
"Damn, old man, stop for me."

When Tian Huan rushed to find Emperor Xiao Qing, suddenly, a roar came over, and a burly man took a shot and directly stopped Tian Huan.

"What are you doing?" Tian Huan rolled his eyes and looked at the burly man who appeared abruptly, "Li Ba, your sister is also in the secular world. Go and play with her by yourself, don't come to the old man."

"Hehe, you old fellow, promised me to send me back to the wild, but in the end, you deceived me into the secular world. Today, if you don't explain clearly, don't want to leave."

Li Ba was angry and murderous.

The two heavens and the earth of the soul, plus the two heavens and the earth of the physical body, are spread out together, a total of four heavens and earth surround him, making his entire popularity unmatched.

Before that, he happened to meet the old man Tianhuan. The old guy smiled and told him that he could send him back to the wilderness. As a result, he was taken to the secular world. Then, regardless of him...

The dignified prince, when was he so deceived, how could he bear it?

Finally, I found this old guy and vowed not to give up if he didn't peel off the old guy.

"Get out of the way, I'm in a hurry, I'll explain to you later."

The time for ten breaths was about to come. Tian Huan was anxious and didn't want to entangle with Li Ba. However, Li Ba was reluctant and slammed his fist towards Tian Huan's face.

"Lao Tzu's business is the most urgent thing. If you don't explain it clearly, don't want to leave."

Boom boom boom!

Although Tianhuan's strength is stronger than Li Ba by many times, but Li Ba has no scruples about his actions, while Tianhuan is unwilling to fight and wants to find Emperor Xiao Qing.

As a result, it was delayed.

As for the others, there was no delay, and they went straight to the Xiao family villa.

"Who is it, dare to be rude to Tianhuan ancestor?"


The mighty breath burst out.

A middle-aged man holding an iron sword stepped in the air, and instantly reached the sky above the Xiao family villa, staring coldly at the emperor Xiao Qing who were sitting and making tea.


Sitting next to King Zhou, Zhou Feng and the great elder of the Great Zhou imperial family felt the terrifying and monstrous aura erupting from each other, and their expressions changed drastically, "These powerful men have surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Boss Xiao, he, isn't he here to find you?" All the blood on King Zhou's face disappeared.

"People of the Holy Sword Sect?"

However, Emperor Xiao Qing ignored Zhou Wang, instead looking at Luo Jing.

"I don't know." Luo Jing shook her head, also a little surprised. She clearly just contacted her master. Why did this guy come here?

Boom boom boom!

Not only that, when they were surprised, the void in the rear continued to explode, one by one the strong volleyed in the air, with a monstrous aura, as if to kill people, all of them shouted loudly, "Who dares to be disrespectful to the ancestor Tianhuan? Get out of me."

"I am the elder Chixia of the Skyfire Sect, and the person who dares to be so rude to the ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect is to be my enemy. Today, if I don't kill you, I won't be called Chixia."

"Come out to me."


Each of these powerhouses is extremely powerful, the weakest is also in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the strongest even reaches the level of the Primordial God Realm Triple Heaven.

They unscrupulously released their powerful aura, blocking the sunlight above the Xiao family villa.

Li Yuanji and Fang Yuxue frowned at the same time, stroked their hair, Li Yuanji looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "This emperor is very annoying to them, can you do it?"

She is a very smart woman.

Although she was the empress of the Li imperial family, she knew very well that following Emperor Xiao Qing into the secular world, Emperor Xiao Qing was willing to protect her and treat her as a friend. She should also put her posture and status in the right place, and she must not treat Xiao Qing. Qingdi treated it like his subordinates.

Before doing anything, you must first obtain the consent of Emperor Xiao Qing, after all, this is the site of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing was also a little puzzled about the situation in front of him. He clearly just summoned his little brother to come for questioning, and he had attracted so many powerful men.

"I haven't figured out what's going on either. If you want to do it, just make them behave."

Emperor Xiao Qing responded.

These people, hundreds of them, appeared in mid-air domineeringly, which is really annoying.

"it is good."

Li Yuanji nodded and flicked her right hand, ready to take down these strong men.


However, before she could do anything, she heard a louder roar, and then, an old, but domineering, angry voice came over, "What a courage, in my Yanhua Empire , Someone dared to be disrespectful to the ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect and get out of me."

The great elder of the Yanhua Imperial Clan with white hair and dreadful aura, he rushed over at this moment, his eyes were swept away, and he saw Emperor Xiao Qing, King Zhou and others sitting in it.

He was stunned, with an incredible color on his face, "No...Is it the junior of the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi?"

"No wonder, I always think that voice is a bit familiar, it turned out to be the voice of Emperor Xiao Qing."

He immediately confirmed that the speaker was Emperor Xiao Qing.

If it's normal, since Emperor Xiao Qing, as the prince of the Xiao imperial clan, is also related to other emperors such as Da Zhou and Gu Qin, he will naturally not behave towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, this is a great opportunity to have a good relationship with the powers of Liangjieshan, how could he not grasp it?

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you are so bold."

Almost without thinking, this elder of the Clan Association rushed in directly, with an extremely arrogant manner, and roared at Emperor Xiao Qing, "How honorable is the ancestor Tianhuan of the Holy Sword Sect of the Two Worlds Mountains, how dare you? To yell at his elders at will, it's almost a dead end."

"Now, you will go back with me right away and kneel down in front of the ancestor Tianhuan to plead guilty, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The great elder of the clan veteran guild, originally not weak in strength, reached the stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, if placed before, he could even rank in the top of the entire Yanhua Empire.

It's just that, after a few days, the change in this world is definitely beyond his imagination.

When he glared at Emperor Xiao Qing, Emperor Xiao Qing drank tea slowly and ignored him.

King Zhou’s face turned pale, but when faced with the great elder of the Ning Clan’s veteran clan, he was able to intervene, “Elder, what happened to my boss? It made you so angry. Rushed to the Xiao family’s villa to be presumptuous. If you don’t explain this matter, neither the Xiao royal family nor the Great Zhou royal family will let it go."

After all, King Zhou is the emperor of the Great Zhou imperial clan, and even the Great Elder of the Ning Clan’s Clan Association cannot underestimate him. The Tianhuan ancestor of Jianzong is simply a heinous sin. This matter has nothing to do with the Da Zhou and the Xiao imperial clan. My Ning clan will naturally give you an explanation in the future."

While speaking, he directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Emperor Xiao Qing, "Emperor Xiao Qing, give me a hand and catch me, obediently follow me to the ancestor Tianhuan to plead for sin."


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