The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1209: Who is it, dare to move my sister!

"The meaning of the Sword Emperor!"

"Unexpectedly, in the secular world, a mere cultivator of swordsmanship in the Nascent Soul Stage can reach the realm of the Sword Emperor."

When the Eighteen Demons appeared as the Sword Emperor, their eyes were surprised.

"But, even if you are the Sword Emperor? It's a trivial Yuan Ying period, it's not worth mentioning."

Then, he laughed disdainfully.

The realm of the sword emperor has stood at the highest point of kendo, even in the two worlds mountain holy sword sect, the strongest is only the sword emperor.

However, the true strength of the Sword Emperor only reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

For the Eighteen Demons, it was too weak.

There is not enough power to control the power of the supreme sword king, it is useless at all.


As soon as one of the powerful demon masters raised his hand, infinite demon energy emerged. Amidst the roar, the void shattered, directly sealing the space where the Sword Emperor and Xiao Qingyan were located.

"Since you are in a hurry to die, let's go on the road together."

The eighteen evil spirits all laughed.

"Today, I am waiting for the eighteen evil spirits to kill the sword emperor and the secular world. If we say it, even the demon lord will praise us."

"Ah ha ha..."

The magic flame burned again.

At this moment, although they laughed, they stopped playing around.

Instead, he intends to kill everyone directly.

"Where's Emperor Xiao Qing?" The Sword Emperor and Xiao Qingyan were trapped. His sword intent rolled around and blocked the burning of the Demon Flame. At the same time, he shouted to Xiao Qingyan, "I know you have a way to inform him, hurry up. Think of a way to get him over, and only he can save us."

"The opponent is a strong man beyond the Nascent Soul Stage, and my brother cannot be an opponent when he comes."

Xiao Qingyan gritted his teeth and whispered, "I don't want my brother to be in danger."

"Don't worry, as the Supreme Sword Emperor, no one can hurt him. As long as he appears, it is enough to kill these eighteen strong men, trust me." The Sword Emperor said.

"Really?" Xiao Qingyan's eyes were suspicious.


The Sword Emperor nodded and said, "I am the Sword Emperor. Although I have never stepped into the Sword Emperor Realm, I know that if I reach that realm, it is no longer the limit of the cultivation base. Your brother has made several attempts to prove this. Hurry up, otherwise, the Xiao imperial family will be destroyed."

"it is good."

Xiao Qingyan watched his grandfather and parents suffer in the devil flames, their lives were dying, and he could only trust the Sword Emperor, and suddenly, gritted his teeth and directly urged the sword energy in his body.


In an instant, Jiucai sword energy rose into the air.

And, it collapsed instantly.

This was Xiao Qingyan who broke the sword energy directly, so that her brother could immediately sense her emergency.

"What sword spirit..."

The eyes of the Eighteen Demons were surprised. He thought that Xiao Qingyan had something to do, but unexpectedly, he directly shattered this sword energy.

"She is calling others to rescue."

The head of the eighteen evil spirits thought for a moment, and immediately understood that Xiao Qingyan's purpose of breaking the sword energy was to summon the source of the strong.

"Hehe, I really don't want my life. I'm going to die soon, and I have to let other people come to the funeral. However, this is good. If there is a fish that slips through the net, we will have to trouble."

Immediately, the Eighteen Demons laughed.

"This secular world is really too weak. There is no decent strong person at all. I thought that those who could move their hands and feet were all ants. It was so boring that they could be pinched to death by such a simple method."

"Yes, in ancient times, this world was the real master world. At that time, there were millions of races, the strong were unparalleled, and there were immortals beyond the original spirit realm. However, nowadays, even the true original spirit There are no strong people, which is really disappointing."


For the eighteen of them, everyone in the field is really the same as the ants, and can be crushed at will.

"After my brother came, you won't be able to laugh." Xiao Qingyan bit her teeth, as if to comfort herself, coldly said, "My brother is very powerful."

When the eighteen evil spirits heard it, they laughed out loud.

"Oh, what is your elder brother so good? Hahaha, even your elders are not our opponents, and letting your brother come, it's almost unreliable."

"After he comes, we let him kneel on the ground and kowtow to the master, and let you little girl see how amazing your brother is, hahaha..."


However, their laughter had not yet fallen, and suddenly, they heard a roar from the void.

next moment.

The void in front of them burst open, and a passage was violently blasted open.


The terrifying sword aura filled the sky.

Not one, but millions of Nine-Colored Sword Qi converging to form the Jian River, flooding out like a flood that opened the gate.

The terrifying sword power is flowing.

Accompanied by it was a manic, terrifying figure stepping out of it.

"Who, dare to move my sister..."

The deep voice, with endless killing intent, broke out, "Wait, you are looking for death!"


The voice fell, and a large-scale explosion occurred in the surrounding void.

This scene is like the end of the void.


The face of the eighteen evil spirits changed drastically, watching the big explosion around, watching the endless river of swords that swarmed out, and the terrifying sword intent that burst out.

Accompanied by the figure stepping out of the void, an incredible color appeared in their eyes.

"How is it possible? How could there be such a strong person in this world?"


As soon as the shock in his eyes fell, the murderous Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes were like swords, sweeping towards everyone, and instantly saw the trapped Xiao Qingyan and the people of the Xiao royal family.

His right hand shook, and the endless river of swords scattered and swept across the void.

In an instant, all the magic flames melted into the invisible.

With a pressure on his right hand, the void returned to peace.

Only, the sword river transformed by the infinite nine-color sword aura flows around the eighteen evil spirits, and the terrifying sword power locks the eighteen evil spirits.


Feeling this terrifying sword power, as long as they move, they will be torn to pieces in an instant. All the smiles of the Eighteen Demons disappeared, their faces turned pale, they kept swallowing saliva, and they were dripping with cold sweat.

"No no, how could..."

At this moment, all the rampant words are useless.

The situation reversed instantly.

"My son, Qingdi!"

"Hahaha, well, my grandson is here, who can be the enemy in the world?"

"Eighteen demon, you are mad, saying that there is no one in the world, and you want to destroy my Xiao imperial clan? I will watch you kneel and call master later."

"Hahaha, my disciple is here..."

The sudden change caused all the members of the Xiao Imperial Clan who had been desperate to laugh with excitement.

Fengshui took turns, they just fell into desperation and stepped into the ghost gate with one foot. Now, Emperor Xiao Qing is here, and it is the eighteen demon heads who should be desperate.


Xiao Qingyan burst into tears of joy and rushed into the arms of Emperor Xiao Qing, hugging her brother tightly.

Sure enough, with her brother, no one in this world can hurt her.

"It's okay, brother is here, no one can hurt you." Xiao Qingdi comforted softly.

Then, looking at the eighteen evil spirits trapped by Jianhe, cold light flashed in his eyes, killing intent rose up, "Wait, how do you want to die?"

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