The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1719: Terrified

When Emperor Xiao Qing displayed his only soul, heaven and earth, all the voices completely disappeared at this moment.

Above their heads, the sky suddenly darkened.

A piece of Yuanshen heaven and earth covering a wide area of ​​more than tens of thousands of miles, just spread out, covering the sky and the earth, blocking everything.

The sun's rays disappeared.

Jiang Zhan's Yuanshen Tiandi and Changsheng Bridge did not know where they were pushed.

Everyone was dumbfounded, as if he had hell.


"This is his soul world?"

Even Okura Linglong was completely stunned.

Since she was a child, she has followed the immortals in her clan to walk among the heavens and worlds. Not only did she leave her footprints everywhere in the human world, even the worlds of the gods and demons and alien races have also traveled a lot.

She has seen all kinds of practices and countless evildoers.

However, no one was able to shock her so much.

"This is simply... beyond common sense..." Okura looked at this scene blankly, only to feel that his heart trembled.

Then, his face was full of excitement, "He has secrets, and the secrets in him are absolutely terrifying, it must be."

"I want to unearth all the secrets in him."

When she was excited, Jiang Zhan was dumbfounded, sweating on his forehead.

He was completely stunned, who was so proud.

"This, this is the soul world?"

Jiang Zhan could feel that his Changsheng Bridge and Yuanshen Heaven and Earth had been completely suppressed in the corner, and even the long life breath of the Changsheng Bridge he was proud of was compressed.

As if frightened, he didn't dare to move or release any breath.


Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, "This king has told you a long time ago, if this king releases the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth, you will be over, you just don't believe it."

He shook his head with a helpless look, "I just hope that your willpower can be as tenacious as you said, otherwise, if you are hit, you can't break through to the immortal realm, and the human race will be lost. This king is really embarrassed to be an invincible person."

I am embarrassed to say that, in fact, at this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing's primordial spirit world within a range of more than 10,000 miles revolved, and an unmatched aura blasted into Jiang Zhan's small and indispensable primordial spirit world.

As a result, Jiang Zhan's Nine Heavens Yuanshen Heaven and Earth were trembling, and even the Changsheng Bridge was shaking.

"Do not..."

Jiang Zhan felt even more frightened. What made his whole person almost scared to death was that a crack appeared on his longevity bridge because he could not withstand the power that erupted from this heavy soul of Emperor Xiao Qing.

"No no, stop, stop, I give up, I lose."

Jiang Zhan panicked completely.

Sweating profusely all over, he hurriedly begged Xiao Qing for mercy, "Your Excellency, I surrendered, please take back the soul of the soul."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Qing emperor frowned and looked at him. "How come you gave up before you start fighting?"

"I lost, I am not your opponent, please."


Another crack appeared on his Changsheng Bridge, and Jiang Zhan almost collapsed.

He trembled, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and quickly said, "Please, let me go..."

"Then, don't want the emperor?" Emperor Xiao Qing still didn't stop.

Click, click...

With repeated voices, Jiang Zhan's Changsheng Bridge, cracks constantly appeared, making his face pale and his whole body dripping with cold sweat.

At this moment, he is not as arrogant as before.

Shouted in panic, "My longevity bridge is going to be crushed, no, don't do this... please, I lost, please let me go."

"Dizhen, I don't want it anymore, as long as you can let me go, you can do whatever you want."

The longevity bridge is about to be broken, and his life may be gone. At this moment, he would not want any longevity bridge.

"it's a pity."

Emperor Xiao Qing sighed, "Originally, I thought that if you could hold on for longer, this king wouldn't mind giving you an emperor seed."

With a wave of his hand, the primordial spirit world in the range of more than 10,000 miles was put away.

The sky is bright again.

Along with the faint golden light flashing, Jiang Zhan's figure quickly appeared above, looking at his Changsheng Bridge with a distressed expression.

At this moment, Jiuzhongtiandi was almost squeezed and deformed, and the Changsheng Bridge was filled with dense cracks, as if it was about to break apart.

Moreover, his soul is not good.

The original soul, who was about to cross the Changsheng Bridge, did not know when he was squeezed back again and fell into the soul of the soul, and even cracks appeared on the soul.

This is equivalent to the fact that he didn't know how long he practiced and how much thought he had spent to cross the longevity bridge, all of which was abandoned at this moment.

Repair base, backward!


Everyone gasped.

Only Jiang Zhan, cautiously, was afraid of breaking the Changsheng Bridge and Yuanshen, wrapped in energy and sent it into his body.


In his mouth, blood was constantly spraying out, and his face became paler.

The resentment in my heart was so great that I wanted to tear Emperor Xiao Qing to pieces, but he could only turn his head and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing cautiously, "Thank you for your mercy."

At this moment, he didn't even dare to look at Emperor Xiao Qing more.

It's really terrible.

"Why? Why do other people's primordial spirit worlds are all nine layers of heaven and he is just one layer, it's Lin Yi, Lin Yi lied to me."

Jiang Zhan's heart trembled, "Lin Yi's Changsheng Bridge must have been crushed by the other party in this way, so Lin Yi deliberately didn't tell me, just to let me die, and then draw my eldest brother out."

"He knew that I definitely couldn't be the opponent's opponent, but he didn't tell me, just to let me die."

"Too disgusting."

After understanding this, Jiang Zhan glanced at Lin Yi accidentally, with a sharp killing intent in his eyes, which changed the expression of Lin Yi, who was already dumbfounded.


However, without waiting for him to speak, Jiang Zhan held his fist to Emperor Xiao Qing and said, "So, I will say goodbye. I will be destined in the future, goodbye!"

He turned around cautiously, ready to leave.

The others also turned pale, no longer daring to be the slightest madness before, but were ready to leave with Jiang Zhan.

"My king, did you let you go?"

However, when he was about to leave, he heard a calm voice coming.

I saw Emperor Xiao Qing with his hands on his back, and said leisurely, "This king's time is precious. Every time he uses the soul of the soul, he will spend infinite energy to replenish it into the soul of the soul. Who will calculate this account? ?"

"You are coming with murderous aura, you want to kill this king to **** the emperor seed. Now, if you see that you are not your opponent, you must leave as soon as possible."

"You, don't you think this is too good for you?"

"Do you think there is such a good thing in the world?"

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