The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1695: Strength changes people's hearts

"You go back separately, if something happens, this king will look for you."

Since the two immortals were not strong natives of the home star, their strength was too strong to easily enter the home star, so Emperor Xiao Qing sent them back directly.

And he returned to Dragon King Island again with Red Lady.

One time and one time, less than an hour.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing had already subdued two immortals.

When he returned to Dragon King Island, Human Race Sage Master Lin Tian was still standing in the void, watching this scene from a distance, the Human Race Saint Master was inexplicably horrified, "Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, what kind of means does it have?"

"Is he really the Emperor of Fate?"

"It's just that the true fate emperor is clearly that..."

While shocked in my heart, I only felt that the whole person was muddled. I didn't even dare to look at Dragon King Island a few more times, so he turned around and returned to the Holy Land.

However, when he returned to the Holy Land, he unexpectedly discovered that a young man was waiting for him, his descendant Lin Yi.


At this moment, Lin Yi is already a strong man in the half-step long-life realm. He is extremely powerful in his cultivation, even if he is not weaker than a veteran strong man like the Holy Master of the Human Race.

"Yi'er, did you really break through to the half-step long life?" The Holy Master of the Human Race showed a surprised expression.


Lin Yi said proudly with a look of excitement on his face, "I walked in the starry sky, with a sense of understanding, I broke through to the half-step longevity realm and completed the longevity bridge. Yan Ying saw me and wanted to Sneak attack and kill me, but after being blocked by me, an infinite sword energy burst into his body and killed him."

"You have to explain this matter to Emperor Xiao Qing." If it had been before, Saint Lord Lin Tian would not necessarily ask Lin Yi in this way.

However, seeing the appearance of the two longevity beings respectfully saluting to Emperor Xiao Qing, the human saint master no longer dared to let Emperor Xiao Qing be dissatisfied with his line.

"Yes." Lin Yi nodded, looking at the holy lord Lin Tian with an inexplicable expression, "Grandfather, Emperor Xiao Qing once said that with two hundred spiritual veins, I can sell another emperor species."

"Do you think it is useful for you to get the first emperor seed?" Saint Lord Lin Tian looked at Lin Yi solemnly.

Lin Yi said, "Very useful. If it weren't for the emperor seed, I wouldn't be able to gather the longevity bridge at one time. I even suspect that as long as I get the second emperor seed, it won't take long for me to enter the longevity realm."


Saint Lord Lin Tian changed his color suddenly, "Do you really feel this way?"

This is a long-lived person, even if he controls the home planet human holy land, gathers the home planet's heaven and earth luck, can control part of the mother star's rules of the world, and can't break into this state.

However, his descendants actually said that as long as they get the second emperor seed, they can break through.

"There is such a feeling, but not necessarily." Lin Yi was not sure.

"Two hundred spiritual veins?"

Saint Lord Lin Tian whispered, "Too many, it is almost impossible to obtain two hundred spiritual veins. This is almost a spiritual vein for most of the world."

"It's nothing more, I will help you figure out a way. If I can make it together, I will try to make it for you." Then, Saint Master Lin Tian waved his hand.

"Thank you grandfather, then Yier will go to Dragon King Island."

Lin Yi bowed and retired.

After leaving the Human Sacred Ground, his face was filled with excitement, "I, Lin Yi finally risen, as long as I can get another emperor from Emperor Xiao Qing, I will definitely be able to step into the longevity realm, and then, Get the emperor seed of other people, then I can find a way to break through and become the emperor."

"My lineage has paid too much for the human race. It's time for us to rise."

There was a firm expression on his face, "In any case, no matter what method I use, I will get the second emperor, Emperor Xiao Qing. I hope you don't make it difficult for me."

Flying all the way, feeling the powerful and unmatched power brought by him, he became more confident in himself.

"this is..."

When Lin Yi came to the outskirts of Dragon King Island, he found that Dragon King Island had become different from before. However, he couldn't even see what changes had taken place in the end.

"Has Emperor Xiao Qing transformed the entire island?"

While he was whispering, his figure quickly rushed in the direction of Dragon King Island, shouting loudly, "Brother Xiao, Lin Yi is here."

This time, he was not standing far away like he did before.

Obviously, after breaking into the half-step long life, it brought him too much confidence.

"Come again."

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing had just returned to Dragon King Island. He wanted to take a good rest, but when he heard Lin Yi's voice, he rushed over quickly with Lin Yi.

There was a ray of warmth and anger in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Hongyan, go and see."


Red Lady responded respectfully, her figure quickly exited Dragon King Island, and stopped Lin Yi who was about to forcibly break into Dragon King Island.

"Lin Yi, do you dare to trespass into Dragon King Island without the master's consent?"

The Red Lady's voice was cold and severe, her eyes were cold.

Lin Yi felt the aura on Red Lady, even though he broke through to the half-step long life stage a few years earlier than himself, but when his strength was obviously inferior to him, he let out a sigh of relief.

The pride rose in the heart, haha ​​said with a smile, "Sister Hong, I am here to visit your master Xiao Qingdi, not to visit you. You are not qualified to stop me and get out."

"Why visit the master?" The Red Lady asked in a deep voice.

"Naturally there is something to do, get out of the way." Lin Yi didn't want to talk to Lady Hong.

After his breakthrough in strength, his character changed. The human parent star is protected by the rules of heaven and earth, and the immortal cannot easily enter it, and the strength of this half-step immortal is the strongest among the mother star. .

Even if Xiao Qingdi's strength is no matter how powerful, compared with him, I am afraid it is slightly inferior.

So why should he be careful?

"The master has an order, if you don't explain what you are coming for, don't even think about entering the island." The red lady looked at Lin Yi with a black face.

"Go away."

Seeing the Red Lady blocking her in front of her, and remembering that the Red Lady had used black hands on her before, Lin Yi was furious, and the powerful force of a half-step immortal realm burst out, and amidst the roar, he pressed towards the Red Lady.

"Your strength..."

Red Lady's eyes suddenly shrank.

"This, thanks to Brother Xiao, hahaha." Lin Yi laughed loudly, and he felt very comfortable looking at the shocked eyes of Lady Hong.

Directly sneered, "Sister Hong, because you and I were older sisters and younger brothers, this time, I don't care about you, but if you stop me again, Yan wins will end up for you."

"You killed Yan to win." Hong Lady's expression changed drastically.


Seeing Red Lady's shocked gaze, Lin Yi became more and more proud. After a cold snort, he bypassed Red Lady and was about to rush to Dragon King Island.

At the same time, he laughed at Lanxess, "Brother Xiao, I, Lin Yi, is also a descendant of the Holy Lord anyway. Although I am not talented, but when you come to visit your Dragon King Island, you didn't even come out to meet you. It's a bit unreasonable. ?"

"But it doesn't matter, I don't mind, I will go to the island by myself."

He laughed, heading towards Dragon King Island with pride.


Just when he was about to rush into the island, he heard a sigh, Emperor Xiao Qing walked out of the island, looked at Lin Yi, who was extremely proud, and sighed, "The strength is so powerful that it will really make people feel good. Lost yourself."

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