"No, a group of people rushed into the house and injured many of us."

In the yard of the Su family, the old man, Su Wen was entertaining two old friends of the old man, while Su Qing was sitting on the side with a cold face, suddenly, a bodyguard rushed in with a look of panic.


Su Wen's expression changed, "What happened?"

His figure stood up suddenly, and his face was very ugly about to rush out.

However, it was too late at this time.

"Hahaha, Su family, a bunch of chickens and dogs, just relying on your ordinary bodyguards to try to block this young master, you are looking for a dead end."

Accompanied by a frantic laughter, the "Three Young Masters" with red and swollen faces rushed in with a group of people from the door, followed by him was the still pale-faced Warburg.

At the same time, there is a group of people who are under the three masters.

Although not all of his subordinates were martial artists, they were better at being crowded and ferocious. A group of people rushed into Su's house, like a ruin, no one could stop them, so they were rushed all the way to the yard of Grandpa Su.

"Three young masters!"

Su Qing was stunned.

She originally thought that the other party was joking on the phone, even if the other party was'Chu San Shao', it was impossible to have the courage to bring someone to Su's house to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the other party had already gathered a bunch of people and rushed to Su's house.

Su Wen was even more angry and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

"go away."

The'Three Young Master' sneered and scanned the yard. When he didn't find the figure of Emperor Xiao Qing and a few women, he frowned and looked at Su Qing, "Didn't you say that they are all here? People? What?"


The words of the'Three Young Masters' are equivalent to telling Su Wen and others that he was hired by Su Qing.

At this moment, Su Qing's face changed drastically, and she stammered speechless.

Su Wen glared at Su Qing, "You, you wicked obstacle, did you do such a thing?"

"I do not have..."

Su Qing turned pale and quibbled, "I didn't know that he would openly bring people to Su's house to make trouble. I, I just told him that Emperor Xiao Qing and others are in our house..."

"Don't quarrel, this young master didn't come to Su's house to watch your brother and sister quarrel."

The'Three Young Master' sneered and said, "Hurry up and hand over that kid and a few beauties, otherwise, this young master will level your Su family."

"Who dares to say that you want to Su Jiaping?"

When his voice fell, he heard a puffy voice, and the door of Old Man Su's room opened, refreshed, as if he was a young man stepping out.

Although he is just an ordinary person, he is full of momentum at this moment, and he has no fear of dozens of others.


Su Wen and Su Qing looked at Grandpa Su at the same time. Seeing Grandpa Su's appearance, how could they not understand that Emperor Xiao Qing's treatment was really useful.

It should have been a very exciting thing, but at this moment, the "Three Young Masters" were stuck here with people, but it made them no longer excited.

Especially Su Qing was full of regret.

She knew that after the incident, she was not a human being inside and out. Not only was she unable to get help from the'Three Young Masters', it was even possible that she would be expelled from the Su family by the angry old man.

Elder Su nodded to the two of them. Then, he looked at the'Three Young Masters', and said in a deep voice, "Three Young Master Chu, I've heard of you a long time ago..."

"Old guy, talk a little bit crookedly, hand them over quickly, otherwise, this young master will lead someone to flatten your entire Su family."

However, before Grandpa Su had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the'Three Young Masters'.

If you say that the previous "Three Young Masters" would still think about using the power of Old Man Su to make them better in Dongzhou City, or even in the entire empire.

Now he doesn't care.

As long as he can catch Emperor Xiao Qing and dedicate him to that one, with that one's identity, he Chu San will surely be able to rise rapidly.

At that time, among the Chu royal family, what about those direct descendants?

Who has a stronger backing than yourself?

"Young people are too rampant."

Old man Su Gu sneered, "Even if the patriarch of your Chu family comes, I dare not be so rude to the old man..."


However, before he finished his words, the'Three Young Masters' went straight forward, kicked the old man, kicked the old man to the ground, and cursed, "What is it? Useless is a scholar. The scholar of a lifetime is really addicted, thinking that the world is so big that you are the best?

Mad, dare to say that the patriarch of the Chu royal family will not dare to be rude to you when he comes. What are you, can you see the patriarch of my Chu royal family?

Old guy, shut up if you don't want to die, and you, who dare to speak again, and make this young master unhappy, first trample this old guy to death, and then destroy all of your Su family. "

After the scolding, let alone the father Su who was kicked to the ground, Su Wen and others were also dumbfounded.

This guy is too rampant, and, relying on the number of people, he even dared to do something against Old Su.

Su Wen and others dared not move because they were afraid that Old Man Su would be kicked to death if he was kicked a few more feet by the other party.

The old man was trembling with anger. After he stood up, he glared at the'Three Young Masters' and said angrily, "Well, you dare to be so rampant, the old man will definitely want you..."


In the same way, the old man's words were not finished yet, and the "Three Young Masters" slapped them again.

Moreover, this time, he used the power of a martial artist. If he was hit by a fan, let alone the old man, he would have trouble even if he was a strong man.

"Old guy, so much nonsense, since you're tired of living, go to die."

The voice was icy.

The'Three Young Master' was blushed and swollen by Xiao Wu in the Su family. He has not recovered until now. He hated the Su family a long time ago. He originally wanted to take advantage of the Su family, so it didn't happen immediately.

But at this time, he felt that he would be able to contact that one right away, and he didn't need to borrow from the Su family anymore, even if he killed Mrs. Su, he didn't care.

"Dad, be careful."

"No, Third Young Master, he is my father."

Su Wen and Su Qing yelled at the same time. They wanted to jump over, but it was useless. They had been blocked by the people brought by the "Three Young Masters" long ago, and they could only watch the "Three Young Masters" with canthus. With a cracking sound, his hand fanned towards the old man.

"Asshole boy, lawless, you will die sooner or later."

Elder Su also knew that he was not immune from this palm, but he was not afraid, with an extremely angry expression on his face, glaring at the opponent.

"Go to hell."

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