The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1678: Who grabs whom?

Four is not like in the peak period, is definitely a strong person above the longevity stage, even, it is very likely that the existence of this level beyond the longevity stage.

Even if it has been hit hard, it consumes too much energy.

However, at this moment, the aura it burst out was so strong that even the real immortal would be shocked by it.

Not to mention these a dozen strongest guys who are only half-step immortals.

They were stiff, suddenly raised their heads, staring blankly at the two big **** eyes, and felt their faces pale when they looked at themselves and others like meat on the chopping board.

Cold sweat, dripping drop by drop.

Even if Yan Ying and Hong Niangzi are the two strongest beings, at this moment, their hearts are trembling.

"I, if I say, this, this is a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Yan Ying reluctantly turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, showing a smile that he himself felt very reluctant and hypocritical.

He also knew how humble and shameful he was to say that.

However, I knew that if the owner with the two big scarlet eyes on top of his head really broke out, I am afraid that even the secret treasure left by the immortal on his body would undoubtedly die.

"Brother Xiao, we are not malicious."

Red Lady also smiled reluctantly, "After all, this is one of the nine legendary emperor species, no matter who sees it, it will be unbearable. We are also too excited because of the *, so we are inevitably too excited..."

"Brother Xiao, can you forgive us?"

She looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with watery eyes, urging her own cultivation technique that can charm people to the extreme.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing would not let everyone go, she believed that under her magic power, Emperor Xiao Qing would definitely be reluctant to deal with her, at least, she would be put into the house.

Of course, she herself had no restraint in this aspect. Facing the upcoming future, not only did she not panic at all, she was even very happy. She felt that as long as she stayed with Emperor Xiao Qing, she would definitely have a chance to obtain the emperor seed.


Just when the other people's faces turned pale and trembling, Yan Ying and Hong Niangzi had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly laughed.

"Everyone, don't be nervous."

He waved his hand, walked randomly in front of the young woman named Yanzi, and took the Emperor Seed in her hand.

Then, with a calm smile, "This king naturally knows that you are joking, otherwise, you would have already become the food in the belly of the beasts on the island."

"Yes, yes, we are just joking."

Yan Ying and Hong Niangzi talked hastily, they were completely relieved in their hearts. Fortunately, although this guy has a horrible beast that doesn’t know what kind of existence, he seems a little stupid, and he actually let it go. It's incredible to pass them.

"Then, you have seen the emperor seed, do you think this emperor seed is real or fake?" Emperor Xiao Qing turned to look at everyone.

Of course, the main focus was on Hong Niangzi and Yan Ying.

"Naturally it is true."

Everyone can be sure of this, even if they have never seen the Emperor Seed, but even if they just look at it from a long distance, the kind of godless power that trembles in the heart bursts out, so they can be sure that this one is Really emperor.

"So, just pay."

Emperor Xiao Qing suddenly showed a bright smile, "If you have any spiritual veins, treasures, etc., hand them over."


"What, what?"

"You, what did you say?"

This time, everyone was stunned.

Suddenly they realized that something was wrong. It was obviously them who came to the island to **** each other's emperor seed, but the result seemed to be the other way around.

"You, are you kidding us."

Lady Hong smiled reluctantly, "Brother Xiao really knows how to make jokes, haha, but we'd better play less of this kind of jokes. My sister's heart is not very good, and I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it later."

"Just kidding with you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at them with a smile, "Do you think this king is joking with you?"


Suddenly, a loud roar rang out.

An even more terrifying force suppressed them, and it seemed that they would be completely destroyed all at once.

As a result, the last smile that barely appeared on their faces disappeared completely.


The young woman named Yanzi cried, "What the **** are you talking about, why are you scaring us?"

"well said."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked calm, put his hands on his shoulders, and said leisurely, "This king will say one last time and hand over all the treasures, otherwise, it will become a Chinese meal."


They, finally, had to accept this fact.

They clearly came to **** Emperor Xiao Qing’s emperor seed, and in the end, they became Emperor Xiao Qing to **** the treasures from them. However, they still couldn’t resist, they could only obediently take out all the treasures from them and hand them over to Emperor Xiao Qing. .


"I give it, these are all the treasures in my body, all for you."

The woman named Yanzi collapsed first, taking off her storage ring and handing it to Emperor Xiao Qing.

"Where is the magic weapon on the body, the magic sword, the magic weapon?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned. It seemed inappropriate to let himself search for the body of such a young woman, so he beckoned and rushed out of the island on all fours.

"Boss, are you here for business again?" All four feet were eagerly preparing to set up its dragon nest. Seeing these people in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, it became excited.

"They know that you are missing some treasures when setting up the island, so they are very polite to give you all the treasures on your body, and you can help them find out if anyone has any treasures on them that they have missed."

Emperor Xiao Qing said calmly.

"..." When everyone heard it, they almost exploded.

It is clear that you robbed it, but I am ashamed to say that we gave it away?

"Oh, you are so polite, hey, who owns this storage ring? This beauty, there are too few things in your storage ring. Come, let me help you."

Four feet hurriedly rushed over and shook its front paws, and in an instant, a scene that shocked everyone appeared. I saw that a piece of magic weapon appeared in the young woman named Yanzi.

"This is my magic weapon, this is the life-saving thing my grandfather gave me, no..."

Yanzi was panicked, but found that after the magic weapon was hooked out by his four legs, he could no longer be controlled by him.

"Don't move, since it's given, don't be so stingy. After all, compared with your life, these are just external objects, aren't they?" Xiao Qingdi reminded softly.


After Yanzi was silent for a while, he stopped talking, stopped talking, and watched quietly as he took away all the treasures.

"Everyone, do you want to come one by one?"

He smiled, rushed towards everyone, and began to pull out the treasures from them.

Starting with the goose, the others were almost motionless, letting their four feet do what they did. Only, Hong Niangzi and Yan Ying, their faces were extremely ugly. When the four feet rushed over, they looked at each other. Suddenly broke out.

"Too much bullying!"

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