
Not long after, a commercial vehicle came slowly.

Sitting in the car was Emperor Xiao Qing and his party.

Li Tiancheng and the others all had their gazes stern, with serious expressions on their faces, until the car stopped in front of them and couldn't wait to move forward.


Li Gang stepped forward to help open the door of the car, and Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi walked out of the car.

Wearing black clothes and draped in white linen, his expression is solemn, with a touch of sadness and a touch of solemnity.

"I have seen the lord, I have seen the young master."

Li Gang saluted, his face was extremely serious.


Xiao Qi first raised his head to look at the black shadow hovering in the sky, nodded, and then turned to look at the three of Li Tiancheng, surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"According to the order of the superior of the Tianying Department, I will send you a message, and help you keep a ten-mile radius of the Xishan Cemetery, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter it."

Li Tiancheng said solemnly.


When Li Tiancheng's voice fell, even Cai Ying's eyes widened, showing incomprehension, "What news, why don't I know?"


Xiao Qi looked at Cai Ying with a smile, "Is it necessary to say, your foundation is not clean, and your boss does not believe you, so I dare not let Li Tiancheng tell you."

"Li Qishao, don't provoke our relationship, I just got the news not long ago, and it's not a big deal." Li Tiancheng shook his head.

However, Cai Ying felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She and Li Tiancheng were members of the Tianying Department. Although Li Tiancheng was stronger than her, everyone was in the same position, so why did they give the news to Li Tiancheng? But don't tell yourself?

Seeing this, Li Tiancheng shook his head helplessly, "Don't think about it, just want to invite Qi Shao and Emperor Xiao Qing into our Tianying Department."


Cai Ying was stunned, "It turned out to be inviting them..."

She originally thought it was something secret that she couldn't let her know, but when she heard that she was just inviting two people to join the Skyhawk Department, she didn't feel anything.

Li Tiancheng did not pay attention to Cai Ying’s surprise, but looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and Xiao Qi, and said in a deep voice, "Two, I am instructed by the superior of the Tianying Department. Now I officially invite you to join the Tianying Department and become my heaven. A member of the Eagle Club, hey... don't leave..."

However, before he finished speaking, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing had already turned and walked towards everyone from the Linhuang family.

"This person..."

Li Tiancheng was helpless, so he could only look at Xiao Qi, "Qi Shao and Yan Hua three are a sword of the empire to suppress the world. At the same time, as a member of the three, there will be many you can’t imagine. The convenience of this is very useful to you and to Emperor Xiao Qing. I hope you can think about it."


Xiao Qi smiled contemptuously, "Unless you let them set up another position above the Yanhua Three Tribes, you can lead the three tribes, otherwise, don't even think about inviting the prince to join the so-called Tianying Tribe."

With that, Li Tiancheng's eyes widened, and he walked towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

"This guy, it's too disgusting, dare to say that there will be a position above the three congregations, to command the three congregations..."

Cai Ying's eyes widened, and she looked at Xiao Qi's back with anger, "Don't say that this is simply impossible. Even if you really set up a position above the three deities, it will be absolutely It can't be him."

Today, the three departments of Yanhua are separated and each has a separate leader, but no one leads the three departments in a unified manner.

If you really want to set up another position that can manage the three tribes in a unified way, it will definitely not be in the hands of a young man like Emperor Xiao Qing.

After all, the three departments of Yanhua are full of talents. Among them, I don't know how many older generations are strong. If they are really handed over to a young man, how can they convince the crowd?

Wei Zixuan grinned, "It's so fun, you kindly invited him to be your teammate. As a result, he actually wanted to be your boss. Tsk..."

Ignoring the two people with ugly expressions, Wei Zixuan smiled and followed Emperor Xiao Qing, but saw Emperor Xiao Qing standing in front of the Linhuang family with his hands.

The expression is extremely indifferent, as if looking at the dead.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, what do you...what do you want?"

The person who spoke was Lin Jiaqi, who looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with an ugly expression.

"Putting on hemp and filial piety...not bad."

Emperor Xiao Qing didn't answer Lin Jiaqi's words, but nodded faintly, expressing his satisfaction with the appearance of everyone in Lin Huang's family wearing filthy filial piety.

Everyone in the Lin and Huang family, "..."

Lin Jiaqi was even more furious, "Emperor Xiao Qing, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear?"

"How did you hear it? What if you didn't hear it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled faintly, and ignored Lin Jiaqi, instead turning his head to look at Xiao Qi, "Did you give them the list of life and death?"


Xiao Qi nodded and said.

"it is good."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded and looked at Lin Jiaqi, "I always think you are not a stupid woman, but why do you ask such a stupid question? When doing bad things, you have countless ideas, but when it's really your turn , You don’t even understand anything, you are really amazing."

After speaking, he waved his hand and directly ordered, "Bring it."

He turned around and walked towards the graveyard of his parents with his hands. The other people also hurriedly followed, especially the younger sister, who was tightly leaning against Xiao Qingdi, and his faces were sweating nervously.

"Don't be nervous, parents will be very happy to see you."

Emperor Xiao Qing comforted.

However, at this moment, his own mood is not very good, with a ray of confusion, a ray of sadness...

Surrounded by Li Tiancheng and others, a group of people came to the tomb of their parents. Emperor Xiao Qing and the younger sister stood at the forefront, followed by Su Ruoyan and Xiaoqi, and then Li Gang with a solemn expression led them to hold Lin. Everyone from the Huang Family.

At the back, Xiao Qijiang offered all the incense candles and sacrifices that he had prepared. Emperor Xiao Qing held the incense in both hands and bowed for nine worship. Then, he kneeled down with the little sister and the others and said in a low voice, "Parents, I I brought my little girl to see you..."


They all say that men bleed without tears, not to mention that they are men like Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the hearts of everyone, he is a man of elegance, temperament, and supremacy. However, at this moment, in front of his parents' grave, he is sad and tears are rolling down.

The faces of Li Tiancheng, Cai Ying, and Wei Zixuan all showed solemn expressions.

They were solemn and bowed to the grave three times before turning and leaving.

They stay here and have nothing else. Seeing Emperor Xiao Qing doing something excessive, if they don’t stop it, it’s obviously wrong to them, but they can’t stop it. Moreover, seeing Xiao Qing The appearance of the Qing Emperor, if today's worship is destroyed by them, I am afraid that even if they are members of the Tianying Department, they will die without a burial place.

It might as well be a blind eye.

In the rear, everyone in Lin and Huang's family shivered, especially when Lin Shengqi and Huang Tianqi looked at the photos on the tombstone, their faces were extremely ugly.

At this moment, they were extremely frightened.

I can only keep mumbling, "We were just forced to do what happened back then. If you want to trouble someone, go to the Third Young Master. We don't know anything else..."

"I'm innocent, you told your son not to deal with us..."


At this moment, Lin Shengqi and Huang Tianqi, who were extremely calm, were also truly desperate.

Not only them, but the other members of the Linhuang family also stood blankly, shaking all over, barely peeing their pants in fright.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing turned his head to look at them, and said calmly, "Kneel!"

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