The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1707: Delivered by yourself

"Who hurt you?"

Emperor Xiao Qing's words were plain, but even Luo Jing could hear the terrifying killing intent contained therein.

She knew that this was a murderous intent that broke out to the person who hurt her.

Even if the man in front of him was not his brother, he had only promised his brother to help him, but he has been protecting himself in every possible way.

Luo Jing at this moment was extremely moved.

However, thinking about the crisis of the person who hurt her and the Holy Sword Sect, her expression changed drastically, "Brother Xiao, the Holy Sword Sect is in danger. There is a young man who does not know where he came from. He is very strong, even the master and Great Patriarch is not an opponent, Great Patriarch asked me to ask for help."

"Holy Sword Sect is in danger?"

Emperor Xiao Qing was stunned.

Even he didn't expect such a result.

Originally thought that Luo Jing's injury itself was the sword aura of the Holy Sword Sect, and should have something to do with the Holy Sword Sect. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the Holy Sword Sect was in danger.

"I went to see."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, still standing still, but his divine thoughts broke through the air at this moment, intending to directly tear the void to reach Liangjie Mountain to see the situation.

After three months of cultivation, no one knew how terrifying the strength of Emperor Xiao Qing had reached.

However, he had already sensed that his divine mind could shatter the void with one thought and directly reach Liangjie Mountain.

However, when he was about to go to Liangjie Mountain, he suddenly stopped.

"I came here by myself."

Divine Sense returned to the body, looking at Luo Jing and said, "Someone is coming, don't you put on your'coat'?"


Luo Jing was stunned, lowered her head to look at her soul body, and was suddenly shocked, "I am, this, isn't this my soul? How could this be..."

This is where the soul is, clearly exactly the same as her body.

Until now, she didn't realize that, even before, Emperor Xiao Qing told her that she still didn't feel anything.

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed helplessly, "The original spirit has cultivated to the level of yours, and it is no different from a physical body."


Luo Jing's primordial spirit looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and found that Emperor Xiao Qing had always turned her back to her, her face flushed, and she quickly turned her clothes on.


At the same time, the upper part of Dragon King Island was torn apart, and a young man dragged out several people who had been **** with energy into ropes.

"Is this the place you said?"

This young man is the one who is arrogant in the Holy Sword Sect.

What he was dragging was the great ancestor Tiansheng, the second ancestor Tianhuan, the lord, and Wang Mo of the Holy Sword Sect.

The four of them had messy hair, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and their faces were pale.

However, when they saw Dragon King Island, the four people who were still full of despair suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, yes, this is where the people who own the Sect Sacred Sword are, hahaha... ."

Dragon King Island is just ahead, and a sinking heart can finally be completely stable.

They believe that no one outside this Dragon King Island can hurt them.

"What are you laughing at?"

The young man frowned and looked at the four laughing people, his eyes flashing with killing intent, "Could it be that you have lost your heart?"

"Still thinking that Master Ben dare not kill you?"

Seeing that Wang Mo, a guy whose cultivation base was only a pseudo-prime divine realm, even dared to laugh so frantically, he was furious and pointed directly at Wang Mo.


A sword gas pierced through the void, and Wang Mo was about to be killed.

"You can't kill me."

However, Wang Mo spoke fearlessly, and did not put this sword aura in his eyes.


The youth snorted coldly.

However, this sword aura was suddenly blocked by an invisible energy barrier when it arrived in front of Wang Mo.

No matter how strong the sword qi was, it really couldn't hurt Wang Mo a bit.

"who is it?"

The youth's face changed, his strength had reached the peak of the Nine Heavens in the Primordial Divine Realm, and he was only a little short of being able to step into the half-step long life.

With such combat power, even a half-step long-life realm would not dare to say that it could easily block his sword energy.

However, this blow was actually blocked.

"Pretend to be a god, even dare not even show up, Ben Shao doesn't believe you can block me again."

Without sensing anyone to appear, the young man sneered, a divine sword appeared in his hand, and a sword struck Wang Mo suddenly, "Today, no matter who comes, you can't be saved."

"The person this young master is going to kill has never been able to survive."


The sword light was dazzling, and the power of the Nine Heavens merged into it, tearing through the void, and directly slashed towards Wang Mo.


However, when his confident sword aura reached Wang Mo, it instantly solidified.

Another invisible wall just blocked Wang Mo's front, blocking the young man's two successive attacks.

The young man's eyes shrank suddenly, "Who is it, blocking this young master twice in a row, do you know who I am?"

His face was cold. Although he was blocked by the opponent with these two swords, he knew that the opponent's strength was absolutely no less than his own, but he was not afraid.

"I'm the descendant of the Supreme Sword Saint. If you are interested, get out. Otherwise, as long as I give an order, there will be countless immortals who will be killed in order to please the Sword Saint ancestor without my ancestors. "

"get out."

His voice rolled, making the sea below seem to be swept by infinite sword energy, exploding one after another.

However, when this roar of anger bombarded Dragon King Island with powerful force, there was also an invisible light on the island, blocking all of this.

Still no one showed up, but all the youth's attacks would be silently blocked, everything was extremely strange.

"It's a man on this island."

The youth's expression changed, his gaze looked down at the countless people who were active on the island, and he was guilty of evil, and shouted angrily, "Since you don't come out, then this young master will slaughter your island."

"I want to see if everyone on this island has been beheaded, can you still be this tortoise with a shrunken head."


On top of his head, the world of nine-layered souls appeared, and the whole person held a sword in both hands, bursting out a earth-shattering force, and smashed directly towards the Dragon King Island below.

I have to say that although this young man seems to be a little exaggerated, his strength is considered to be a strong man in the Nine Heavens of the Origin God Realm.

This sword cuts out, even the average master of the Nine Heavens Realm, if they don't use their best efforts, they may not be able to stop it.



There was still no fluctuation in the sky over Dragon King Island, and an invisible shield directly blocked this sword energy.

Sword Qi was stuck in the air, no matter how hard this young man tried, he couldn't move forward at all. Even when he was furious, his whole figure rushed over, holding the divine sword, and suddenly slashed with a sword.

"I don't believe it, my divine sword can't cut through your broken protective shield."

No longer with sword aura, but with the sword directly to the place where the sword aura is located.


A sword smashed and merged with that sword qi, however, when he thought that this sword would definitely cut through the shield.

This invisible shield shuddered slightly, and suddenly, the power of this sword was instantly bounced back and slashed directly on his right shoulder.


Accompanied by the young man's screams, his right shoulder was shaved off, and blood splashed.

At the same time, Emperor Xiao Qing took Luo Jing out of the sky, turned his head to look at Luo Jing calmly, and asked, "Is that him?"

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