The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1280: Please get on the road


The sanctuary of the blood race has a vast territory, no smaller than Liangjie Mountain.

For the strong blood clan, this world is their home, this is a big world, a world belonging to their blood clan, and apart from frequent ‘hunting’ for food, their survival can be described as carefree.

Don't worry about the invasion of foreign enemies, what a wonderful thing this is.

However, today, accompanied by an angry roar from the blood prince, a terrifying coercion ran across the holy land of the blood race.

Everyone raised their heads and looked over, only to see a pair of golden wings spread out, which was a hundred thousand feet wide.

The blood prince is still in a human form, but the wings spread out behind him are terrifying.

The wings vibrated, and within the sanctuary of the blood race, infinite energy gathered, all submerged in the blood prince.

At this moment, he stepped up in the air, and with each step he walked up, his aura became stronger and stronger.

"It's the blood prince!"

"Oh my God! In the legend, the bloodthirsty person is here."

"What is he doing, is it true that the legend is about to come true, bloodthirsty, will it really swallow the entire blood?"


In the blood clan, countless people who saw this scene were all in danger.

The blood prince's coercion ran across the world of the sanctuary of the blood family, but the blood family below the sixth-class princes all felt a heart palpitation caused by the blood.

Even the sixth-class prince was shocked at this moment, and there was an urge to worship.


Moreover, the movement caused by the explosion of the blood prince is not only that.

A vast aura burst out all over him, and while the golden wings flapped, countless places in the sanctuary of the blood family exploded at the same time.

That is, one energy blood pool.

What is stored in it is the energy blood that has been stored for countless years in the sanctuary of the blood race, which contains huge energy, which can be said to be the root of the blood race.

These energy blood pools are treasures stored by the blood race from generation to generation. They can not only ensure the rapid growth of the blood race's new life, if the blood race encounters a crisis, the blood race powerhouse can absorb these energy to break through to the terrible realm.

At that time, you can save the blood race from danger.

However, even the control of the blood clan cannot easily open the blood pool, and a group of blood clan elders must open it at the same time.

At this moment, the blood prince blasted open with brute force, and he did not know what method he used to open all the blood pools, and the infinite energy was absorbed by him.


A terrible breath broke out with the blood prince.

At this moment, the blood clan was shocked.

"not good."

In particular, the seventh-class prince Rainier, who was fighting against the sword intent left by Emperor Xiao Qing in his body, was even more furious, shouting, "Blood Prince, do you dare?"

He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Originally, if there was no Emperor Xiao Qing to make trouble, he would definitely be able to refine the blood prince. At that time, he would be inherited from the bloodthirsty line, and then refine the energy blood pool to break through and become the eighth-class prince, even Is the strongest ninth-class prince powerhouse.

At that time, even those old and immortal blood clan awakened without fear.

However, all this has changed because of the appearance of Emperor Xiao Qing.


He roared and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing who was fighting with other blood princes, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, "Kill me."

At this moment, he no longer cared about the sword intent and sword aura in his body, and exploded with the strongest power, his palms were like heaven and earth, and he shot towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"not good."

Emperor Xiao Qing changed slightly.

A sword swung away the other princes, raised his head, and looked at the palm of the shot, his face showed a solemn color.

But it is not nervous.

"Seventh-class prince, it's not that this king has never killed him."

The expression was cold, and with a move from his left hand, a **** sword light penetrated the void and instantly fell into his hands.

Emperor Burning Sword.

After saving the blood prince, his blood-dropping incarnation returned with the Emperor Burning Sword.

"This king is the king of blood." The seventh-class prince Rainier's voice was magnificent and roared.

"Human, no matter how strong you are, within this blood clan, anyone who dares to be rude will die if you see this king!"

In his body, Jian Yi and Jian Qi were still doing strange things, but they were suppressed by his secret method.

With this blow, he had already exploded into the strongest power of the seventh-class prince powerhouse, and made up his mind to completely smash Emperor Xiao Qing in a short time.

"Just you, dare to call yourself king?"

The Emperor Xiao Qing below was really insignificant compared to Rainier, who was 7,000 feet tall.

But his face showed disdain.

The sound is not loud, but it spreads far away, into the hearts of every blood race.

"This king is the dragon king, no one in this world can claim the king before this king!"


He stepped up in the air, step by step.

Surrounded by a nine-color dragon, he raised his head and let out a sound of earth-shaking dragons.

Above his head, there was a terrifying storm of sword intent rising into the sky.

A godless shadow holding a sword stood in the storm, erupting a terrifying sword intent.

Even within the blood clan, there are some cultivating swordsmanship, and the powerful men with terrifying strength feel a terrifying coercion at this moment.

Their kendo was trembling, their faces turned pale, and the energy in their bodies was even more unstable, as if they were about to leave themselves.

Sword Emperor, come!

"The sword of this king can kill the strong in the world."

Xuanyuan Sword and Emperor Fenjian were in hand at the same time, but at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing displayed the Emperor Fenjian.


An incomparable nine-color sword light suddenly rose.

Like a crescent moon, it rose slowly.

Above, the giant palm covering the sky and the earth still crushed down with terrifying power, but it couldn't block this nine-colored sword light.


The light shines and it is very bright.

Where the sword light passed, blood splattered, like cutting vegetables, this huge palm covering the sky was directly cut and opened from it, neatly smashed downwards.


The pain passed to my heart.

However, the pain in the flesh is far less than the shock in the heart.

Rainier, the seventh-class prince powerhouse of the blood race, possesses extremely terrifying power, theoretically equivalent to the powerhouse of the seventh heaven in the Primordial Divine Realm.

However, his physical body is stronger.

This blow, even if strong like Tian Huan, the second ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect, came, I am afraid I have to deal with it carefully.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing directly cut him off with a full blow.

"You, **** it..."

The voice of rage sounded, and at the same time, it was full of shock.


However, as soon as his voice fell, he saw that the power of the sword had not stopped.

Nine-color sword light rose up, slashing towards him in a crash.


Rainier was timid, and when he saw Emperor Xiao Qing's sword so terrifying, his heart was shaken, and he never dared to take the blow of Emperor Xiao Qing again.

Instead, he sucked in a cold breath and retreated decisively towards the back.

As soon as he retreated, he was doomed to lose in the confrontation with Emperor Xiao Qing.

"You can go on the road."

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