The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1715: Everyone is coming

"My lord, I have reached the realm of the fifth heaven of my physical body, how do I practice next?"

"Master, I am about to reach the sixth heaven. I feel that I am very strong. I will find a place to fight. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to control the power that improves too fast."

On Dragon King Island, Xiao Qi and other people who had already left the customs gathered beside Emperor Xiao Qing.

There was a look of worry on their faces, "Our current strength is already invincible in the secular world. If we just practice blindly, I am afraid that we will have a realm in the future, but we will not have enough combat power."

"So, it is indeed a problem."

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned slightly.

Not only did the Ten Dragon Guards face such a problem, in fact, almost everyone else on the island had such a situation. After all, their cultivation base was improved too fast, and there was no chance to use all kinds of magical powers.

Without actual combat, no matter how powerful their inheritance supernatural powers are?

In the end, it was just a matter of fact.

"It seems that it is time to find a place for you to experience."

The people on Dragon King Island had originally risen at the end of the day and in the chaos. In the past, they were under a lot of pressure. Each of them had experienced countless life and death fights and cultivated, and they were almost invincible among the same level.

But now, maybe the three are not necessarily the same level opponents of others.

"The battlefield of the heavens outside the territory can solve this problem at that time."

Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes flickered, and he was thinking that he should find time to see his uncle Xiao Zhengjing. Suddenly, there was a roar in the void, and a void crack was torn open.

Then, a group of powerful men came out from it.

The unbridled breath shook down towards Dragon King Island.

"Who dares to come to Dragon King Island to make trouble?"

Accompanied by a loud shout, on Dragon King Island, thirty-six powerhouses rushed into the sky, bursting out unmatched killing intent.

It is exactly thirty-six days.

During this period of time, they had nothing to do, and they all practiced on Dragon King Island with the help of strong spiritual energy. In addition, Emperor Xiao Qing specially let them bathe in **** blood, their physical strength has improved, and their cultivation level has reached the peak. Several have even reached the Eighth Heaven Realm of the Primordial God Realm.

"Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Sword Formation!"

With a loud shout, I remembered that thirty-six people arranged the formation together.

The immense power exploded in an instant.

"It's such a powerful force, thirty-six Yuanshen Realm Seventh Heaven, that's not right, there are also a few eighth Heavenly powerhouses who set up the next heavenly gang together, but they are very powerful.

Among a dozen young people, Jiang Zhan couldn't help but exclaimed, "Dragon King Xiao Qingdi, it's interesting."

"I have never seen these people before." Lin Yi frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

He once investigated Emperor Xiao Qing and knew that Emperor Xiao Qing had risen from the end of the era. The reason why he was able to have such strength relied on the help of the'emperor'.

But everyone around him was very weak. What he didn't expect was that there were such strong people beside Emperor Xiao Qing.

Thirty-six strong men above the seventh heaven are not terrifying. The terrible thing is that thirty-six people cultivate the thirty-six heavenly gangs. If they train well to become masters in the nineth heaven, then, with this formation, even The immortal is not necessarily the opponent.


Jiang Zhan smiled lightly, "You are too weak now."

With a wave of his hand, a monstrous force erupted, and it was about to break the 36th Heavenly Gang Formation.


However, what surprised him was that when his power bombarded the formation under the Thirty-Six Heavens Gang, it was actually blocked.

A ray of silver sword light flashed, directly blocking all his power, and then the opponent disappeared again.

"this is..."

Jiang Zhan's expression changed, "No, no..."

He looked around, and there was a bright light in his eyes. He wanted to find the owner of that sword light, but found that no matter how he looked for it, he didn't find it.

"Maybe I felt wrong, how could the silver medal killer of the Three Kings Palace appear here."

He was relieved.

The silver medal killer of the Three Kings Palace, that is extremely terrifying, if he really does it, even if he is one of the top 100 young evildoers, he may not be able to block the opponent's assassination.

"It shouldn't be a silver medal killer."

While he breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled at a young man next to him, "Xiao Yun, how about you to break the 36th Heavenly Gang Formation?"

This young man is only a cultivator in the Nine Heavens Realm, but it does not hinder his self-confidence. He smiled and nodded, his figure volleyed towards the thirty-six heavens.


The Nine Layers of Primordial God Heaven and Earth surfaced above his head, and a vast aura suddenly shook down towards the 36th Heavenly Gang Formation.


However, when the Nine Layers of Primordial God Heaven and Earth were about to squeeze the 36 people in the 36 Heavenly Gang Array, the 36 Heavenly Gang Array suddenly changed into a giant sword assaulting the sky.

A sword slashed, instantly splitting the nine-layered soul world.

"not good."

In the distance, Jiang Zhan's expression changed and he wanted to help.

However, the moment he acted, the silver sword light flashed through the void one after another, causing him to step out, the void was broken, and the whole person almost fell into the void.

Jiang Zhan was sweating on his forehead, his eyes were tightly looking at the void, his eyes were extremely solemn, "Silver medal killer, definitely silver medal killer."

"Emperor Xiao Qing has something to do with the ancient Three Kings Palace. No wonder..."

"No wonder he can grow up so quickly, but is it just retreating like this?"

While his mind was trembling, he saw an old man slowly walking out of the void with his sword lifted up, glanced at Jiang Zhan with a look of disdain, and then yelled at Longwang Island, "Little boy, did you see it? Your master, my skills are definitely the strongest in the guardian line, killing half-step immortals is like killing a chicken."

Then, triumphantly headed towards Dragon King Island.

Obviously, he did not really want to kill, but only showed it to the disciple Cui Jinhao in Dragon King Island.

"The Guardian line?" Lin Yi seemed to have thought of something, and said in a deep voice, "I know, he is Cui Xiong, a traitor in the Guardian line. Some time ago, the longevity of the Guardian line was still wanted. He didn't think he was actually in Dragon King Island."

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he almost jumped up without excitement, "Haha, Emperor Xiao Qing, this time you are dead, even if Jiang Zhan can't kill you, just take you into the guardian's traitor When the news spreads, the immortal in the guardian line will definitely not make you feel better."

In my heart proudly, I heard a scream, but after the young man named Xiao Yun Jiuzhongtiandi was split, the whole person was almost split in half, and he screamed back.

And those thirty-six heavenly gangs showed disdain and shook their heads together, "This is the so-called Nine Heavens Powerhouse? Ha ha..."

Then, the thirty-six people all turned and headed towards Dragon King Island.

They, like old drunks, are indifferent, and they leave with one strike.

Makes everyone looks extremely ugly.

Especially Jiang Zhan was even more furious, and said in a deep voice, "Dragon King Xiao Qing, if you are still a character, take the initiative to come out, stop using these little tricks, don't let me look down on you."

"With you, you are not qualified to be in the eyes of this king."

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