The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 8675: Meet brothers

But he said that after Emperor Xiao Qing returned to Dragon King Island, he felt a strong aura wave coming, and it was the blood prince that broke out.

The blood prince originally followed the crowd into a state of retreat, but, somehow, in the process of refining the blood of the gods, he suddenly felt uneasy and always felt that something was about to happen.

For practitioners, the state at the time of cultivation is very important. The blood prince, after anticipating that his situation is not right, stopped practicing and walked around the island for relaxation.

Unexpectedly, a Prince Xueyan suddenly came.

A young man looks very handsome, even somewhat similar to the blood prince when he was young.

Moreover, the breath erupting from the opponent's body made the blood prince tremble.

"Bloodthirsty blood!"

The blood prince stared tightly at the blood prince, shocked in his heart.

In the world of Mother Star, if there is no disciple Luo Xia, he can be said to be a unique bloodthirsty blood.

And the opponent's strength is stronger than him, the only explanation is that it comes from the blood world outside the territory!

"Big Brother!"

Prince Xueyan stared at the blood prince blankly, suddenly, rushed to hug the blood prince, and shouted excitedly, "Big Brother, I finally found you."

"Are you from my clan?" The Blood Prince frowned.

He wanted to struggle away, but found that Prince Xueyan's power was too strong. Even the strength of the Blood Prince couldn't break free. He could only look helpless, "You let me go."

The blood prince let go of the blood prince, still with excitement on his face, "Big brother, I am your younger brother, the father once said that when you were a kid, you accidentally got lost because you were naughty and playful. The tribe has been looking for it for a long time. I didn't find you. I didn't expect that you would be on the home planet."

In fact, the blood prince's memory of his childhood has been blurred.

Those were too long for him, he only knew that he was the blood prince, but he didn't know where he came from.

When he suddenly saw Prince Xueyan, even if he felt the blood-linked aura that the two saw, he still frowned and felt very uncomfortable.

"Who are you?" the blood prince said solemnly.

Even if the opponent's strength is very strong, but this is on Dragon King Island, the blood prince knows very well that it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to go to the island without the permission of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Receive this information from me and you will understand."

Prince Blood Yan gathered a group of radiant energy and placed it in front of Prince Blood. That was exactly what he wanted to explain to Prince Blood.

For him, many things cannot be explained clearly in a few words. It is the easiest way to let the blood prince understand everything.


At this time, Emperor Xiao Qing came.

The blood prince looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a little hesitation in his eyes.

"Master." Prince Xueyan quickly saluted Emperor Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qingdi smiled softly, "He won't hurt you. If you want to know everything about him and you, you can accept all of this, and if you don't want to know, you can not accept it."

"the host..."

The blood prince frowned, took a deep look at Prince Xueyan and Emperor Xiao Qing, and then directly incorporated the energy that radiated light into his brain.

In an instant, all the information kept flashing in the mind, and all the truths were revealed.

However, he did not open his eyes immediately, but thought about things quietly.

With a worried look on his face, Prince Xueyan whispered, "Master, my elder brother..."

"It's okay, everyone has their own choice. You have told him everything you know, that's enough." Xiao Qingdi said calmly.

"Yes." Prince Xueyan nodded, his eyes still with some expectation.


At this moment, both Emperor Xiao Qing and the blood prince looked towards the direction outside the island at the same time.

At the same time, on top of the head, the four-not-like figure emerged, and a ray of consciousness floated over and asked, "Master, have you destroyed them?"

"No need to."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head with a look of surprise on his face, "There are two and a half-step long-life realm powerhouses, and the others are all powerhouses in the Ninth Heaven Realm."

"It's incredible that there are so many powerful people."

At this moment, even Emperor Xiao Qing was stunned by the strength of their group of people, it was too strong.

Among the dozens of people, the weakest are in the Nine Heavens Realm, and the strongest are two half-step immortals. Such power can destroy the entire wilderness.

"Four different, can you deal with these strong people?" Xiao Qingdi looked up quite unexpectedly.

The ray of consciousness of Siwei is a little hesitant, "Maybe it can be dealt with, maybe it can't be wiped out in one blow, but they can't hurt me."

"Good fellow, it seems that your strength has recovered quite quickly during this period of time." Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes lit up, and his eyes showed surprise.

The stronger this big guy is, the safer Dragon King Island will be.

"It is estimated that these people are related to Lin Yi. It is very likely that they are secretly monitoring Lin Yi. Let's see what they are going to do before talking."

Emperor Xiao Qing groaned, with a teasing color on his face, "These guys, I am afraid that they have taken a fancy to the emperor, but I don't know what is their relationship with Lin Yi?"

At this moment, he still didn't know whether Lin Yi and these people were friends or foes.

If it was Lin Yi's person, that would be interesting.

At this moment, the dozen young men and women had no idea that their every move had been discovered by Emperor Xiao Qing. A group of people gathered together with a surprised look on their faces, "It seems that there is no strong formation around this island. Fa guarded, why did Lin Yi dare not go to the island when he came over?"

"According to our understanding of Lin Yi, with his care, there must be some powerful presence on the island that prevents him from stepping forward. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to trade with each other here."

"Could it be that we didn't see it?"

Even if Yan Ying, the super strong in the half-step long-life realm, frowned, he always felt that something was very wrong.

"Maybe we guessed wrong?"

A young woman in the Nine Heavens Realm murmured, "Lin Yi is actually still very simple. Maybe he was just thinking about giving things to the other party earlier and then going back to us, so he didn't go to the island. "

"This is really possible."

Although this explanation is a bit far-fetched, none of them found any formations near the island, so they could only explain it like this.

"The breath on the island seems to be only one and a half-step blood emperor the strongest. The rest of the people have different cultivation bases, and there are not many who are really strong."

"Strange, the person who traded with Lin Yi seems to be very weak."

After that, everyone was puzzled.

In their reaction, no one on the island could put them in their eyes except for the **** Yan in the half-step blood emperor realm.

"Strange, really strange."

They hesitated, but they didn't dare to enter the island.

"You said, will the other party be an immortal?" A young man seemed to think of something, his voice trembling, "At that time, that person was still staring at us, thinking about it, he must have discovered that we were observing him in secret."


"If it is really an immortal, it will be difficult."

Even Yan Ying, the half-step immortal, took a deep breath, his eyes solemn.

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