The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1606: Who should laugh? Who should cry? (Sixth more)


The integration of the nine souls of heaven and earth into one, brings unprecedented power, surpassing the power that the nine scattered souls of heaven and earth can bring to Emperor Xiao Qing.

However, instead, a heavy pressure broke out.

What Zhu Xi said was fulfilled.

Throughout the ages, there have indeed been countless Tianjiaoes who, when breaking through the Nine Heavens, would have a whim, to merge these nine Yuanshen heaven and earth into one, turning them into one heaven and earth.

After all, the power of the nine heavens and the earth is injected into the body together, and there will be some damage in the middle. In any case, it is not as good as only the one heaven and the earth directly transmitting energy into the body.

However, those who tried, without exception, failed.

Because the energy of the nine layers of heaven and earth is too strong when it merges, it will cause a qualitative change. At that time, it will be an invincible power that no one can control.

Yuanshen, a symbol of a person's spirit, strength and weakness, how can he withstand the suppression of the power of the integration of the nine heavens?


Emperor Xiao Qing only felt that a terrifying force was acting on his soul, which made it possible to penetrate the Nine Heavens, the infinitely tall soul, but at this moment began to be compressed by the limit.

"Kacha Kacha..."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes condensed, two nine-color rays of light shot out in his eyes, and a vast force of blood and qi rushed into the sky and merged into the soul.

However, these nine heavens are still merging, even stretching, as if they are going to be transformed into a formation, but at the same time, the power they bring is getting stronger and stronger, making his soul after bearing this power, Still shrinking a little bit.

"No, it will definitely be crushed if this continues."

Zhu Xi is anxious about it.

On the other side, Xiao Zhengjing also came not far away with a solemn expression. He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a worried expression in his eyes, and said solemnly, "This is a little troublesome."

"Uncle, what should I do?" Xiao Qingyan and others also came, all looking at Xiao Zhengjing.

"There is no way, I can only rely on him. Moreover, the integration of the nine layers of heaven and earth has already begun, and there is no way to stop, Qingdi, this time is too reckless."

Even Xiao Zhengjing is extremely heavy.


Bing Hui, the old lady of the Eighth Layer of the Primordial God Realm of Ice Demon Sect, Bing Hui also came, her cultivation base had been restored to the peak, and the eruption of the eighth heaven peak's cultivation base was earth-shattering.

However, in the face of Emperor Xiao Qing's situation, she could only shake her head with a wry smile, "There is no way, only to see if he can handle it."

"What if you can't hold it?"

Everyone is anxious.

"Naturally, the primordial spirit was crushed and his body was destroyed."

At this time, a smiling voice rang from the distant void.

I saw that the "Emperor Younger" Di Hao, who had disappeared for many days, reappeared, and there were eighteen men in black around him who were looking at Emperor Xiao Qing with a smile.

"Tsk tut, this kid is really looking for a dead end."

Di Hao smiled and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Emperor Xiao Qing, I just saw you break through the Nine Heavens Realm. I really frightened me. He almost ran back to the clan and hid him with someone. What I didn't expect was you It's so dying, and at this time, the nine-fold primordial spirit world has been merged into one, hahaha..."

He laughed unscrupulously, pointing at the constant suppression and compression of the soul, and he was amazed, "I have long heard that there are some people who do not live or die, after breaking through the nine heavens, they will try to merge the nine heavens and live alive. I made myself dead. I didn't expect to see it today. It's just a spectacle."

"Be sure to record it. When the time comes to sell it from the outside world, there will definitely be some talents who want to see this process."

Originally, he was planning to deal with Emperor Xiao Qing, specially bringing eighteen strong mercenaries hired from outside the territory. What he didn't expect was that Emperor Xiao Qing would kill himself without him.

He slowly took out a photo-taking stone, recording the changes that Xiao Qing emperor was undergoing little by little.

"Di Hao."

Cui Jinhao's figure walked out of the void, his eyes looked at each other with a cold color, and he shouted, "Do you still dare to appear?"

"Why don't I dare to show up?"

Di Hao smiled and looked at Cui Jinhao, "If you don't show up, you won't be able to see this wonderful scene. What a pity, don't you think?"

"Oh, by the way, you hurry up, return my scabbard, and by the way, give me your scabbard to play with, especially, you have been carrying that scabbard for so many years. Tired?"

Di Hao looked at Cui Jinhao happily, but his eyes were fierce.

With a wave of his hand, the eighteen strong men behind him appeared directly beside Cui Jinhao, instantly surrounding him.

"this is..."

Cui Jinhao's face changed drastically, and he shouted in a deep voice, "You hired them to deal with the same clan?"

"Don't worry, they won't kill you, just to prevent you from making trouble, let's see how Xiao Qing Emperor this kid was killed by himself." Di Hao didn't rush to deal with Cui Jinhao.

In his opinion, only Emperor Xiao Qing is the most threatening person here.

After Emperor Xiao Qing's soul was crushed, no matter what he wanted to do, no one could stop him.

"He is the Emperor Shao?"

At this moment, everyone on Dragon King Island appeared one after another, looking at the emperor and the eighteen strong men with gloomy faces.

"Eighteen powerhouses of the eighth heaven, they are some of the strong people who are specially hired outside the territory."

Zhu Xi said in a deep voice, "These eighteen people make up a formation that can definitely kill at least two powerful people in the Nine Heavens Realm. Unexpectedly, he could hire these people at such a high price."

"Who the **** is he?"

When she was surprised, Li Yuanji, Fang Yuxue, Xiao Zhengjing and others came around Xiao Qingdi one after another, their expressions were cold, watching the eighteen strong men and Emperor Hao vigilantly.

"It's okay, you can go back."

Emperor Xiao Qing said to a few people, "You don't need to stand beside this king."

"But, if he does something to you at this time, how can you stop it?" Li Yuanji's face was worried.

"That guy is at the peak of the eighth heaven, hey, it seems to have reached the nineth heaven."

At this moment, it jumped on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing, and it looked at Di Hao in surprise, "This guy is amazing. In just a few days, he has already broken through to the Nine Heavens Realm, but it was just a forced breakthrough. , The strength has not changed much."

At this time, everyone discovered that the aura erupting from Di Hao was extremely powerful, and it was no longer comparable to that of Eight Heavens.

One by one, there was a look of worry on their faces, "A strong man in the realm of the nine heavens, plus eighteen existences that can kill the nine heavens, if you really do it, it will be dangerous."

"Tsk tsk, this little reptile can actually see that Ben Shao has broken through, and he is still a little capable. Hurry up and get out of it. Otherwise, don't blame Ben Shao for being unsympathetic later."

Di Hao looked here triumphantly, using a photo-taking stone to record that Emperor Xiao Qing’s Yuanshen was suppressed by Yuanshen Heaven and Earth a little bit, while showing a threatening expression, "Everyone, get out of here, otherwise, Ben Shao cut You guys."

"It's you who should go."

However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard the cold voice of Emperor Xiao Qing, "Di Hao, right? This king gives you a chance. Now, if you take people away immediately, this king can forget the blame, otherwise, you don't have to go. ."

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