In the Su family, in the yard of the old man, the old man was sitting calmly, and a three-foot white silk was placed on the table in front of him, which looked particularly dazzling.

That was what Chu Feng gave him and ordered him to commit suicide with this white silk within three months, otherwise, the Su Family would be annihilated.

From the beginning of grief and indignation, the mood has been complicated in the past few days, and various mentalities have emerged, and now the mood is flat, Mrs. Su seems to be used to all this.

He looked at Bai Ling calmly, took a sip of tea, and whispered to himself, "The royal family of Chu is really overbearing. He wants to let the old man judge himself, hehe..."

In his eyes, there is endless sadness.

After the incident, he had contacted the friend of the Chu royal family that he had known many times, however, all the news was like a stone sinking into the ocean without any response.

Obviously, either the other party has something wrong, or the two have lost all contact, or it is possible that the other party has forgotten his old friend.

Regardless of the reason, the old lady Su Gu understood that this time, she had no choice but to put her down to find the previous students.

However, when he remembered that those students were in a high position and were not suitable for confronting the Chu royal family, he shook his head, "Fine, that's all, if the old man dies, it will really be worthwhile for the safety of the Su family. "

Although there are still three months, for Su Gu, there is no difference between these three months and three days.

His life is the Su family's biggest reliance. For three months, even if he can arrange some things, it doesn't have much effect.

He is ready.

When the three-month period expired, when there was really no alternative, he could only kill his life with white silk to maintain the safety of the Su family.

Even though he knew that this was the most unwise approach, the Su family really couldn't compete with the existence of such a behemoth as the Chu royal family.


At this time, Su Qing came. When she saw the old man staring at Bai Ling, she couldn't help showing nervousness, "Dad, why haven't you thrown Bai Ling away? Let's see what it does."

"What do you mean?"

The old man Su looked at Su Qing with a calm expression, "My Su family is still unable to compete with the Chu royal family. Isn't it just for my old man's life? Give him his life."

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm all to blame. If it wasn't for me to go to Chu San in order to climb to a higher position, I wouldn't have caused such a disaster to the Su family."

Su Qing turned pale, crying in a low voice.

After several days of introspection, she has truly understood where she was wrong.

However, all this is irreversible.

Especially, when she saw Chu Feng coming with Bai Ling and arrogantly letting the old man commit suicide, she almost collapsed.

If it is not that her child is still young, she even wants to rush to replace the old man and commit suicide with Bai Ling.

However, now, she can only cry weakly.

"Everything in the world has destiny. If this is my destiny, then no one can disobey, even if the Qing Emperor has the legendary peerless sacred doctor that can help me prolong my life for ten years, what about the arrangement of fate? "

The old man was very calm. He looked at Su Qing with a sigh, "Since childhood, you have been spoiled by me, so that you are not sensible when you are old. I believe that after this time, you can wake up completely. ."


Su Qing knelt on the ground all of a sudden, her face turned pale, crying, "Dad, it's my fault, I'm sorry, it's my fault..."

"I'm going to find Chu Feng's theory."

Then, she stood up suddenly, picked up the three-foot white silk, and was about to rush out to find Chu Feng.


As soon as she moved, Grandpa Su stopped her with a stern scream.

Su Gu shouted coldly, "If you want everyone in my Su family to lose their lives for your recklessness, you will find him."

"I, I...oooooo..."

Su Qing sat weakly on the ground, covering her face and crying.

She knew that even if she wanted to die for the old man, it was useless, maybe it would harm the entire Su family.

Chu Feng, name and surname, ask the old man to apologize with death!

No one can replace it.

"what happened?"

At this moment, the second son of Old Man Su Gu walked in. He frowned and looked at Su Qing who was sitting on the ground crying, and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong with my little girl?"

"It's nothing."

Elder Su shook his head, did not say what happened, but asked, "What are you doing?"

Although Su Wen is the eldest son, he has been the principal of Donghai University and has no time to manage the affairs of the Su family, so that many things inside and outside the Su family fall on the second child of the Su family.

Especially recently, the second child of the Su family has been very busy, and coming to find himself at this time, there must be something to do.

"Oh, that's it, Chu Feng is here."

