The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 150: Memory recovery

In the next few days, the East China Sea was calm. There was no more disturbance in the Lin and Huang family. Lin Shengqi and Huang Tianqi seemed to have accepted their fate, and everyone in the two families stayed at Lin's house.

However, the Su Yan Group has developed rapidly. After the drastic reforms of Xiaowu, Su Ruoyan, and Fang Wanqing's three daughters, it has truly entered the right track.

The rapid rise of a company combining Su Ruoyan's company, Fang Wanqing's company, and Lin Group's 90% shares.

Lin Shengqi could only watch everything about him, little by little, being taken away by the other party. He wanted to take it back, but found that he was powerless.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing, he was also leisurely. He gave the little girl acupuncture and moxibustion every day and sent her to and from get out of class. Then, he went to the library to play a game or two with Mr. Xu, read a book, and practiced one or two times, and had a very uncomfortable life.

Five days later, the Xiao family villa.

The sun was shining outside, and Emperor Xiao Qing was preparing to administer injections to the younger sister.

"Sister, don't be nervous, just relax."

When Emperor Xiao Qing held the golden needle and was about to get the needle, he found that the little girl was a little nervous.

He comforted softly, but felt strange in his heart. He has been treating the little girl for so long, and it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to be so nervous.

"I always feel my heart beating faster, as if something is going to happen."

The little girl whispered.

"It's okay, continue to administer the needle."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, holding a golden needle, and displayed the nine dragon needles again.


In the room, as if there was a golden dragon roaming, the dragons roared and golden light was bright.

One after another, the golden needle sank into the little girl's body.

Then, the bright energy burst out in his hand, which turned into endless rain and rained down.

The little girl frowned. At this moment, she felt that her head was constantly roaring, her figure trembling, and her body sweating profusely.

"How could this be? Could it be..."

Emperor Xiao Qing was always paying attention to the younger sister's situation, and when he discovered the little girl's appearance at this moment, his expression changed.


Just when Emperor Xiao Qing was about to take measures, suddenly, the little girl uttered a loud cry, holding her head in her hands, only to feel that countless memories appeared crazily, and everything from her childhood appeared in an instant.

The memories are all restored at this moment!

"Finally done."

After seeing Emperor Xiao Qing, his face couldn't help showing excitement.

However, he did not immediately pull the golden needles, but continued to perform acupuncture and use his own energy to penetrate into the golden needles to help the little girl relieve the pain caused by all the memories pouring into the brain.

The whole process lasted a full half an hour.

Then, the light dissipated, and the little sister recovered her calm.

She raised her head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, tears were already brewing in her eyes, and she whispered, "Brother..."


Calling again and again, as if coming across time and space.

It seems that I have been in love with brother and sister for eight years.


"Hahaha, great, hahaha..."

When Xiao Qingdi responded, he laughed excitedly.

He strode over, holding the little sister in his arms, with a look of excitement on his face.

I'm back, the little girl from eight years ago has really come back.

The little girl who has all the memories of childhood is the real and complete little girl.

"Brother, I remember."

The little sister cried with joy, hugged her brother tightly, and said excitedly, "I remember that when we were five years old, we were walking in the community together, and when we met an unmanned bulldog who wanted to bite me, it was you who worked hard to bite me. Protect me. In the end, when my parents found me, I didn't hurt me at all, and you were bitten in a dozen places."

"When I was eight years old, I said I wanted to eat ice-cream, but I didn’t have it at home, and my parents were not at home. On a hot day, you ran several kilometers away to buy me ice-cream. Yes, you are so angry..."

"When I was nine years old..."

Everything from childhood, only the secrets that the two of them knew came out of the little sister.

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded while listening, but involuntary tears were brewing in his eyes.

"Haha, I'm back, I'm really back, Mom and Dad, have you seen it, the little girl is back!"

At this moment, even if he was the Dragon King, the real supreme king, and the mighty power in the world, there was no demeanor, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

His little sister, his close relatives, after eight years, eight years after her parents were killed, she finally found her, and finally treated her.

The two cried with joy and talked to each other about everything from their childhood.

It takes two or three hours to talk about it like this.

It wasn't until Xiaowu, Su Ruoyan and Fang Wanqing came back from get off work that they realized that there were hot meals waiting for them before, but this time there was nothing.

"what happened?"

Then, they went into the room one after another, and saw the siblings sitting opposite each other, talking happily about their childhood.

"I thought what was going on. I told our big boss to stop cooking. It turned out to be chatting with the younger sister." Fang Wanqing said with a smile.

"My lord, has my little sister's memory completely recovered?"

Xiao Wu has a keen mind and thought of this all at once.

"Well, it's restored."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded with a smile, looked at the three women, remembering that he hadn't cooked yet, so he couldn't help but laughed, "I said to the little girl about the past, but for a while, I forgot to cook. Let's Go out to eat out."


Several women nodded at the same time.

The little girl also smiled very happily, "I want to eat chicken stewed with mushrooms, roast duck, and roast suckling pig..."

"Okay, let's go."

The group went out happily, but Emperor Xiao Qing was isolated instead, and several women surrounded the little girl, smiling and asking if there was anything embarrassing about Emperor Xiao Qing when he was a child.

The Emperor Xiao Qing was very consciously acting as a driver, and under the guidance of a few women, he drove to a restaurant.

Xinxiangyuan Restaurant is just an ordinary home-style restaurant.

It is not well-known in the East China Sea, not big, and not luxurious, but it is highly recommended by Su Ruoyan and Fang Wanqing. According to them, this kind of small restaurant is even better. This is the one they used to frequent.

"Two beauties, haven't been here for a while, please come inside."

Under the warm reception of the waiter, they sat down by the window on the second floor. Su Ruoyan and Fang Wanqing very skillfully took the menu from the waiter and handed it to several people. They introduced, "No matter how hygienic this restaurant is The tastes are all very good. You can take a look..."

"I'll order me some."

The little girl leaned forward, and the women were ordering food with a grin. Upon seeing this scene, the corners of Emperor Xiao Qing's mouth had a soft smile.

Plain and true, maybe, this is what I want most.

Life is alive, you are the invincible hand of the world, and you are high in power, no one in the world can compare. However, in your heart, the softest is still your close relatives and friends.

Two or three cups of warm wine, meet up with friends and relatives, find a place, eat and drink, laugh and talk about life, talk about childhood embarrassment...

This is the real life!

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