The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1202: Life is like a flower, love in the heart

Three hours later, on Dragon King Island, on the spacious runway, countless transport planes were parked, and groups of heavily armed mercenaries lined up on the transport planes.

These are super powers carefully selected.

Each one is not only a martial arts expert, but also very proficient in various thermal weapons. Each one is an enemy with hundreds of characters.

On the battlefield, they are just like killing machines.


As the Ten Dragon Guards stepped onto the transport plane, the roar sounded, and there were thousands of transport planes flying into the sky.

"The top ten dragon guards are truly unique in the world."

Next to Emperor Xiao Qing, Lin Kang sighed.

At this moment, Lin Kang, the leader of the super **** power group, is already a real powerhouse in the Nascent Soul stage.

He was full of admiration for Emperor Xiao Qing in his heart.

I thought that what Xiao Qing said to help him break through to the Nascent Soul Stage within three years was just empty talk. He didn't even think about asking Xiao Qing to help him, but felt that he could make a breakthrough in three to five years.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Xiao Qing was really so terrifying. After returning, he could easily break into the Nascent Soul Stage.

My heart is full of gratitude.

At this moment, he completely integrated himself into Dragon King Island, and never regarded himself as the leader of the superior super **** ability group before.

"Group leader Lin, from now on, everything about Dragon King Island is left to you."

Emperor Xiao Qing was polite to Lin Kang.

"Dragon King rest assured, this is what Lin should do." Lin Kang hurriedly saluted.

"Thanks a lot."

Nodding slightly, Emperor Xiao Qing did not stay much, but walked to the place where Ai Wen retreats to practice.

Ever since Ai Wen got the inheritance of the Imperial Palace, she has made rapid progress in both alchemy and cultivation, but she also needs more time to retreat and practice.

Returning this time, he naturally wants to get together with Ai Wen.


"I have seen the prince."


Along the way, wherever he went, countless people all saluted respectfully.

Xiao Qingdi smiled and nodded in response. Even if he is the supreme king on this island, in his heart, everyone on Dragon King Island is his family.

His dragon king's power will only be shown to outsiders.

Coming out of Ai Wen's closed chamber, she didn't disturb anyone, and went straight into it.

I saw that at this moment, Ai Wen was burning with flames, and there was a golden phoenix looming on top of her head. The aura presented by the whole person was a bit similar to Li Yuanji.

"this is..."

Originally, Emperor Xiao Qing hadn't noticed the difference between the two. At this moment, when he saw the golden flame burning all over Ai Wen and the golden phoenix, his expression suddenly changed.


At this time, with the sound of a phoenix chirping, the golden phoenix absorbed all the flames in Ai Wen's body, and suddenly became solid, flying around Ai Wen.


Emperor Xiao Qing's gaze condensed, "No, I don't have enough aura, it's a bit troublesome."

Then, the more the Phoenix was flying, the weaker it seemed, and it seemed to be gradually dissipating.

Emperor Xiao Qing hurriedly used his own power to plunder the aura from the surroundings and merge it into Ai Wen's body. In an instant, the golden phoenix came alive, gently spreading its wings, and the golden flames burned the sky.

"Golden core period."

A smile appeared on Emperor Xiao Qing's face.

Ai Wen, relying on the inheritance obtained from the Emperor Palace, coupled with her own hard work, was able to cultivate to the Golden Core Stage within such a short time. Such an achievement is truly earth-shattering.


At the same time, Li Yuanji, who was wandering on the island, changed his face when the phoenix sound rang, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and rushed out of Ai Wen's secret room.

"Phoenix body!"

Her expression was shocked, her face was tangled, she wanted to break in, but she hesitated because it was in Emperor Xiao Qing's territory.

Inside the secret room, Ai Wen opened her eyes, and did not immediately notice Emperor Xiao Qing, but looked outside the secret room and whispered, "Practitioners of the same origin..."


As her words fell, the door of the secret room opened directly, and the two women who were also practicing the Phoenix technique looked at each other.

Li Yuanji looked at the golden phoenix that was flying around Ai Wen, then smiled slightly, and her figure was shocked. A phoenix that was bigger than Ai Wen and whose breath was a million times more terrifying appeared in her. On the top of his head.

"Unexpectedly, in this secular world, I can find a practitioner of my line."

She sighed, glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing behind Ai Wen, and smiled, "You are really surprising to me, even the Phoenix Legacy can get it."

Almost at the same moment, the two women seemed to have negotiated, and directly incorporated the phoenix that burst out of them into their bodies.


Ai Wen turned around abruptly and quickly plunged into Xiao Qingdi's arms, holding Xiao Qingdi tightly, with a look of excitement on her face, "You are finally back."

Such behavior stopped Li Yuanji's figure that was about to step into the secret room.

She glanced at Emperor Xiao Qing with a strange look, and when she saw the gentle color on Emperor Xiao Qing's face, somehow, a feeling of jealousy rose in her heart.

Originally, facing this situation, she should take the initiative to avoid it, but at this moment, she unexpectedly did not back down, but just looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and Ai Wen quietly.

She didn't leave, and Xiao Qingdi and Ai Wen didn't chase her either. The two of them hugged each other like no one, feeling their love for each other.

Even when seeing the temperature between the two gradually rising, Li Yuanji finally couldn't help but retreat.

"Damn it, this **** must have done it deliberately. He wanted to talk to that woman in front of the emperor..."

She turned into a streamer, and she seemed to rush to a bar on the island. She ordered a bunch of spirits in one breath, and put the account on the top of Emperor Xiao Qing's head before drinking angrily.

It seems to vent everything on these wines.

"Sister Li, drinking like this is not good for your health." Not long after, Fang Yuxue also came, and she smiled softly and sat opposite Li Yuanji.

"Are you looking for him too, and then you saw him making out with other women?" Li Yuanji smiled.

Fang Yuxue did not answer, but picked up a glass of wine and clinked with Li Yuanji.

"Hey, men, they are all big pig hooves." Li Yuanji snorted coldly.

This was what she heard from a woman sitting next to her when she was drinking. At first she was puzzled. Later, after receiving the explanation from the other party, she understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Actually, I am not jealous and angry." Fang Yuxue chuckled softly, "It is a blessing for me to be able to get the love of the prince in this life."

"Furthermore, in front of several sisters, I am a latecomer. I have already prepared myself."

She smiled, with a happy face on her face, "Women, learn to be satisfied. For me, the prince killed the Ice Demon Sect in a rage, and used the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period to fight against the Seven Heavens of the Yuan Divine Realm. This grace, this Who in the world can enjoy it?"

"On the contrary, it's your sister. As a generation empress, do you know how to love?"

She looked at Li Yuanji on one side, making the latter stunned, "I..."

Thinking of the bit by bit since getting to know Emperor Xiao Qing, for a while, her slightly drunken eyes were a bit dumbfounded.

Life is like a flower, beautiful and colorful, anyone has a yearning for love in their hearts, even if she is the supreme queen.

At this moment, the hazy feeling that she had originally had towards Emperor Xiao Qing became clearer in her heart.

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