
The old man Wanmo never expected that the invincible strong man in his dignified longevity realm would one day be beaten by two ‘weak men’ from the Nine Heavens who did not even condense on the longevity bridge.

"Damn it, if you don't stop, Lao Tzu will break out."


"Magic Sealing Technique!"

"Extreme Skymaster!"

However, just as he was about to break out, Wang Xinyuan's special enchantment formula for the magic way fell, and accompanied by Emperor Xiao Qing's supreme sky-high hand crashed down, sending him tens of thousands of miles away.

"Come again."

Emperor Xiao Qing and Wang Xinyuan started fighting, and the burst of power was even more earth-shattering.

With every blow, the old guy almost vomited blood.

Later, the old man of Wan Mo could only fight with all his strength, and even sacrificed the Changsheng Bridge and mobilized the rules of heaven and earth to suppress the two, which made the two disappear a lot.

"stop fighting."

When Emperor Xiao Qing's head shook, and a tens of thousands of miles wide of the Yuanshen heaven and earth emerged, intending to imprison the rules of heaven and earth, the old guy finally couldn't help it.

He yelled, "You two guys, if you fight again, you will make a big deal."


Emperor Xiao Qing and Wang Xinyuan looked at this old guy at the same time.

I saw that the old guy pointed forward angrily, "That's where the mother star is. The mother star has always been sealed by the formation. The fluctuation of our battle will affect the operation of the formation. At that time, the formation will burst. , The mother star will be completely exposed under the eyelids of the heavens outside the domain, when the powerful gods and demons invade the mother star, do you think the mother star can stop it?"

"Is there anything else?" Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Wang Xinyuan.

The latter groaned, "I've heard of it before, but I'm not sure."

"You devil boy, you have heard of these secrets. What is your background?" The old Wanmo stared at Wang Xinyuan.

"The deity, the heart demon." Wang Xinyuan said with his hands on his back, with a calm expression, "Ten thousand demon, when you were young, you still remember that you once encountered an immortal demon soul who taught you the magic way. Since then, You really stepped into the magic way."


At this moment, like a thunderstorm, the old ten thousand demons were completely stunned.

"Are you the one who taught me the Supreme Demon Technique?"

The old Wanmo stared at Wang Xinyuan in a daze, and then, with a shock all over his body, he rushed to Wang Xinyuan, bowed and saluted, "Disciple Wanmo, see the teacher."


Such behavior made Xiao Qingdi on one side stunned.

What he didn't expect was that the two of them just saw the emergence of the old ten thousand demons, they had a whim, and together they wanted to fight against this real longevity realm invincible powerhouse.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, encountered such a **** thing.

The founder of Wanmozong, the old Wanmozong, turned out to be Wang Xinyuan's disciple!

"Get up."

Wang Xinyuan waved his hand indifferently, making Wan Mo stand up, "You and I are not a master or apprentice. Back then, the deity just saw your natural demon body, so he gave you a technique. Unexpectedly, I will see you after a few years. You have reached the end. Habitat."

"Teacher, you were a supreme existence back then, why today..." The old Wanmo looked at Wang Xinyuan in surprise.

"I was an immortal demon soul, wandering between heaven and earth, today, I can get rid of the curse of heaven and earth and practice again." Wang Xinyuan looked calm and explained casually.

The old man Wanmo didn't seem to think much, but stood respectfully in front of Wang Xinyuan, "If there were no teachers from the past, there would be no disciples today. The disciples want to formally get started, and ask the teacher to accept the introduction."

"You have your way, I have my way, and our fate is long gone."

Wang Xinyuan smiled indifferently, "If you care about the little affection back then, you will stop mentioning this matter again."


The old man Wan Mo hurriedly saluted, really stood aside and stopped talking.

Wang Xinyuan ignored the ten thousand demons, but turned his gaze to Emperor Xiao Qing, "Master, let's stop this battle."

"it is good."

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at Wan Mo and Wang Xinyuan with a weird expression, then turned and walked away.

Wang Xinyuan smiled softly, and also left with Emperor Xiao Qing, except that the old ten thousand demons stood in place with a vague expression and kept muttering to himself, "It turned out to be it..."

"That extremely terrifying immortal demon soul that has existed in ancient times, has escaped the curse of heaven and earth, and can step into practice."

"Is this good or bad?"

His eyes were dignified, and he didn't understand his figure. He always looked at Wang Xinyuan's departure direction. He sighed and followed back to his home planet until Wang Xinyuan left completely.

At this moment, Wang Xinyuan and Emperor Xiao Qing returned to Dragon King Island.

At first, Wang Xinyuan was very calm, but when he got to Dragon King Island, his movements quickly started. First he handed Emperor Xiao Qing a jade slip, and said solemnly, "There are some techniques here, it's all mine. The mystery secrets collected over these endless years are strong and weak, some of the gods and demons, and some of the human race, anyway, countless races have them."

"You can take a selective look."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at him in surprise, "Are you leaving soon?"

"I had to leave, especially after the little guy Wanmo knew about me, he would definitely not rest assured that I would stay here. He would find a way to bring me to the Human Race Longevity Alliance."

Wang Xinyuan shook his head and said, "When the time comes, if I get to that place, I will only be regarded as the object of research by some old and undead, life is better than death."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyebrows, but he also knew that what Wang Xinyuan said was correct.

After all, why can an immortal demon soul that has survived since ancient times have such a terrible lifespan?

This is a very good research object for those ancient existences of the human race who are about to end their lives and live for unknown years.

Wang Xinyuan's choice is indeed right.

"There are also those that exist in the base under the sea, which are the results of my research. Not only the Yuan Yingye, I have researched semi-finished products of the Yuanshen Pill based on the blood of the gods, but the test has not been successful. You can give it to Ai Miss Wen, let her complete the rest of the research."

"Others, there is nothing to explain. I will be following you during this period. I can finally get rid of the shackles of the world. I won't say much to thank you. In the future, if you see you again, I hope you don't become an enemy."


In the end, Wang Xinyuan didn't say much, but sighed, and his figure disappeared into the void so soundlessly.

Obviously, in order to prevent someone from following, he specially used some secret methods.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing did not specifically follow him, he couldn't sense which direction Wang Xinyuan was heading.

"Really cautious."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly and took out a small bottle in his hand. This was the Yuanshen Pill that Wang Xinyuan gave him. Although it was only an unconfirmed experimental product, it was definitely extraordinary to be taken out of Wang Xinyuan's hands.

At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, "Wang Xinyuan, he is really a ghost, and even the Yuanshen Pill can be studied. From then on, I am a strong Yuanshen realm on and off Dragon King Island."

"get out."

Suddenly, his gaze condensed, his right hand grabbed at the void, and the incomparable nine-color light turned into endless horses and sank into the void.

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