The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1267: The prince and me are like ants


In the dark place, the sea is completely boiling, terrifying power erupts, and the breath of infinite terror is flowing.

The figure is terrifying, with wings spread out, and I don't know how big it is, standing upright on the ground, with its feet on the sea, and the existence of the sky above its head stepped out of the dark place.

The violent breath, earth-shaking, made the surrounding wind surging, terrifying.

At this moment, Luo Xia, who was devouring the energy of those blood dukes, showed a look of horror, "Prince of blood!"

"Yeah, it's really a great demon, amazing."

Instead, it was Cui Jinhao, looking at this seemingly earth-shattering existence with a smile on his face, with a relaxed smile on his face, "I haven't seen such a big guy for a long time, I really miss it."

"Where did you come from?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned and looked at Cui Jinhao, always feeling that the origin of this guy was a bit mysterious.

"Whenever you invite me to drink, I will tell you." Cui Jinhao smiled mysteriously.

As he said, for fear of Emperor Xiao Qing's misunderstanding, he quickly added, "However, you can rest assured that I have absolutely no malice towards you. I just want to be friends with you."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows and ignored him.

Rather, he looked at the blood prince who walked forward.

"Swallow it, can you break through to the realm of the prince?" Emperor Xiao Qing asked Luo Xia.

"it should be OK."

Luo Xia nodded.

Not long ago, when he was on Dragon King Island, he had just swallowed a terrifying blood prince, knowing the terrifying energy contained in it.

In addition, he swallowed more than a dozen blood dukes, which made him only a little bit able to break through.

"That's fine."

Emperor Xiao Qing showed satisfaction on his face, took a step, and instantly appeared in front of the blood prince.

"Don't go back, dare to appear in front of this prince, you, damn!"

This blood prince heard that Emperor Xiao Qing said that he would swallow him by Luo Xia, he was furious, and when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing, a small figure like an ‘ant’, appeared in front of him, he was immediately furious.


It waved, but it wasn't blindly shot, but it used blood war skills.

Sharp claws are like swords, and a terrifying breath burst out.

Even as the prince of blood, on the edge of this dark place, he has the rules to control the dark place to a certain extent, so that the powerful and unmatched power turned into a cage that enveloped Xiao Qing's whole person.

If ordinary people encounter such a situation, even if they are not smashed by the power of this rule, they will be smashed by the power of the terrifying claws.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing's physical body reached the level of triple heaven, even if he stood still and let the opponent attack, the opponent could not hurt him.

"too weak."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, he didn't even use his swordsmanship, but he punched it out.


In an instant, the rules of the dark place shattered, the whole dark place trembles, and the infinite claws collapsed.

"Do not..."

The upright figure was directly blown out.

However, because Emperor Xiao Qing did not think that this punch would destroy the opponent, the opponent was not immediately shocked, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with horror, "Who are you?"

He is the prince of blood, even the weakest of the princes, his strength is earth-shattering, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be blown out so easily.

But at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was regarded as an ant, looked at it calmly, as if looking at the meat on the chopping board.

Makes its face appear horrified.

Thinking of what Xiao Qing emperor said to Luo Xia that he wanted Luo Xia to refine it, at first, he didn't believe it.

But now I have to believe it.


The mind was terrifying, and for the first time, it turned into a stream of light and went away.

At this moment, it, the powerful prince of blood, was directly frightened by Emperor Xiao Qing, and even fled directly without the second move of Emperor Xiao Qing.

Its speed was very fast, its wings shook, and it flew thousands of miles away, almost to the extreme.

"At my speed, no matter how strong the strength of the Yuanshen realm among the Eastern cultivators is, they may not be able to catch up with me. As long as they return to the sanctuary of the blood race, they will summon other strong men to siege and kill him. I must devour him."

The blood prince was proud of it.

Although he had done something that made him feel embarrassed as a powerful prince and took the initiative to escape, as long as he could escape, everything was worth it.

"What about the strong man in the human origin? The life of this prince is unlimited. Thousands of years later, he is still the prince of the blood clan, and is getting stronger and stronger, but how many years can your human origin live?

It was disdainful.

Forbearance, forbearance, can escape, everything is worth.

It's nothing for a moment to win.

Among practitioners, the longer they live, the stronger their strength, and that is the real victory.


However, when it was proud of it, suddenly, a roar sounded, and a flat voice rang in its ears, "The strength is not good, but the speed of escape is quite fast."


As the expression of this prince of blood changed drastically, Xiao Qingdi's figure did not know when he had appeared in front of him. He just stood with his hands on his back and looked calm.


The wings hurriedly fanned in the opposite direction, and the force exploded, causing his forward speed to stop. However, even if it was the prince of blood, it could not stop at once when driving down at high speed.

When it stopped completely, the distance between the whole person and Emperor Xiao Qing was less than ten meters.

To them, the distance of ten meters is the same as facing each other.

"The blood prince, is it so useless?"

Emperor Xiao Qing spoke again, his expression still extremely calm, shook his head, his eyes were extremely disappointed.

"Dare you say I'm useless?"

This powerful prince was furious, "The strength of this prince is not earth-shaking, but it is definitely not weak. There are only a few princes in the whole blood family. I can become the supreme king, which proves that my strength is strong, and you, the Eastern soul It’s just a strong person, what if he is stronger than this prince?"


It roared, knowing that when it couldn't escape, it shot with all its strength, making a fist and killing towards Emperor Xiao Qing amidst the roar.

The **** power burst out.

At this moment, the sea below boiled and evaporated in an instant.

Even in the surrounding area, some dark creatures were recuperating on a small island. They were affected by the power of this punch and turned directly into powder.

The gods fight, the commonplace suffers.

For their existence, a random blow is extremely terrifying, and it can be regarded as destroying the world.

The blood prince hit harder and harder, facing Xiao Qingdi, still useless.

One hand just penetrated into the void, shattering the fist, and directly imprinted it on the blood prince's heart.


The crisp voice sounded, but the blood core of this blood prince burst directly, and its eyes showed an incredible color, and its huge body smashed downward.

From the rear, Luo Xia caught up with him, showing the true form of the bleeding clan, using secret methods, and bursting out a monstrous whirlpool, directly swallowing this intact prince of blood.

In this scene, Cui Jinhao slapped his tongue again and again, "Training like this, killing and devouring constantly, it is really possible to develop into a super demon..."

However, before finishing speaking, Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at him, and he closed his mouth quickly, not daring to say more.

"Hey, those guys seem to be dark creatures too."

Suddenly, Cui Jinhao turned his gaze and looked at a group of ‘people’ standing in the air looking at him in a daze. He suddenly laughed.


In the distance, the new president and others who were originally watching the lively dark council side were shocked by the appearance of the prince of the blood clan and were beheaded again. They were horrified in their heart, thinking about leaving quietly.

Suddenly, Cui Jinhao and Xiao Qingdi looked at them, and their whole bodies were stiff and stood still in place.


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