The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 123: Add twists and turns

"Who are they?"

Chen Zhen's rotating energy dissipated. Emperor Xiao Qing was holding a cigarette in one hand, and the other hand reached out, pinching Chen Zhen's neck like a chicken.

His eyes were indifferent, looking at Chen Zhen with an extremely shocked expression on his face, he spoke lightly, "You only have one chance to speak, think about how you should speak."

"you you..."

Chen Zhen looked at Emperor Xiao Qing blankly.

At this moment, he finally understood why after Chen Sheng came back, he repeatedly warned himself that he must not go and trouble Emperor Xiao Qing.

It turned out that it was not because Chen Sheng had been acquainted with Xiao Zhenghua to let Xiao Qing go, but because Xiao Qing was really terrified.

He regretted not listening to Chen Sheng's words, if not, his grandson would not lose his life in vain, and even his life might not be saved.

"Master, why did you do it yourself again."

Xiao Qi looked helplessly at Emperor Xiao Qing, "This kind of stuff, just let me take a shot."

His words made Chen Zhen's complexion blue and battered, and even more somber, ‘so, in their eyes, he didn’t even have the qualifications to let the opponent make a move! ’

"Within ten breaths, without telling who'they' are, there is no need for the Chen family to exist."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was cold and severe, and a murderous aura swept over him, causing Chen Zhen to breathe shortly. He only felt that the man in front of him was so terrifying, like a demon from hell.

"He, they are..."

He breathed quickly and opened his mouth to say it, but he thought of something, and finally he could only shake his head, "No, I can't say it. If I say it, my Chen family will still be destroyed."

"Oh, I thought I could save it without talking about the Chen family?"

Emperor Xiao Qing sneered.

"No, no, I, my Chen family never thought of being an enemy of you, and the death of your parents has nothing to do with my Chen family." Chen Zhen said quickly.


In response to him, as soon as Emperor Xiao Qing pointed out, the young man not far away who was watching this scene blankly exploded.

"Do not..."

Chen Zhen's eyes were red, with endless grief and anger, "How can you be so cruel, he is still a child..."

Those two people, but he carefully trained for more than 20 years, in order to be the prince of the Chen family in order to become the backbone of the Chen family, but because they came to chase Emperor Xiao Qing, they were all destroyed.

"I did it with you."

Chen Zhen roared, his whole body agitated vigorously, and he was about to explode his own power beyond anything to fight Xiao Qingdi desperately.

Boom boom boom!

However, no matter how he agitated all the power in his body, it was useless. He only felt that a terrifying force that he could not resist was suppressed, making him suppressed by himself, no matter how hard he exerted his force, he could not break through his body.

"Don't tell me?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned, his eyes flickering with cold light.

This ray of cold light made Chen Zhen's mind shake, and his face was struggling.

Not to mention, maybe he will be pinched to death in the next moment, and then the other party will kill the Chen family, killing everyone in the Chen family like Zhang and Zheng.

Having said that, it won't take long for the Chen family to be destroyed silently.

In any case, it is a dead end.

"My Chen family was caught in such a dilemma and couldn't move."

Chen Zhen paled, and his whole body was full of despair.

However, at this time, the eerie light in Xiao Qingdi's eyes was flowing, seeming to have endless attraction, which made Chen Zhen's breath short, shocked in his heart, "This is a means to control his mind..."

"No, no, I can't watch."

He knew very well that if he looked at the other person's eyes, he would definitely be controlled by the other person to say everything, promptly and immediately closed his eyes.


Moreover, when he bit the tip of his tongue, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, making himself sober.


Emperor Xiao Qing frowned.

And Xiao Qi was surprised at one side, "This old guy is not very strong, but his insight is very extraordinary. He knows how to bite his tongue and wake up immediately."

"Unfortunately, he would never think of how terrifying the prince's strength is."

He shook his head, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Give you another chance to speak." Xiao Qingdi frowned and said calmly, "This is the last chance."


Chen Zhen's heart was shaken, and he dared not open his eyes to see Emperor Xiao Qing, but struggled to open his mouth to let Emperor Xiao Qing let him go, "Why do you have to make it difficult for me? I came to kill you only because I had to That's it."

"What you mean is that others want you to kill us, so it is only natural for you to pursue and kill us as you do. However, our strength is stronger than you, and you are not an opponent. If we kill you, we will kill you. Bullying? Is it just intolerable?"

Xiao Qi snorted and laughed, "If your strength is stronger than ours, it is only natural for you to kill us, and if our strength is weaker than yours, we can't kill you, otherwise we will deliberately embarrass you.

"Your thoughts are so good, tsk tsk, admire it, really admire it."

The Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help shaking his head. The world was vast, and among all beings, there were too many people who were shameless in nature but awe-inspiring.

"The opportunity has been given to you."

He was indifferent, the light in his eyes flickered, and there seemed to be infinite rays of light flowing, even if Chen Zhen closed his eyes, he couldn't help but gain the Tao.

"Let's talk, who asked you to kill me." Xiao Qing emperor asked. At this moment, he had released Chen Zhen, with his hands on his back, his eyes were shining bright, like a high god, his voice was like a Hong Zhong, straight into Chen Zhen Mind.

"Yes,, can't say..."

Chen Zhen gritted his teeth and fell into a state of struggle.

"This guy's will is so strong." Xiao Qi saw it, with a look of surprise on his face.

He knew very well that with the power of his prince, not to mention the seventh-ranking grandmaster, even the stronger ones would have to say everything after being controlled, unless the willpower is really strong to a terrifying level.

However, Chen Zhen can really hold it, showing that this person's will is really rare.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong Chen Zhen's willpower is, he just persisted for a while and explained everything, "It's the Chu royal family..."


Emperor Xiao Qing frowned. He thought it would be the Xiao imperial clan that Chen Sheng was talking about, but what he didn't expect was that from Chen Zhen's mouth he would tell the powerful Chu clan.

The so-called royal family is naturally a powerful family whose strength far exceeds that of the ordinary rich family. There is also a saying that the royal family is the family of the powerful princes who once appeared in the clan.

In any case, the families that can claim to be a royal family are superior, far beyond the existence of ordinary families.

"Thousands of years ago, my ancestor of the Chen family was a subordinate of the Chu royal family. Over the years, the Chen family has been accepting the protection of the Chu royal family, and at the same time, it is obedient to the Chu royal family."

"The day before yesterday, I received an order from the Chu royal family to send the head of Emperor Xiao Qing to the hands of the Chu royal family. Therefore, Chen Sheng was allowed to take action. However, Chen Sheng was too wasteful and returned without success. I could only take the shot myself. Up."

"Emperor Xiao Qing, this is a waste without father and mother. He actually dared to hurt my grandson. My Chen family is at odds with him. From then on, he must report to the Chu royal family. As long as the Chu royal family sends a master, he will definitely To fly ashes and annihilate..."


Chen Zhen, whose mind was controlled, said all the thoughts in his heart. After Emperor Xiao Qing released his control, blood spurted out of his mouth. After realizing what he had said, his face was pale and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing. "you you..."

"I was still controlled by you, and I told you everything..."

There was a pale color on his face. In any case, he did not expect that his desperate resistance would still have no effect, and he was still controlled by the other party's control of the mind, and everything was said.

"Hehe... My Chen family, it's over..."

Chen Zhen smiled tragically, and sat down on the ground in despair.

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