The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1251: The legend reappears


The moment Elder Qui's proud voice fell, accompanied by a cold voice, he only felt that a terrifying force was instantly suppressed, making his whole person unable to move.

"Western Buddhism and Waizong, really surprised this king."

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped in the air, and wherever he passed, all the golden energy ropes tied to Atari broke apart.

All these powerhouses of Buddhism looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with horror.

Emperor Xiao Qing helped Atari up and whispered softly, "Some things, since they have happened, there is no way to change them. Then, as a man, the thing to do is to take revenge."

Although the voice was small, it blasted into Atari's heart like thunder.

"Remember, you are the brother of this king. In this world, no one can hurt you. As for the so-called Buddha..."

After that, he turned his head and looked at the hall, with Jiucai sword light jumping in his eyes, and said calmly, "You, do you come out by yourself, or is this king'please' you come out?"


Atari stared at the main hall blankly, "The so-called Buddha, is it actually inside?"

"Lonely ghosts."

Emperor Xiao Qing's expression was extremely calm, and with a wave of his hand, Elder Kui appeared in front of Atari, "Kill him."

"it is good."

At this moment, Atari's eyes were cold, without any hesitation, he grasped with both hands, and a thunder turned into a thunder blade, and he swung his knife resolutely.

"Do not..."

Until this moment, the elder Qui yelled out in fear.

However, it was too late.

Cut it down with a knife, his flesh exploded directly, and the endless thunder flowed, blasting him to pieces.

Atari looked at the other Buddhist elders with murderous aura in his eyes. He clenched the Thunder Blade with both hands, and wanted to step forward and behead them.

However, he hesitated.

With a cold face and murderous spirit, he roared, "Kill..."


Elder Soul Heart suddenly said, "Right and wrong, in your heart, you can think of good and evil, what to do, you choose."


However, when Elder Soul Heart's voice fell, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at him and opened his mouth to drink, and a voice full of infinite sword intent blasted into Elder Soul Heart's body.


This super power of the dignified soul of the fifth layer, at this moment, he was vomiting blood, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of horror, "This sword intent..."

"If you dare to disturb Atari, this king will kill you."

Although Emperor Xiao Qing's tone was plain, he was full of boundless killing intent.

Domineering, yet decisive.

What about the fifth heaven in the Yuanshen Realm?

Even if the Seventh Heaven is here, it can still be killed.


Even if Elder Soul Heart, as a powerhouse of the Five Heavens, faced the threat of Emperor Xiao Qing, he felt his heart trembled, and for a while, he dared not speak any more.

"Whoever you want to kill, just kill, vent the killing intent in your heart, but remember that you are a person, not a tool of hatred."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Atari calmly.

The words have been made clear.

Atari is an adult, and what he should do is his own choice.

No one can interfere.


At this moment, Atari held knives in both hands, with a confused look in his eyes.

In his heart, the killing intent was overwhelming, and he wanted to kill all the people of the Western Tu Buddhist Sect, but he knew that the person who actually did it had been beheaded by him.

If you do it again, maybe it will endanger the innocent, so what is the difference between him and other murderers?

"The reason why they did it just now is because they were bewitched." Xiao Qingdi said again.

Looking in the direction of the hall, "A lonely wild ghost dares to come out to confuse others. Is this the so-called Buddha?"


Then, pointing to a sword, a Nine-Colored Sword Qi turned into a hundred feet tall, slashing directly toward the front in a crash.


Originally, this great hall that had stood firm in the face of Atari's attack was instantly split apart under the sword of Emperor Xiao Qing, revealing a statue of golden light inside.

Around the statue, golden light burst out, protecting this statue, so that it was not cut in half.


Along with it, a sigh came out.

I saw a shadowy young bald figure walking out of the statue.

At first glance, this person turned out to be a young man who looked very young and very honest and honest.

"This is the so-called Buddha?"

Kong Shuai looked at Elder Soul Heart in surprise, "Are you old acquaintances?"

However, what makes him feel strange is that Elder Soul Heart shook his head, "I don't know him."

"How is it possible? The so-called Buddha must be very strong, and he must be famous in the Buddhist sect. How could you not know him?"

Kong Shuai didn't believe him, "Maybe this Buddha's statement was made by you, or that he is your own person. Are you ashamed to say that you don't know him?"

"Buddha has existed in ancient times. Buddhism at that time was extremely strong, not to mention the strong in the Yuanshen realm, even stronger existence."

Elder Soul Heart shook his head and said, "And where these Buddhas came from, it is still a mystery. We only know that every 100 years, there will be a Buddha coming once. If the coming is successful, he will lead the Buddha. Brilliant."

"What does it mean if success comes?" Kong Shuai asked.

"Because, never succeeded."

Elder Soul Heart looked honestly, "Every time the Buddha descends, he will encounter various accidents. Either he cannot be awakened, or he is killed before he grows up."

"It seems that Buddha is destined to be a short-lived ghost."

A chuckle came.

It was Atari impressively.

At this moment, the Thunder Knife in Atari's hand was taken away by him, his expression returned to calm, and the killing intent had disappeared.

Obviously, during this period of time, he had already figured out a lot, and had spent this time killing and robbery.

He can choose to kill and kill everyone in the outer Buddhism sect. However, his distorted character and falling into the path of killing may be stronger or more painful.

However, the words of Emperor Xiao Qing made him let go of all this. Since the culprit has been beheaded, he is no longer implicated in these other Buddhist sects.

"Well, you finally want to drive." Elder Soul Heart was overjoyed, the more he looked at Atari, the happier.

"What's so good?" Atari rolled his eyes, "I'm not busy, and I will abolish all these guys' cultivation bases. They rely on their own cultivation bases to do evil. It is better to abolish their cultivation bases and let them cultivate Buddha with peace of mind. ."


"you dare?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the masters and elders of the Western Tu Buddhist Sect's outer sect changed.

At the same time, the Buddha also changed color.

Before he succeeded in seizing his home to become a son of a Buddha, he still needed the help of these people from the Western Tu Buddhism Sect.

"In the name of the Buddha, I ordered all the disciples of the Buddha sect to take action and arrest them." The illusory Buddha spoke out with a slightly worried voice. At the same time, a special wave of fluctuations spread out from his body. The phantom of a golden Buddha appeared.

Even if Elder Soul Heart's face changed, "It turned out to be the ancient Buddha, is it true that the legend will really appear..."

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