The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1680: Plastic Brotherhood

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that everyone around him broke his wealth and disappeared, he left safely.

Even Hong Niangzi and Yan Ying regretted their hands.

If they did not rely on their own strength to reach the half-step long life stage and start, I am afraid that they could also leave.

How could he be sealed like this, with a serious injury and still coughing up blood.

"Emperor, do you want to buy it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing stood in front of the two of them, looking at them with a smile, "Actually, this king is a good person, but I see you are too eager for the emperor, and don't want others to know, so I use this method to first They drive away."


The two looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with slanted eyes, with disdain in their eyes.

"Well, it's too hypocritical to say that it is buying the emperor seed. It is better to say that it is your life money." Xiao Qing said with emotion, "The lives of you two half-step immortals must be very valuable, my king It’s not too much to have a hundred and eighty spiritual veins, right?"

"You, dare you?"

The two of them were completely dumbfounded, this bastard, even dared to openly ask them to buy life with their spiritual veins?


Two unmatched sword intents suddenly penetrated into their bodies.

"Does this king dare?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at the two with a smile. Just as they were inexplicable, he saw his fingers point towards them one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-color sword energy contained the supreme sword intent, and it was so submerged in the two of them, so that they found that their bodies, whether it is the Yuanshen, the Yuanshen Tiandi, or even the Changsheng Bridge, are densely packed. Full of sword energy.

Every sword aura is terrifying, contains infinite sword intent, and is locked together layer by layer. Each sword aura is not only an independent individual, but also connected.

The so-called independence, that is, if one sword aura is destroyed, it has no effect on the other sword auras, but if one of the sword auras is activated, all the other sword auras will be activated together, killing them completely in the first time.

From the inside out, from the primordial spirit to the flesh, it will be instantly smashed by this infinite sword energy.

After doing all this, Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand at will, unlocked the seals of the two, and said with a slight smile, "Within ten days, one person will send one hundred spiritual veins, otherwise, the sword energy in your body will be instantly break out."

"Of course, if you can find someone who can relieve the sword aura in your body, it's okay. If the opponent's strength is not strong enough, and the sword does not surpass this king, it is not to help you easily touch these sword auras. It hurts you."

He looked at the two with a slight smile, his words suddenly turned, and sighed, "The two have come from afar. This king should have greeted the two of them well, but your time is running out. You really can't waste it, please Go back and prepare first."


Both of them were breathing heavily, and their bodies trembled.

This bastard, it was clear that he had left such a terrifying killer in his body, and he could kill them at any time.

You are so nonsense that they should be entertained?


The two of them had their faces dark, and their figures were torn apart and left.

Fortunately, although Emperor Xiao Qing left infinite sword energy in their bodies, they did not seal their cultivation base, and they could use their power at will.

In an instant, they left their home planet and reached the outer starry sky.

But they saw that the Yanzi and others who had just left were getting together, and they suddenly felt angry, "Asshole, do you have the face to stay here?"

"Sister Hong, Brother Yan, are you all right?"

Everyone looked at them carefully.

"It's okay."

The two snorted and stared at the young woman Yanzi with unkind eyes.

With a worried look on the latter's face, he cautiously showed a little fear, and whispered, "Sister Hong, Brother Yan..."


Hong Niangzi and Yan Ying made a sudden move, and the two broke out with their strongest strength at the same time, they were about to kill the woman.

However, at the moment their power blasted past, the Yanzi's body suddenly burst open, turning into a stream of light and disappearing.

"Sister Hong, Brother Yan, the brotherhood that has been wasted for many years, you just dealt with your own people like this, it really disappoints us. From now on, we will never be kind."

Suddenly came a disappointed voice.

It was the wild goose who was trembling and afraid to speak loudly when he should have seen them.

Obviously, the other party had been prepared for a long time, knowing that they would kill people.


Then, the other people around also disappeared in place one after another. Although they didn't say a word, it was very obvious that at this moment, their small group disintegrated!


This small group was originally initiated by Yan Ying and Hong Niangzi. Back then, they spent a lot of money to gather these people. Even in the past few years, everyone was born and died together. Many times they used their best. The trust of everyone is exchanged for protecting everyone.

But now, there is nothing left.

"Damn it, Emperor Xiao Qing, Dragon King, you **** it."

At this moment the two men trembled with anger.


Suddenly, Yan Ying sprayed a mouthful of blood, his face changed drastically, "Not good..."

Under such a movement, he was horrified to find that the sword energy that should have been in his body, when he used his own power, unexpectedly began to absorb his power.

In his body, the primordial spirit, physical body, primordial spirit world, and longevity bridge, wherever energy appeared, these sword auras began to be absorbed.

As long as they don't use power, the speed of this absorption will not be very fast, but if they do it, the loss of power will soon be scary.

"Damn, his methods are so terrifying?"

Red Lady's face was extremely ugly.

"This time, we can't fight anymore. We must prepare with both hands. First, go back to the longevity elders in the clan to help relieve the sword qi in the body. At the same time, let people prepare the spirit veins, in case..."

Yan Ying hesitated and said, "If the elders of the longevity realm in the clan can't get rid of these sword auras, we will have to waste money and buy life."

"Do you think that even the elders of the longevity stage can't get rid of these sword auras?" The red lady's voice was shocked.

She is not familiar with Kendo, but Yan Ying is different. Yan Ying has practiced eighteen skills since childhood, especially in Kendo, and has achieved extraordinary achievements.

"I suspect that his kendo has reached the realm of the sword emperor."

Yan Ying's face was extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Since this person can take out two emperor species, the only possibility is that he has already cultivated all the inheritance in the emperor species to a very high level. He is useless."

"And the other party, although it has not broken through to a half-step immortal, in fact, it is no weaker than any half-step immortal, and can even kill an existence of our level."


At this moment, even the Red Lady's expression changed drastically, "Then, what should I do?"

"Go back to see their elders before contacting them."

After Yan Ying finished speaking, he tore through the void and left.

The Red Lady also sighed, looking towards the mother star, with a chill in her eyes, and then she tore the void away in disagreement.

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