The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1614: The dragon king is righteous, blocking the devil's cave with his body

"No, dead, right?"

Suddenly, an idea popped up, making Di Hao couldn't help it anymore and quietly leaned towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

If Emperor Xiao Qing is dead, or even though he is not dead, but has been invaded by demonic energy and murderous aura, making the whole person unable to move, he can take the opportunity to destroy Emperor Xiao Qing and take away the inheritance of Emperor Xiao Qing. go away.

In this way, all his plans have been realized!

"With such a terrifying evil spirit, his physical body hasn't collapsed. This physical body is really too strong. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the physical body is, it can't stop the invasion of murderous and devilish energy."

The closer he gets to Emperor Xiao Qing, the more he can feel the force of that terrifying devilish and murderous aura constantly impacting on Emperor Xiao Qing.

There were several cracks in the jade Buddha statue on the palm of his hand, but he didn't seem to feel it. His eyes were still fixed on Emperor Xiao Qing, and the whole person gradually moved closer.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, you really died."

At a glance, he found that Emperor Xiao Qing had no aura in his body, and even his life characteristics were gone. It was clear that he had only become an empty shell.

Suddenly, my heart was overjoyed.

Hurry up, stretch out your hand, and grab it towards Emperor Xiao Qing, "I hope all your inheritance is still there, otherwise, you will lose a lot."

He has done so much, and even rushed into this passage regardless of the consequences, isn't it just to get the inheritance of Emperor Xiao Qing's ‘Emperor Seed’?

If, because of Xiao Qing's accident, he didn't get the emperor seed, for him, everything he did would be useless.


At the moment when he stretched out his hand to grasp Emperor Xiao Qing, suddenly, Emperor Xiao Qing's closed eyes opened.

Two rays of evil spirit and devilish energy flashed in his eyes, and a gleam of teasing gradually spread out, "Do you think this king is dead?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Di Hao jokingly.

At the same time, on his shoulders, four feet appeared again, and the little guy looked at Di Hao cheerfully, "You guy, say you are stupid and don't admit it."

"You, you are not dead?"

Di Hao was stunned. He thought that all the vital signs on Emperor Xiao Qing had disappeared, and he should have died.

I was both excited and worried. For fear that Emperor Xiao Qing's inheritance was not on him, he did not expect that Emperor Xiao Qing did not die.

"You are not dead, how could something happen to this king?" With a smile on his face, Emperor Xiao Qing grabbed Di Hao's hand and suddenly used force.

"what are you doing?"

Di Hao's face changed.

He felt an incomparable power burst out of Emperor Xiao Qing's hand, causing his hand to shatter directly, as if it was about to explode at this moment.

Not only that, even within his soul, there is also a very terrifying power passed in, making his soul to be destroyed.

"Naturally, send you on the road."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, his right hand suddenly used force, and a terrifying blood burst out along with devilish energy and murderous energy.


In the next moment, Di Hao was so powerful that the figure of a strong man who reached the realm of the Nine Heavens had no resistance at all and exploded directly.

Then, the whole body of Emperor Xiao Qing, a vast and boundless energy breath continued to flow.

With a wave of his hand, in the blood mist that Di Hao exploded, countless rays of light were collected by him.

"This guy is finally dead." The four feet standing on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing.

Speaking of it, Di Hao didn't have any hatred with Emperor Xiao Qing, because he was usually accustomed to being touted. When he saw Emperor Xiao Qing, who came from the ‘countryside’, surpassed him, he was upset.

This is because of jealousy and hatred, and as a result, it has evolved into a desire to obtain the inheritance from Emperor Xiao Qing.

In the end, he killed himself.

The self-sufficiency caused by human greed is undoubtedly revealed in Di Hao's body.

"Boss, can we go out then?" There is endless murderous and demonic energy here, and even four feet feel very uncomfortable.

It is a nine-day divine dragon, invaded by all laws, and fearless of all blood evil and evil spirits, but relative to it, these murderous and evil spirits are like extremely dirty quagmire, and it naturally does not like to be in the quagmire.

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked calm, waved his hand, directly stuffed the jade pendant of the Buddha statue to his four feet, and said at the same time, "You go out first, so that the four are not like the suppression of the hunting god, the eighteen evil spirits, and leave it to Dragon King Island for processing. As for other things, Let them not come here, this king will solve it by himself."

"What about you?" Four feet looked suspiciously at Xiao Qingdi.

"If this evil spirit and demon energy are not blocked, they will rush out." Emperor Xiao Qing was silent for a while, "These infinite murderous energy and demon energy rush out, and the whole world will be devastated.


Four feet were stunned, "Boss, you don't want to be stuck here alone, do you?"

However, before he could get an answer, he saw Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand and a ray of light curled it out of the passage.


The expression of the four feet changed greatly, and he was about to rush back again. At the beginning of the entrance of the passage, a ray of light burst out, nine-colored rays of light flowed, and the vast energy breath burst out.

At exactly this moment, in the passage, the infinite demonic energy and murderous aura were about to rush out, and they were blocked by this nine-color energy.

"this is..."

Even if the four feet are not sensible, they are aware of the problem in the eyes.

"Boss... it's okay, the boss is the lord of the supreme emperor, the real nine-day emperor, how could he be defeated by such a bit of evil spirit and devilish energy..."

"No matter what, there are still Emperor Seal and Emperor Sword on him."

It stayed in place for a long time, did not rush into the passage, but resolutely turned and left.

However, after the four feet left, countless figures quickly rushed over outside the passage. Among them, there was an old man whose body aura was overwhelming, and the old man who appeared above his head with the nine-fold heaven and earth turned out to be a master in the nine-fold heaven.

At the same time, the phantom incarnation of the Holy Lord of the Human Holy Land appeared.

At this moment, the holy lord also had a worried look on his face, "How could this passage be destroyed, who is it?"

"It was blocked."

The strong man in the Nine Heavens Realm was an old man. After checking the Nine Color Sword Light at the entrance of the passage, he breathed a sigh of relief, "The other party does not seem to be trying to break this passage."

"It's just that after the seal is broken, the magical energy and evil energy in the passage will lose balance. Unless there is a point of venting, it will eventually explode under constant brewing."

"When it really breaks out, something will happen to the entire home planet."

This Nine Heavens powerhouse had a very good vision, and he immediately saw the key to the problem.

On the one hand, the incarnation of the Holy Lord's face was extremely pale, and he kept muttering, "If this is the case, wouldn't it be a big problem, but why do I think this nine-color light is so similar to the energy of Emperor Xiao Qing?"

"No, although the kid like Emperor Xiao Qing likes to cause trouble, he is unlikely to do such an angry and grieving thing?" As soon as the words of the incarnation of the Holy Lord fell, he heard an uncertain voice.

The speaker was the ancient ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect.

At this moment, the ancient ancestor of the Holy Sword Sect in the Eighth Layer of Heaven frowned, with a distraught expression, "There must be something wrong, maybe it was Emperor Xiao Qing who sensed that this passage was broken, and set the seal himself. What?"

"Holy Lord, don't you have some rules of heaven and earth, can you reverse the flow of time and restore the original?"

At this moment, everyone looked at the incarnation of the Holy Lord of the Human Race.

"Well, this saint wants to see who is so bold and dare to deal with my human star. If it is found out, he is a human being, and he will definitely not be merciless. If he is a descendant of a strong family, he will definitely want him. The people of the clan come out and say something, otherwise, don't blame the deity for being ruthless."

The holy lord's expression was cold, and he began to perform secret methods.

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