"Within a hundred breaths, if you are still on your home planet, this king will kill you."

Hearing the words of Emperor Xiao Qing, Yan Ying's expression changed, as he gritted his teeth, revealing an unwilling look.

"You go quickly."

The Red Lady sighed and said, "Master, he is not something we can fight against."


She hesitated for a moment, and transmitted the sound, "Unless you invite a few more immortals to come and be sure to block his intentions of the sword emperor, otherwise, even your ancestors of the Yan clan and my clan can't help him. ."

"Is he really the Sword Emperor?" Yan Ying asked quickly.

"The Yan clan ancestor knows better." Hong Niangzi took a deep look at him, then turned to follow Emperor Xiao Qing.

Yan Ying's expression changed, looking at the back of Hong Niangzi and Xiao Qingdi, his thoughts were full of thoughts.

He knew that the Red Lady might deliberately cheat him, but this is the simplest and most stupid way.

However, this method is not feasible, but no one knows.

First of all, he must release the sword qi in his body, otherwise, within three days, he will inevitably be torn apart by the sword qi.

"Your Excellency Dragon King, how can you help me relieve the sword qi in my body?" He suddenly shouted.

"Once there was an opportunity in front of you, but you cherish it that you don't understand. If you miss it, there will be no chance."

Emperor Xiao Qing's flat voice came, and at the end, he reminded him, "The last thirty breaths."


Yan Ying's expression changed drastically, and he roared, "You will regret it."


His figure exploded with unmatched power, and immediately collapsed into the void, leaving the home star instantly.

Because at this moment, he clearly felt that the infinite sword aura in his body was recovering. If he did not leave, he would be directly torn apart by the infinite sword aura without having to do anything with Emperor Xiao Qing.

His figure came to the outer starry sky, and he felt the sword energy in his body gradually quieted down, but he was not at all happy.

Because he knows very well that within three days, the sword qi in his body will not be able to control the eruption. At that time, if a solution is not found, his whole person will be completely torn apart, and even the soul will be cut. Extinct.

At that time, the true form and spirit are completely destroyed.

"Emperor Xiao Qing..."

He looked gloomy and looked at the stars, but his eyes were worried.

The moment of life and death is here.

If it is not resolved, I am afraid he is really dead.

"why why..."

Suddenly, a crazy figure walked blankly on the stars.

Isn't that right, Lin Yi?

"Lin Yi..."

Yan Ying yelled out, but at this moment, Lin Yi was walking in the starry sky as if he had lost his heart. Although he heard Yan Ying's shouting, he just raised his head and glanced at Yan Ying and continued. Walked forward.

There is no purpose, but to walk at will.

The radiance of the starry sky fell on him, and the nine heavens and the earth appeared above Lin Yi's head. In the nine heavens, a little golden light merged with the starry sky and turned into an illusory bridge.


Yan Ying's expression changed, "Lin Yi, at this moment, he is about to enter a half-step long life, but his state is not quite right."

He quietly followed, but saw Lin Yi's nine-layered souls heaven and earth, a ray of light was flowing, and the starlight was falling, and it blended into the illusory bridge transformed by that little golden light.

As the long-term business environment slowly rises, there is a vast and boundless light circulating, and that golden light is constantly rising and becoming stronger and stronger.

In the end, all the rays of light converged, making that illusory bridge gradually become materialized, even directly traversing Lin Yi's nine-layered soul.

Boom boom boom!

An aura far stronger than that of Yan Ying, a veteran half-step longevity man, spread from Lin Yi's body, making the face of Yan Ying who followed him changed. "Unexpectedly, one step directly condenses the entire longevity bridge. Up."

Normal people condense the longevity bridge and step into the half-step long-term habitat, generally only condense a small part, and then slowly cultivate the side length, and finally * the world of nine souls.

Therefore, there is a realm of half-step longevity.

Even if Yan Ying, a peerless genius in the Yan family, only condenses half of the Changsheng Bridge at one time, the length of the Changsheng Bridge has not been completely completed until now.

And Lin Yi was a blockbuster, directly condensing a complete longevity bridge at once.

"This kid..."

Yan Ying took a deep breath, the killing intent in his eyes flowing.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Suddenly, as if sensing his killing intent, Lin Yi, who was on his way, suddenly turned his head and looked at him, with cold light flickering in his eyes.

"Lin Yi, you misunderstood."

Yan Ying's face changed, and a smile appeared quickly, "I am your brother, how could I want to kill you?"

"That's good."

Hearing his explanation, Lin Yi really believed it, but turned his head and continued walking aimlessly.

"What's wrong? Lin Yi, it seems that I can't recognize me." Yan Ying frowned, her face showing incomprehension.

The longevity bridge of Lin Yi in front has been completely condensed and completed, and the meaning of longevity is permeated, as if becoming a real longevity, making Yan Ying's face gloomy again.

"If it weren't for you, how could I have encountered such a situation, Lin Yi, you **** it."

Killing intent was boiling in his heart, and he followed Lin Yi cautiously, and his figure got closer and closer.

In the end, when Lin Yi was less than a hundred meters away from him, his whole body suddenly rose up, bursting out an unparalleled force to blast towards Lin Yi.


At the moment he acted, Lin Yi, who was confused in his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole person seemed to have become sober at this moment.

"Want to kill me?"

Lin Yi let out a low growl, and with a sudden wave of his right hand, a brilliant sword aura swept towards the rear.


The sword light is dazzling, if you look carefully, it not only contains the long business realm, but even the emperor realm.

As a result, even if Yan Ying's ready blow was directly broken, then, the sword light swept across, while Yan Ying was stunned, it directly hit Yan Ying's body.


Yan Ying was slashed out, only to find that after breaking his own attack, the force that really fell on him was not very strong, it was just a skin injury.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, you just broke through, otherwise, if you give you a period of time, after you grow up, I am afraid I will not be your opponent."

Yan Ying whispered, the killing intent in his eyes was even more successful, "However, between you and me, it is still unknown who will win or lose."

Just as she was about to kill Lin Yige again, suddenly, she saw the blankness in Lin Yi's eyes disappeared, replaced by a sigh.


Lin Yi spit out two words.


Yan Ying's face changed.

Qiang Qiang!

However, before he could figure out why Lin Yi smiled weirdly, the infinite sword aura in his body suddenly rioted, and the terrifying sword aura shredded everything about him, completely beheading him.

Tianjiao Yan of the Yan clan won and completely fell.

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