The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1665: Emperor Xiao Qing is dead?

"Half-step blood emperor, but so."

Countless Emperor Xiao Qing, neatly speaking, countless disdainful eyes, all fell on the blood palace, making the half emperor Weier sitting inside the blood palace angry.

"Ant, you **** it."

The next moment, the Blood Palace shook, leaving the place directly, turning into a **** light, and rushing towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

It turned out to be planning to use this blood palace to smash Emperor Xiao Qing to pieces.

Of course, he knew that the Emperor Xiao Qing in front of him might not be the real body, and he could regroup after smashing thousands of them. Therefore, his ultimate goal was to reach the primordial spirit world above his head.


Accompanied by a roar sounded.

This blood palace exploded with unparalleled power, first crushing the ‘Xiao Qingdi’ one by one, and then rushing to the vast primordial heaven and earth above the head.


However, at the moment when the Blood Palace bombarded it, the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth was shaking, but it was not shattered. The power of the Blood Palace fell into it, disappearing as if falling into a quagmire.

Even the primordial spirit world was shaking, just like that, directly wrapped in the air, directly wrapping the entire blood palace in it.

At the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing's figure walked out of the tens of thousands of miles of Yuanshen heaven and earth, with a light smile on his face, looking at the blood palace wrapped in it, and sighed softly, "You, even this The king’s true body can’t be found, so how about killing this king?”

"The blood is half emperor, too weak."

There was another long sigh, making the half emperor in the blood palace furious, "If you seek death by yourself, this emperor will quake your primordial soul to pieces."

"It's useless."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his body flew out suddenly, bursting out with an unparalleled golden light, and vast mountains and rivers appeared around him.

However, it was not the Sword Slashing the Blood Palace, but just such a sword suspended in the sky above the Blood Palace, mountains and rivers appeared, as if it were real, directly suppressing the Blood Palace.


The blood palace sank, as if it was about to collapse, and even the body shape began to be compressed a little bit.

And the half-huang Weier who sat cross-legged in it changed his expression greatly, "Human artifact Xuanyuan sword!"


Emperor Xiao Qing strolled to the outside of the Blood Palace, even if there was a thick **** light blocking him, but it did not prevent him from seeing that he was sitting in the Blood Palace, and the whole person and the Blood Palace were almost fused together. The figure with blood and gold intertwined.

A middle-aged man who is indistinguishable from humans, below the waist, completely integrated into the blood palace, obviously is performing some secret method.

Unfortunately, he will never be able to get out of the secret law.

"Half-step blood emperor..."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, "This palace of blood, this king laughs at it."

The five fingers of his right hand opened, and the nine-color rays of light submerged into the blood hall, turning into infinite sword energy, filling the entire blood hall, dividing every space in the blood hall.

As a result, the look of the half-step blood emperor powerhouse changed drastically, and he roared, "What are you doing? Stop, ants, let the emperor go out if there is a seed, and wait for the emperor to receive the secret method, and then really fight with you."

"You have already lost."

Emperor Xiao Qing’s flat voice came out, “You know very well, even though you are using the secret technique to integrate with the blood palace, but the blood palace is you, you are the blood palace, since you are not the opponent of this king if you control the blood palace, even If you are really able to move, the same consequences apply."

"There is no battle, how can you be sure?" This half-step Blood Emperor gritted his teeth.


Emperor Xiao Qing did not argue with him, but looked at each other with a plain expression, "Are you here a half-step blood emperor in the blood world?"


Seeing Hopeless to get out of trouble, this half-emperor snorted coldly, and resolutely refused to answer Xiao Qing's question.

"too naive."

The four feet on Emperor Xiao Qing's shoulder looked contemptuous, "Thinking that if you don't answer, you can do nothing? In a moment, my boss will refine you directly, and I don't know everything."

In this way, the look of this half-step blood emperor powerhouse changed drastically, and he roared, "You dare to move this emperor, our emperor will truly come, and then this human star will be destroyed."

"Will the blood emperor come?" Xiao Qing was surprised, "Human mother star, what is so special about it, why do the powers of every world come?"

He had never thought about this problem, and it sounded right now that something was wrong.

"Boss, you don't know this?" However, the half-step blood emperor didn't answer, and the four feet lying on the shoulders of Emperor Xiao Qing said in surprise.

"You know?" Xiao Qingdi looked at his four feet with a dark face.

The latter was a little vacant, and he hurriedly said, "The legendary human race’s home planet is also called the origin star. It is the birthplace of the ancient gods. There is the secret of supreme accomplishment, so those strong races wanted to dominate the home planet and find Secretly."

"That's it."

This reason can be considered reasonable.

"Don't be proud." At this moment, the half-step blood emperor in the store sneered, "It won't be long before this world belongs to our clan. As for you, you will all become vassals of our clan."

"Are you talking about that passage?"

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Xiao Qing directly grabbed this blood palace that was sealed to the size of a fist in his hand, and the Heaven and Earth of the Primordial God was included in his body.

He looked at the half-emperor powerhouse who was brewing power in it and prepared to resist, "This king advises you not to move, otherwise, the sword will be cut off. It is not a good thing for you."


As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the half-step blood emperor was suddenly separated from the blood palace, but only half of the body, but it broke out with unmatched power, ready to rush out of the blood palace.

However, as soon as he moved, there was a sword aura that slashed off his body directly.

Then, infinite sword aura appeared, slashing towards him one by one.

He can only cope with it, desperate.

It seems that I really can't rush out.

Emperor Xiao Qing simply put the Blood Palace into the Primordial God Heaven and Earth, and even used the Emperor Seal to suppress it, making it impossible to break the seal anyway.

His eyes were looking at the sanctuary of the blood race, his eyes showed solemnity.

At this moment, the entrance to the original sanctuary of the blood race, where the blood palace occupies, is bursting out with a continuous **** breath.

That breath is the unique energy of the blood race, dark and full of bloodthirsty breath.

"This sanctuary of blood must be destroyed, otherwise, it will lead to disaster in the future."

Emperor Xiao Qing stepped out, and his figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the passage. When he was about to directly enter it, suddenly, an abnormal change suddenly appeared.


A golden light burst out of unmatched power, and suddenly burst out of it.

The power of this ray of light is unmatched, even if Half Emperor Vere makes a full blow, it is far beyond compare.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing was caught off guard, he couldn't stop it.

Amidst the roar, the golden light penetrated Xiao Qingdi, causing his entire population to vomit blood and fly out.

"Ant, it's time to kill."


Not only that, the golden light was not over, there was infinite power behind it, and these powers turned into real dragons, phoenixes, and other divine beasts, and blasted towards Emperor Xiao Qing together.

Suddenly, dragons and phoenix danced with great power.

All the power blasted on Emperor Xiao Qing who flew upside down, causing Emperor Xiao Qing to explode directly.

Only a nine-color ray of light was thrown out in time, showing the figure in the distance high in the sky, exactly four feet.


All four feet looked down blankly, watching Emperor Xiao Qing's figure be exploded by that countless terrifying power, tears flowed from his eyes, "Boss, dead..."

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