definitely pinch all of them to death.

This time, I was really pitted to death.


Luo Xia rushed up from the bottom of the sea and roared at Xiao Qingdi, "Run, he is the prince of the blood clan and will destroy you and Dragon King Island..."

Before he finished shouting, he saw that the young prince of the blood race turned pale and stood sweating profusely. He didn't dare to move. He was immediately stunned.


He raised his head again and looked in the direction of Emperor Xiao Qing, and his expression changed even more when the void of Fang Yuxue and Mochen next to Emperor Xiao Qing was constantly shattering.

Then, overjoyed, "Hahaha, great, Prince, aren’t you very arrogant? Don’t you want to kill my brother in front of me, do you want to wipe out all my brother’s Dragon King Island? a ha ha ha..."

A heart finally fell.

Then, with his injuries too serious, he fainted while laughing.

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, stretched out his hand to support Luo Xia, and found that the other party was not in danger of life, so he handed it to Long Yi Tang Yi, "Take it to the island and let the doctor treat him."


Tang Yi saluted slightly and left directly with Luo Xia.

And Emperor Xiao Qing, after Luo Xia left, turned his eyes to the prince powerhouse of the cold sweating blood race opposite, "You, want to destroy this king's Dragon King Island?"

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