The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1238: Who is the culprit?

Atari and Kong Shuai are two people, one who has been in various groups of people since childhood, and the other is a member of the super **** ability group who has undergone special professional training. What have you not seen?

Their psychological quality is extremely good.

Moreover, all kinds of words come when you open your mouth and can speak black as white and white as black.

They clearly admitted that they stole both the pill and the inheritance.

However, the first seat of the precepts in this red monk robe was so angry that he could not stand still, and wanted to slap the two to death.

However, he cannot do this.

There is no such direct conviction.

Inside the Buddhism, it is not really one mind. There are many people staring at the first seat of his precepts. If they are killed in this way, then someone must make waves, and then it will be troublesome.


The first seat of the Disciplinary Academy yelled, "You dare to slander this seat, it's almost death."

"We didn't slander you, we really admitted, really admitted our mistakes, you kill us, we can die for you, we are willing."

Both Atari and Kong Shuai's faces showed ‘sad and indignation’ and closed their eyes, waiting for death to come.


The first person in the precepts was gasping for breath.

Obviously, this is what these two **** did. Even if the two people in the image did not show their figures, they knew that they were definitely Space Element cultivators.

The cultivator of the entire Buddhism space department was Kong Shuai alone.

Not him, who else?

Obviously, they can be directly convicted, and according to the usual style of the first seat of the precepts, they have long been blamed to death.

But this time, he couldn't start.


He was so suffocated, he couldn't help turning his head and roaring.

A monstrous force burst out, and the powerful aura made the look of Kong Shuai and Atari changed drastically, "This guy, the strength is really strong, I hope not to search for our souls."

Although the two of them got the inheritance, they were able to hide all the medicinal powers, so as not to tear themselves apart.

However, within the Buddhist sect, there are all kinds of supernatural powers, if they really search for their souls, they really can't hold on.

"Come on, go find Elder Soul Heart."

Finally, the thing that worried them the most happened.

After the anger passed, the first seat of the precepts directly sent people to call an elder in the Buddhist sect who was best at soul searching.

"Senior Brother Soul Heart, please take action to search for their souls." The Commanding Academy said first.

Elder Soul Heart is a bald-headed looking very young, he smiled and bowed, "Junior, rest assured, I will do my best."

Then, in the midst of the big changes in Kong Shuai and Atta, they walked in front of the two, with a smile on their faces, "Two, if you admit it now, there is still time, otherwise, under my soul search, In case something goes wrong, there will be sequelae."


The two blinked, and then Kong Shuai suddenly shouted, "It's you..."


Elder Soul Heart was stunned, "What is me?"


Later, the first person in the Discipline Academy changed his face and hurriedly shouted, "Brother, don't listen to them, hurry up and search for their souls and collect evidence for the Sect Master."

The more tense the first seat of the precepts, the more the Elder Soul Heart felt something was wrong, he quickly looked at the two of them and asked, "Do you know this elder?"

"No... I don't know..."

The performance of Kong Shuai and Atari was just right. We don't know the two of you. We don't know either the first seat or the soul elder.

However, those eyes clearly contained unwillingness, grief, and fear.

It seems that the truth is right in front of us, and the two real thieves are the people in front of them. However, after being wronged, they can't clarify, and can only admit their mistakes under pressure.

"Asshole, you dare to say that the elder of this united soul heart stole the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the Tibetan Treasure Pavilion?"

Elder Soul Heart, who has a very high status in the Buddhist sect, and is not inferior to the first in the various institutes, was also shocked. Then, his face changed and his eyes flickered for a while, and he immediately returned to normal.

He was furious and looked at them coldly, "Asshole, you are bold."

"When you die, you dare to slander this elder, **** it, don't you dare to shoot you to death?"

The aura all over him rolled, reaching a terrifying level.

Even the first seat of the commandment institute at the back was stunned, not understanding what had happened, and why the soul heart elders were so angry.

"Elder, we all know what you do."

At this time, a very slight sound transmission entered the ears of Elder Soul Heart, causing his aura to freeze instantly.

Looking at Kong Shuai, the latter's expression remained the same, but a smile appeared in his eyes, and he continued to speak, "We are all the same kind of people."

Elder Soul Heart's expression remained unchanged, and his aura became stronger.

"We have collected all the evidence you have done and handed it over to a powerful man who has had a lot of weight in the mountain for two sessions. If something happens to us, he will come to the Buddha Sect immediately."

Kong Shuai continued to transmit his voice, "Don’t believe me, as a practitioner of the Space Department, I came to Buddhism during this period. I happened to see you once in and out of the Buddhist scripture pavilion. I followed you when I was curious. Then I investigated. After a while, you will know all this."

"Oh, in fact, we don't have any bad intentions. We really just want to live and become stronger. I think we can get along well..."

After a few words, Elder Soul Heart’s expression remained unchanged, but on the surface he shouted coldly, “Bold and brave, even daring to steal from Buddhism. Today, this elder will search for your souls. If you are innocent, naturally Will return you innocence."

"Brother is right. If you are innocent, this seat will naturally report to the Sect Master and give you compensation, but if you are the two thieves, you will not escape."

The first seat of the precepts also shouted.


Elder Soul Heart made a decisive move, his aura reached the peak, a force that made Kong Shuai and Atari desperate passed over, and instantly locked the two of them.

"It's over..."

At this moment, the expressions of the two changed at the same time.

Especially Atari closed his eyes, and the picture of his parents and relatives being destroyed flashed in his eyes, unwilling, and whispered in a low voice, "I am not willing..."


However, when he thought that he was about to be searched for everything, Kong Shuai hissed in his ears.

"This guy doesn't do anything to us. He needs a full set of scenes. Hurry up and pretend to be searched by him."


Atari blinked, and glanced at Elder Soul Heart. The guy was serious about searching for the soul, and he had already started his calligraphy. Kong Shuai was ‘painful on his face’ and he had been searching for the soul...

"I'll go, this will do..."

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