The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1222: You... Are you the Dragon King?

"Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, my brother too."

When Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Shangguan Xiongfeng with a'surprise' look, the latter's face showed arrogance, "It is true that I am not only the prince of Shangguan royal family, but also the relationship with the dragon king Xiao Qingdi. Like my brothers, this time, I specially came to his place to find him to reminisce about the past."


His voice became smaller, pretending to be mysterious and said, "You should also know the legend? He was just an ordinary person when he was young. Later, when he suffered a big change, I secretly helped him to make him Grown up."


As soon as he said this, not only Xiao Qingdi and the two women were dumbfounded, but even the group of men behind Shangguan Xiongfeng's eyes widened.

It was really what Shangguan Xiongfeng had said, as if it were true.

"It turns out that the reason why the prince dared to come here is because he has a lot of relationship with the dragon king Xiao Qingdi."

The other subordinates sighed. They were pale because they knew that this place was the former residence of Emperor Xiao Qing, but after knowing the relationship between their prince and Emperor Xiao Qing, they showed pride.

Since their prince once helped Emperor Xiao Qing when the Dragon King Xiao Qing was at his worst, then they don't have to worry about what would happen to trouble here.

Shangguan Xiongfeng not only deceived his men, but even convinced himself that he was Xiao Qingdi's best brother.

He looked at the two women and Emperor Xiao Qing who was sitting opposite, and said with a sigh, "However, my brother, he likes quietness and doesn't like people making noise in his former residence, so let's go outside first."

"Don't blame this prince for not reminding you that if it is too late to leave now, otherwise, I will teach you a meal for my brother when the time comes."

I thought triumphantly that with this excuse, even if Emperor Xiao Qing's people knew that he had rushed in, not only did he not have to worry about being punished by Emperor Xiao Qing, but he could even use this to get in touch with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"This prince is really a genius."

He thought with joy in his heart, so he didn't rush to leave.

"But I don't know, when did Emperor Xiao Qing become your brother?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him with a smile.

"Cut, kid, do you know who the Dragon King Xiao Qing is?"

Shangguan Xiongfeng smiled disdainfully, and returned to the opposite side of Emperor Xiao Qing to sit down, waved his hands under his hands, "Go, check his identity."


After his subordinates left, he looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with his legs folded, "Don't tell me, you are my brother Xiao Qingdi's friend, why haven't I heard him say about you?"


As soon as these words came out, the two women finally couldn't help it.

They blushed and held their stomachs, only feeling their stomach hurts.

"What are you doing? What are you laughing at?"

Shangguan Xiongfeng snorted coldly and looked at the two women with tilted eyes, always feeling that there was something wrong with the two women's performance.

However, after thinking about it, he just didn't figure out what these two women meant.

"No, you continue."

The two women blushed and their stomach hurts, and they were unable to wave to Shangguan Xiongfeng to let him continue.

And they looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, but wanted to see how he, as the master, would deal with Shangguan Xiongfeng.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's face was still flat, while drinking tea, watching the superior power, "When can your subordinates investigate?"

"Want to kneel in front of this prince and kowtow to admit your mistake?"

Shangguan Xiongfeng sneered and said, "Don't worry, within an hour, the person behind you, no matter what the origin of the other person, must kneel at this door. At that time, the prince will see if you can be so calm. ."

Putting down the tea cup, Emperor Xiao Qing sighed and said, "I wanted to have fun with you, but it's really boring to spend with you like this. Within an hour, let the lord of the Shangguan royal family come to Ben The king confessed."

He stood up, with his hands on his back, looking at Shangguan Xiongfeng calmly, "Now, you get out first."


Shangguan Xiongfeng was stunned, "Are you talking to me?"

"Pouch" laughed out, "It's so funny, at this moment, you can even pretend than this prince, do you really think you are the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi?"

"Sorry, although you don't want to know this cruel reality, this king is Xiao Qingdi."

Emperor Xiao Qing said calmly.

"Edit it, you edit it again, hahaha."

Shangguan Xiongfeng refused to believe Xiao Qing's words anyway. He hehe smiled and looked at Xiao Qingdi, "Okay, don't make up these things. It sounds a bit interesting to you. This prince suddenly doesn't want to deal with it. You, let's do it, you can follow this prince and be my little brother in the future."

"You don't have the qualifications to give him the prince's shoes. You dare to let the prince be your little brother?"

As soon as his voice fell, a voice came from outside the door.

"Grass, what is it, dare to look down on this prince like this and get out..." Shangguan Xiongfeng was furious.

Turning his head to take a look, his face suddenly changed, "hiss..."

"Zhou, Zhou, Zhou Huang..."

Outside the door, there was a young man wearing a yellow robe with royal power flowing on him standing with two men.

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, his face showing excitement.

Isn't it right, Zhou Wang, the emperor of the Great Zhou imperial family who hasn't seen for a long time?


Zhou Wang had a look of excitement on his face, before he stepped into the gate, he just bowed down to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Have seen Lord Dragon King."

The two people behind King Zhou, one was the great elder of the Great Zhou imperial family, and the other was his uncle Zhou Feng, and they also saluted Emperor Xiao Qing.

Shangguan Xiongfeng does not need to know Emperor Xiao Qing, or Zhou Feng and the great elders of the Zhou royal family.

However, he was very sure that the young man in a yellow robe in front of him was the new emperor Zhou Wang of the great Zhou royal family!


He turned pale with fright and trembling.

The whole brain was blank, and he slowly turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing with his hand holding his hand.

The look in his eyes is like hell.

"you you..."

His throat was dry, as if he had never drunk water in decades, "Are you... the dragon, the dragon king... Xiao Qingdi?"

His legs trembled and his body was weak.

If it weren't for scared to fall, he would have been weakened, and he would have fallen to the ground.

The real fear is not when one is frightened, the whole person collapses to the ground.

Rather, I was so scared that I didn't dare to move. Although I was weak, I didn't even dare to let myself fall to the ground!

At this moment, Shangguan Xiongfeng really understood how ridiculous he was.

He pretended to be the brother of Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, and even helped Emperor Xiao Qing.

As a result, the other party just sat in front of him, watching his performance quietly.


Even if he tried his best to control, his legs were still weak, and the whole person knelt down, "I'm sorry..."

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