The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1206: The crisis has expanded and the Xiao royal family is destroyed today

"The Sifang imperial family has always been the main force against us, especially the Xiao imperial family, and it has been fighting against me for the endless years. This time, the Xiao imperial family will be destroyed first, and then the other three imperial families will be slaughtered."

A group of people in black, a total of eighteen people, each of them was devilish, exploding with a terrifying aura.

Moreover, these eighteen people turned out to be very terrifying powerhouses in the first heaven of Yuanshen realm.

"Master Demon Sovereign has an order. Our task is to kill, destroy the Sifang Imperial Clan base, and destroy its core personnel."

The leader is a fierce middle-aged man. He is holding a long sword and looking at other people, with cold light in his eyes, "Eighteen evil spirits are wild and wild, and he is the strongest member of the demon king. One of the team, Lord Demon Sovereign spent countless efforts to open the channel to send us into the secular world. This time, we must complete the task, otherwise, I won't have to go back."

"Brother don't worry, our Eighteen Demons will take action, not to mention just dealing with the royal family in the area, even if the entire secular world is destroyed, it is easy."


Others also laughed. "There are no strong players in this world. It is too simple to deal with them."

"Then, everyone, do it."


Amidst the roar, a terrifying force burst out instantly.

Eighteen powerful masters of the Primordial God Realm shot together, and the power can be described as earth-shattering.

One blow, destroys the world, no one can beat it.

Even if the entire secret realm of the Xiao royal family was hidden in the void, it was also instantly blasted, and a crack spread infinitely from the void, directly extending into the secret realm of the Xiao royal family.

At this moment, the Xiao royal family was in turmoil.

"Who, dare to come to my Xiao imperial clan to make trouble and seek death."

At this moment, within the Xiao imperial clan, the chief commander Xiao Ding roared, holding a supreme sword, and killing him instantly, "Boys, how long has this been settled, and dare to come to our clan to make trouble again, it is almost death."

"Today, if you don't cut you off, Lao Tzu is not Xiao Ding."

Amidst the roar, the sword was shining brightly, and the Heavenly Sword split everything and cut it out.

"Pseudo-prime divine realm."

The Eighteen Demons glanced at Xiao Ding with disdain, then flicked his fingers, a sword light flashed across, and Xiao Dingzhen flew out instantly.


In the mouth, blood vomited wildly, and the whole person was knocked out thousands of meters away, the fierce color in his eyes dissipated, revealing a confused color, "What..."

"What master?"

Xiao Ding was really dumbfounded.

During this period of time, he tried his best to cultivate, and finally took that step and became a master of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Although he has not yet opened up the soul of the soul, but in his opinion, this is the real supreme soul of the soul who has surpassed the soul of the soul.

With such strength, he firmly believes that no one in this world can compare to him.

Who would have thought that any one of the eighteen men in black flicked his finger and flew him directly.

Is this world changed, or is he in a dream?

"Xiao Ding."

From the rear, the old man Xiao's figure also rushed out, his cultivation level had been restored to its peak state, and at a glance he saw Xiao Ding who was vomiting blood, and his face changed.

"Father, the old lord..."

Then, countless experts from the Xiao family rushed out.

"Retreat, everyone, all scattered and escaped."

The first time, Old Man Xiao made a decision. He roared frantically, and said to Xiao Zhenghua who was following him, "Run with a cigarette, go to that place, and find the ancestors."


Xiao Zhenghua's eyes were shocked, "Why?"

"I'm waiting for the eighteen evil spirits to destroy your little royal family. If you let one of you escape today, then where is the name of our eighteen evil spirits?"

At this time, the eighteen black demon masters sneered and sneered, one of them waved his hand, and the infinite light burst out, transforming into a black array and spreading, covering the world.

In a crash, within a radius of thousands of miles, all were shrouded by this black formation.

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, Elder Xiao's face changed drastically, "The other party is here on the cusp of annihilation. He actually intends to rush to kill, so that I can't wait for anyone to have a chance to escape. Damn it."

"Grandpa, since you can't escape, then kill."

Xiao Qingyan was holding a divine sword, and the golden dragon hovered above her head, with a firm look in her eyes. "The Xiao Royal family is not easily destroyed by anyone who wants to kill, even if their strength is strong, they cannot easily be destroyed. we."

"Then kill."

Elder Xiao looked fierce, and said to Xiao Qingyan, "If you have a chance, you must escape, and you must not cut off the blood of the Xiao royal family. Remember, go to the ancestors."


After that, I stopped talking and just killed it.


Xiao Qingyan was holding a divine sword and a golden dragon protecting his body.

After that, Xiao Zhenghua and other members of the Xiao imperial clan, all of them tried their best to burst out their strongest power and kill the eighteen strong men in black.

Other weak and weak players use a cohesive formation, ten people in a small formation, and a hundred people in a large formation, condensing sword energy, and constantly slashing and killing.

"A mere ant, I really dare to die."

However, in the eyes of the Eighteen Demons, as long as it is not a strong person who has reached the Primordial God Realm, it is a ants. What if there are more ants? Could it hurt them like the supreme powerhouse?


Flicking his fingers at will, sword auras penetrated the void, piercing through the powerhouses of the Xiao family.

In an instant, the members of the Xiao imperial clan that rushed towards the Eighteen Devils fell from the air.

"Don't try hard, old fellow, we will tear the seal together and **** the emperor out."

Xiao Ding came to Elder Xiao's side with extremely cold eyes, "We have lived enough anyway, even if we die, but Yan'er and the others are still young and there must be no accident."

"it is good."

The strength of the two people gathered, bursting out the strongest force, and in a crash, the sky knife slashed towards the seal.


With this blow, the seal was opened with a small gap.

"carry on."

The eyes of the two of them showed surprises, they were crazy shots, constantly bombarding the seal, and at the same time, the sound was transmitted to Xiao Qingyan, let Xiao Qingyan leave through the seal quickly.

"Do these two ants think they can escape by trying their best to open a gap?"

However, what they didn't see was that when the Eighteen Demons flicked their fingers at will to kill the powerhouse of the Xiao imperial family with sword aura, they watched Xiao Ding and Old Man Xiao's performance with great interest.

In their eyes, the attack of these two men was like a clown performance, which is really ridiculous.


Then, a gap of ten feet wide was opened, and the two roared at the same time, "Everyone rushed out, and as many people as they can escape."


Even if Xiao Qingyan and the others were reluctant to give up, but they also knew very well how difficult it is for Xiao Ding and Old Man Xiao to open this passage together, and they would rush out without hesitation.

"It's ridiculous."

However, at this moment, the eighteen evil spirits laughed, "A mere ants, struggling like this, it's really boring, let them all die."

With a wave of his hand, the opened ten-foot-high passage quickly closed.

Eighteen people looked at the people of the Xiao royal family, and smiled happily in the desperate gazes of Father Xiao and Xiao Ding, "It is an honor for you to die in my hands."

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