The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1306: The inferiority of the former emperor

"Big Brother Xiao..."

Seeing the way Ning Xuan left, everyone was sluggish, but Ning Yuling recovered first and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing apologetically, "I am sorry to you on behalf of my father."

"It's just a small matter." Xiao Qingdi smiled slightly.

Xiao Ding laughed out loud, "It's so exciting. This old man, who has been a great emperor for a few years, has forgotten all his childhood friendship. This time, he will be treated well and let him You will never forget it, hahaha."

"Don't say that." Elder Xiao gave him a stare.

After all, Ning Yuling is still here, always trying to save some face.

"Hey, it's not scolding him. It's what happened back then. It's not easy to vomit."

Xiao Ding sat on the stool with his legs crossed, poured himself a cup of tea, and said with a smile, "I told you, actually, decades ago, it was a hundred years ago, how long ago I forgot, anyway, We had a very good relationship with your father Ning Xuan when we were young."

He said, looking at Ning Yuling, he hehe smiled, "Your father, when he was young, he was pretty good. He almost became life and death brothers with the two of us. He also lived in the Xiao clan for a while. Of course, this is him. Nothing happened before he became the emperor of the Ning Empire. Later, after he came to power, he abandoned his previous brotherhood, especially, turned his face away from acknowledging people."

"It's just that you old guy is stupid. After knowing that his old injury has relapsed, he left everything to help him run around looking for elixir. As a result, his sons were almost killed."

Xiao Ding shook his head and sighed, with a gleeful look on his face, "When I knew that guy was dead, I was a little happy. What I didn't expect is that not only was alive, but also a breakthrough."


He paused and laughed, "Who would have thought that this guy wouldn't hide well in this troubled time, and when he comes out of the mountain, isn't this looking for death?"

Everyone knows that for Ning Xuan, if he were to retreat in the holy land of the human race, maybe dozens or hundreds of years would have passed at once. At that time, the outside disturbance stopped and he would go out again, naturally everything would be fine.

However, he just wanted to die. At this juncture when the storm converged in the secular world, he came out to take power again, and he was simply looking for a dead end.

"Ordinary Primordial Divine Realm is no longer a strong one, let alone a pseudo Primordial Divine Realm." Elder Xiao also sighed, "Old friend, he is here to preside over the overall situation."

A ray of relief appeared in his eyes, "Although he has been more focused on his rights over the years, he can indeed be regarded as fulfilling his duties."

"Father, he is afraid that I can't cope with the current situation, so I specially re-enter the world." Ning Yuling whispered, "It's the daughter that is useless, otherwise, the father won't have to go out specially."

"Unless your strength can reach the level of my grandson's level, otherwise, no matter how promising you are, it's useless."

Elder Xiao comforted, "Since he is out of the mountain, you should cultivate well, and leave the rest to him. Your father, the old fellow, doesn't have much other skills, but the management is very good."

"I believe that with him, everything will be worry-free."

Obviously, although Mr. Xiao called Ning Xuan as an ‘old guy’ in his mouth, he actually recognized this guy’s management ability when he was in power.

"Yeah, thank you, Old Master Xiao."

Ning Yuling nodded quickly.

Looking at Emperor Xiao Qing quietly, she found that Emperor Xiao Qing was just sitting calmly and did not participate in their conversation, and her expression darkened.

Xiao Wu on one side stepped forward and stood behind Emperor Xiao Qing, holding his shoulders gently and powerfully, while speaking softly, "Master, the East China Sea is so dangerous now. After this great war, we have Aware of their lack of strength, if the top ten dragon guards do not grow up, they will be eliminated forever."

She was sad.

Even if she got the help of Emperor Xiao Qing's drop of essence and blood, coupled with the help of Li Ba, her cultivation level had risen to the peak of the Golden Core Stage, but it was far from enough.

Not to mention the rest of the Ten Dragon Guards, all of them weak.

"Ten Dragon Guards, everyone else will go back to retreat for a while."

Emperor Xiao Qing groaned, "After waiting for a while, this king will bring you some real no inheritance."

Even before, Emperor Xiao Qing had given some inheritances to the Ten Great Dragon Guards, but those were only inheritances in cultivation techniques, but they did not have enough power to inherit them.

If you want to be strong in a short time, the best way is to have a sufficient energy inheritance that can allow them to receive the initiation of Daigo.

And all of this must wait for the Emperor Palace.

"Then I will let Xiao Qi return to Dragon King Island together, ready to listen to the call of the lord at any time." Xiao Wu said quickly.

"You go back together."

Emperor Xiao Qing glared at Xiao Wu, "Cultivate for a while."


When Xiao Wu heard it, she was stunned, and then tears ran in her eyes, "I, I don't... Lord, I want to be by your side, I don't want to leave you..."

Cold tears dripped on his shoulders, and even Xiao Qing emperor trembled in his heart, and couldn't help saying, "Then just forget it..."

"Yeah, the prince is so good, I love you so much, Bo..."

Xiao Wu immediately burst into laughter, lowered his head and kissed Emperor Xiao Qing's face, and then cleverly helped Emperor Xiao Qing pinch his shoulders.

Ning Yuling on one side was stunned, while Xiao Ding was stunned, and said with a smile, "How about it, have you learned it? It’s so easy to chase my disciple and grandson, although you have been the emperor for a while. , But in other respects, it may not be comparable to them."

This sentence beat Ning Yuling's original arrogance to nothing.

After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized that she had been the emperor of the Yanhua Empire for a period of time, and in other respects, there was really nothing comparable to the women around Xiao Qingdi.

In terms of talents, the women around Xiao Qingdi were not inferior to them.

Regarding appearance, although she prides herself on the beauty of the country, when she sees the supreme empress like Li Yuanji, she feels inferior.

Regarding the cultivation base, although she was almost able to reach the Nascent Soul Stage, would Emperor Xiao Qing still care about such a cultivation base?

"I, I should have worked hard..."

She muttered to herself, feeling that she had a long way to go.

Even when she became the emperor of the Yanhua Empire, she didn't feel the pressure on her body was so heavy. On the contrary, she swore in her heart that she would work hard for what she thought and loved.

Elder Xiao glanced at Ning Yuling and smiled, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Little Five, make tea."

Xiao Qingdi smiled softly, picked up a book on the table and looked at it.

And Xiao Wu is very neat sitting aside making tea for a few people.

This kind of day was calm and leisurely. For Emperor Xiao Qing, his mood was relaxed and his mood improved a little bit. This was a day he had been pursuing for many years.

"Master, help... the old guy from the Heavenly God Sect is here to kill."

However, before a few cups of tea were eaten, I heard Li Ba's screams.

At this moment, Xiao Qingdi's face changed.

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