The second Su family spoke.


As soon as he said this, the expressions of Old Lady Su Gu and Su Qing changed drastically.

They didn't notice that when the second child of the Su family said that Chu Feng was coming, his face was a little weird, except that he didn't feel nervous.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to really give me three months."

Grandpa Su sighed, his face was filled with endless loss.

Even though he had expected that day to come a long time ago, but when this moment really came, his face was still pale.

"Why, why did he come at this time? Didn't he say that we will give us three months?" Su Qing stood up, like crazy, shouting loudly.

Tears fell one by one.

At this moment, Su Qing is full of regret and fear.

She knew that if it weren't for herself, maybe nothing would happen.

She regrets and fears...

However, all is useless.

"Uh, I think you have misunderstood." When the second child of the Su family saw the two of them now, he realized that something was not quite right. He said quickly, "Don't be nervous, this time Chu Feng came to our Su family to give gifts and apologize. of."


Old lady Su Gu and Su Qing were both stunned at the same time.

"Second brother, what did you say? I heard it right, right?"

Su Qing stared at Su's second child with wide eyes.

Su Gu also frowned and looked at his second son. It stands to reason that at this critical time, it is impossible for his second son to lie to him.

But how could Chu Feng come to give gifts to apologize?

Even if the sky fell, he didn't believe that Chu Feng, the arrogant fellow, would come to Su's house to make amends.

"It's true. Chu Feng brought a whole car of treasures. Right now, he is waiting in our Su family's living room. Moreover, he politely said that it was his fault before and shouldn't come to Su family. The trouble, this time, after learning from it, hurry up to ask the old man for the crime." The second Su family said with excitement on his face.

"Well, really..."


After listening to this, Old Lady Su Gu and Su Qing were immediately stunned, "Really, really?"

Rao was the old lady Su Gu and couldn't believe that all this would be true.

He had made all preparations and was waiting for Chu Feng to come and persecute himself. However, at this moment, he heard the second son say that the other party had come to apologize.

At this moment, he felt like he was in a dream.

"Oh, don't ask anymore, you want to know if it's true, just go and see Chu Feng with me."

The second child of the Su family smiled happily, and quickly pushed the old man towards the small courtyard, while Su Qing followed closely.

Until, they came to the Su family's living room and saw Chu Feng who was fidgeting. The latter apologized as soon as they met, "My fault, old lady, Chu Feng was young and ignorant, and he came to offend you this time. Apologize."


After speaking, he slapped himself severely, and then said with a smile, "Your eldest man does not remember the villain, can you just expose this matter like this?"

"This...what's going on?"

Grandpa Su stared at Chu Feng blankly. At this moment, because the contrast was so great, he hadn't even reacted to it.

"Dad, people are here to apologize, you should always express it."

The second Su family said quickly.

He knew very well that even though Chu Feng had come to apologize, in any case, this guy is a member of the royal family of Chu, and he must never offend the other party again.

The old lady Su Gu reacted, but instead of accepting Chu Feng's apology immediately, he looked at Chu Feng with a puzzled look, "You mean, you want to take back the white silk that you gave me?"

"Of course, of course."

Chu Feng hurriedly laughed with him, "I was too **** before. Please don't take offense. If you are always angry, you can hit me a few times. But, please always say a few good things in front of my master. , Hehe..."


All three of the Su family were stunned.

Is there any master of the Chu royal family?

What a terrible existence can make the people of the Chu royal family shout ‘Master’?

Could it be the legendary imperial family who is aloof, like a nine-day god?

"It's the little five masters next to Master Xiao, Emperor Xiao Qing."

Chu Feng explained patiently, "Under the guidance of my master, I have corrected the evil and returned to righteousness, old lady, look, would you please say something nice for me..."

He also didn't want outsiders to know that he had a master.

But, it’s not okay to tell Mrs. Su clearly. This old guy is too smart and too suspicious. He doesn’t believe his own words later, and, if he doesn’t say it clearly, he won’t help himself. When the time comes, if he is his own After the master blamed him, he had no good fruit to eat.

"It turned out to be Emperor Xiao Qing!"

The three of the Su family stood still on the spot as if struck by lightning.

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